Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cap-and-Trade implemented in California: another step toward endtimes socialism

Beginning Wednesday, the state of California will implement a “cap and trade” system
What is Cap and trade?

The government sets a cap on pollution, limiting the amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful output that companies, or other groups, are allowed to release. The government then issues credits which allow companies to pollute a certain amount, as long as the aggregate pollution equals less than the set cap.

 Link to video explanation:  5 min. in length
Cap-and-Trade | Prophecy in the News

Russian dissident on Obama 'flexibility' remark [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

In a recent interview, he also gave his interpretation of Obama’s remark to then-President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia that he would have more “flexibility” after the election to negotiate a new missile defense treaty.
“This means, ‘I can’t do it now, because American voters do not want it. But I don’t care what American voters want, I care what my friend Vladimir wants. I will do it. Just give me some time to fool the American voters, to pretend I am tougher than I really am, and then we will fix it, don’t worry,’” Stroilov said.

Read more:

In a recent interview, he also gave his interpretation of Obama’s remark to then-President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia that he would have more “flexibility” after the election to negotiate a new missile defense treaty.
“This means, ‘I can’t do it now, because American voters do not want it. But I don’t care what American voters want, I care what my friend Vladimir wants. I will do it. Just give me some time to fool the American voters, to pretend I am tougher than I really am, and then we will fix it, don’t worry,’” Stroilov said.

Read more:
In a recent interview, he also gave his interpretation of Obama’s remark to then-President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia that he would have more “flexibility” after the election to negotiate a new missile defense treaty.
“This means, ‘I can’t do it now, because American voters do not want it. But I don’t care what American voters want, I care what my friend Vladimir wants. I will do it. Just give me some time to fool the American voters, to pretend I am tougher than I really am, and then we will fix it, don’t worry,’” Stroilov said.

Read more:

Russian dissident on Obama 'flexibility' remark [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

‘No meteoritic or alien connection with Red rain’ falling in Sri Lanka | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


November 17, 2012SRI LANKARare showers of red rain fell for over 15 minutes in Sewanagala, Monaragala and Manampitiya, Polonnaruwa yesterday morning hours of yesterday and day before yesterday. According to Meteorology Department sources red rain fell heavily in these areas and the reason has not been found yet. Red rain in Sewanagala and Manampitiya left red frost on the ground. This is the first time red rain was witnessed in Sri Lanka. The Health Ministry Secretary informed Medical Research Institute (MRI) Director Dr Anil Samaranayake to conduct a study to ascertain the reasons for red rain by taking water samples from Monaragala and Polonnaruwa. Increase in the acidity of the air and sand storms are the usual reasons for red rain. However, there are no sand storms in Sri Lanka. India had red rain last year and Indian scientists discovered a variety of micro organisms as a reason for the rains. Since the micro organisms had no DNA, they guessed it had to be a strange phenomenon. The MRI is carrying out research to find the exact reason for red rain in Sri Lanka. –Daily News

‘No meteoritic or alien connection with Red rain’ falling in Sri Lanka | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Friday, November 16, 2012

Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement System

A recent hearing sponsored by the Treasury and Labor Departments marked the beginning of the Obama Administration’s effort to nationalize the nation’s pension system and to eliminate private retirement accounts including IRA’s and 401k plans, NSC is warning.
The hearing, held in the Labor Department’s main auditorium, was monitored by NSC staff and featured a line up of left-wing activists including one representative of the AFL-CIO who advocated for more government regulation over private retirement accounts and even the establishment of government-sponsored annuities that would take the place of 401k plans.

"This hearing was set up to explore why Americans are not saving as much for their retirement as they could," explains National Seniors Council National Director Robert Crone, "However, it is clear that this is the first step towards a government takeover. It feels just like the beginning of the debate over health care and we all know how that ended up."

Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement System

Silent Night: Christmas Lights Go Out In Europe, ‘If It Doesn’t Stop, It’s Clear As Day Where It Will All End’ « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

  “The lights are going out all over Europe. The Christmas tree lights, that is. Not all of them all at once, mind you, but one at a time – one here, one there, one Christmas season after another.

Just the other day, for example, came the news about a co-op apartment building in Kokkedal, Denmark.

Not long ago, the co-op, which has a considerable number of Muslim residents, spent 60,000 kroner (about $10,000) to celebrate the holiday of Eid. Three days afterwards, however, when the co-op board, consisting of five Muslims and four unbelievers, got together to decide whether to spend approximately 5000 kroner on a Christmas tree – a tradition in the building – they voted the proposition down. Although a ‘private donor’ later stepped in to pay for a tree, the news of the co-op board’s decision had meantime made the national news, drawing two journalists from Denmark’s TV2 who, after making their way to Kokkedal last weekend to investigate the story, found themselves under attack by a couple of dozen masked individuals who threw bricks and cobblestones at their van and called them ‘neo-Nazis.’

The tidings from Kokkedal were unpleasant enough. But then came the news that the traditional Christmas tree in the Grote Markt (Market Square) in Brussels has now also become a thing of the past. In interviews with the media, Brussels councilwoman Bianca Debaets expressed her suspicions that municipal authorities had put the kibosh on the tree for religious reasons. (Brussels, it should be noted, is at present 25% Muslim. And climbing.)

Silent Night: Christmas Lights Go Out In Europe, ‘If It Doesn’t Stop, It’s Clear As Day Where It Will All End’ « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Teachers Flock to Northwestern University for 'Marxist Conference'

This Saturday, the Midwest Marxist Conference was held at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. The event was teeming with teachers who spoke about the new found bond between the radical socialists and their Teachers Union. The all-day event, which collected money to support Chicago Socialists and featured a communist bookstore, provided students on-campus along with the radical left community to plan the next phase in their activism.

Becca Barnes, a Chicago Teachers Union teacher and organizer with Chicago Socialists, proclaimed at the beginning of the conference that “the struggle here in the United States has entered a new phase. Nowhere have we pointed the way forward more clearly than here in Chicago with the teachers union strike.”

After the opening plenary, breakout sessions addressed more specific topics like the history of the Democratic party, education, and case studies in Russia. In these sessions, speakers continued to celebrate the use of education as a mechanism to insert Marxism into public institutions. In one session, the idea of targeting their message to students, even over “the working class,” was debated.

Teachers Flock to Northwestern University for 'Marxist Conference'

Morning Bell: Do You Trust the Government with Your Computer?

 Do you trust the federal government to keep your personal data safe? What about your business’s records and trade secrets?

If you answered “no,” you have good reason—the federal government has had 13 breaches and failures of its own cybersecurity just in the last six months.

Yet the President and his allies in the Senate are pushing forward to regulate America’s cyber-doings, without any clues about how much this will cost us or how it will work.

It’s become the norm with this President—if Congress fails to accomplish his objectives, he goes around it with executive orders and federal regulations. He’s doing it again. Congress did not pass the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 before the election, so the President has issued a draft of an executive order to put much of that legislation in place without lawmakers voting.

Morning Bell: Do You Trust the Government with Your Computer?

Rush: What to expect from Obamacare - YouTube

RUSH LIMBAUGH: The Obamacare Nightmare Comes True -We're not talking about the abstract any longer. It's the law of the land.
November 13, 2012 "Even if you have a private plan from Cigna or Aetna and you paid for it yourself, the federal government will have some say over your doctors’ decisions, with an eye toward reducing health-care consumption."

Rush: What to expect from Obamacare - YouTube

A lot of energy' in Obama's meeting at White House with liberal groups -

President Obama and the heads of several labor unions and prominent liberal groups met at the White House on Tuesday at an event that was more pep rally than negotiating session.

Obama and the participants largely focused on areas on which they agree: in particular, the need to extend low tax rates for the middle class while letting them expire for wealthier households, according to people who attended the 45-minute meeting.

There was much less talk about possible areas of disagreement between Obama and his progressive partners, such as on cuts to entitlement spending.

“The president has been very clear for quite a while now on the tax cuts on the wealthiest 2 percent — that they need to be eliminated,” said Dennis Van Roekel, the head of the National Education Association (NEA). “Of course, there was no disagreement in that room.”

The meeting was billed as a chance to discuss the best ways to move the economy forward while finding a balanced approach to reduce the deficit, and it took place as lawmakers and the White House wrangle over how to handle tax hikes and spending cuts that take effect in January.

The heads of four of the nation’s largest unions —the Service Employees International Union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the NEA and the AFL-CIO — were all in attendance. So were representatives from prominent progressive groups, including the Center for American Progress and MoveOn.

Obama will host a second White House meeting on Wednesday with business leaders including the CEOs of Ford, General Electric and Wal-Mart.

News | 'A lot of energy' in Obama's meeting at White House with liberal groups - The Hill | FreedomConnector

US military looks to social nets for intelligence strategy | TechHive

Students at a U.S. military graduate school in California are mining social media with new methods that may change the way the armed forces collect intelligence overseas.
Students and researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School have tackled two projects that could begin the shift in the way intelligence is gathered. The first is a piece of software they wrote that harnesses the Twitter API (application programming interface) and the second is a project focusing on Syria that uses many social networks to look at U.S. policy options there, though civil liberties experts say the technology concerns them.

The software for Twitter, called the Dynamic Twitter Network Analysis (DTNA), is now being field-tested by three Defense Department units overseas to help gauge public opinion in some of the world's hot spots.

The software pulls in data from the public Twitter feed, then sorts it, live, by phrases, keywords or hashtags. The program is continuously updated, integrating a mapping feature and geo-tagged information. Intelligence officers could use DTNA to understand people's moods about a topic, or hopefully prevent or simply respond faster in any future U.S. embassy attacks.

The group's second project incorporates the DTNA software but also pulls in public information from Facebook, YouTube, Google and other sources to protect potential weapon-of-mass-destruction sites in Syria while the conflict there continues.

US military looks to social nets for intelligence strategy | TechHive

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Syrian JIhadists seize land in Golan Heights - Atlas Shrugs

 sraeli soldiers plug their ears as they fire shells from a French-made 155mm Horwitzer gun 17 October 1973 at the Syrian front lines on the Syrian Golan Heights, two weeks after the beginning of the Yom Kippur War 06 October 1973

At least two hundred rebel soldiers had taken over Beerajam and Bariqa, two isolated villages nestled in the buffer zone established between the two countries following the Yom Kippur war in 1973.

"The rebels are employing a clear tactic of drawing the regime forces to fight in these demilitarised areas because of the limitations on the Syrian armed forces," a military intelligence source from Israel's northern command said yesterday. "Rebels have seized control of the area north of Quneitra and the area to its south. If they are brave they will try to make a swift move to cut off Quenetra city and cut off the road to Damascus. We cannot rule that out as a next step."

The armistice agreed in 1974 prohibits the Syrian government from engaging in military activity within a buffer zone that runs along the length of the Israeli border, with a width just under six miles.

Israel has not formally taken sides in the Syrian conflict and in some quarters there are fears that a more hostile Islamist government may succeed the Assad regime.
The military officials said the rebels in control of Quneitra are members of a radical Salafist faction calling itself "Eagles of the Golan".
Syrian JIhadists seize land in Golan Heights - Atlas Shrugs

British MP Kris Hopkins ignites furor in the Commons by finally addressing the gangs of Muslim men are raping non-Muslim kids

Kris Hopkins

 Once again the BBC and UK politicians refer to Muslims in racial terms which is just plain wrong. Islam is not a race. As for a politician finally bringing this up, it is long overdue. Scores and scores of Muslim men have been indicted and convicted of child rape and trafficking on non-Muslim girls in the UK. And these convcitions are just the tip of the iceberg. And those convictions were also long overdue. The victims had been ignored by law enforcement for years despite repeated calls for help. Law enforcement was more concerned with not appearing "racist."

British MP Kris Hopkins ignites furor in the Commons by finally addressing the gangs of Muslim men are raping non-Muslim kids - Atlas Shrugs

After Election, Church Has Work To Do

There is so much more that needs to be said about this election. Where is God in all this? Did God not hear our prayers or realize that tens of thousands fasted and prayed over the last 40 days? Or is this somehow God’s judgment against America?

As Christians we have our work cut out for us. The demographics are shifting. Those who believe biblical principles are becoming the minority. We are in a democracy where the majority rules. Those who favor gambling, abortion, any sort of sexual practice, debauchery of every type actually see us as extremists to be feared are gaining every day.
Meanwhile, there is a remnant in America who love Jesus. But they seem more interested in jumping and shouting and “having church” than being salt and light.

But it isn’t just the charismatics who are complacent. I attended a “God and country” rally last Sunday at a large Baptist church. A lot of money was spent to put on the rally and others like it around Florida. It was supposedly an area-wide rally, but there were just a couple of hundred people.
That Baptist church could have filled the building just with its own congregation. And it was just preaching to those already committed to the conservative cause. I doubt any votes were changed by the rally. Not many in Orlando even knew the rally happened.

Maybe things will get so bad in America that the body of Christ will finally wake up. But will it be too late by then? Is it too late now? I feel as if we’re at a point it will take a miracle of God to turn things around.

Meanwhile, we must still be salt and light. God’s Word is still true no matter who is in the White House or who has control of Congress. People still need the Savior. We need a radical revival in this nation.
And it’s not just so one political party can be in power. It is so hearts will be changed; lives changed and a majority of our fellow countryman are energized to get this country back on the right track.

After Election, Church Has Work To Do

Can Texas Secede? Judge Napolitano says yes - YouTube

Can Texas Secede? Judge Napolitano says yes - YouTube

Texas Petition to Secede Reaches Threshold for Obama Comment - ABC News

A petition for Texas to secede from the union, submitted to the White House, reached the number of signatures needed to draw comment from the Obama administration today.

The petition appeared on a section of the White House website called "We the People" that invites users with a U.S. zip code to submit or sign petitions about policy changes they would like to see. A petition must reach 25,000 signatures within 30 days for the administration to comment on it.

The petition to "Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government," was submitted on Friday of last week. Just three days later, it zoomed past the 25,000 mark at 3:22 p.m. today and kept going.

In order to sign a petition, users must register with the site using a valid email address and entering their zip code. The site's terms of participation indicates it has mechanisms in place to block spam, but it does not say anything about verifying zip codes or state residency.

Texas Petition to Secede Reaches Threshold for Obama Comment - ABC News

Biometric Data-Gathering Sets Off a Privacy Debate

“PLEASE put your hand on the scanner,” a receptionist at a doctor’s office at New York University Langone Medical Center said to me recently, pointing to a small plastic device on the counter between us. “I need to take a palm scan for your file.” 
Biometric Data-Gathering Sets Off a Privacy Debate -

Helena hospital installing hand scanner ID device

HELENA - Patients at St. Peter's Hospital and clinics will soon have the option of enrolling in a new identification system which eliminates the need to provide photo ID at each appointment or hospital visit.

Patient Secure is currently used by 200 hospitals across the nation. The system scans the patient's vein pattern of their right hand which is then fed into a computer.

St. Peter's Hospital is hoping to secure the identity of its patients by implementing a new hand-scanning system.

Patient Access director Kolene Gardner explained, "What this is, it's a biometric scan of your palm. Your palm is the same from the time you are born until you pass."

Helena hospital installing hand scanner ID device | | Missoula, Montana

Synthetic skin: The artificial material that can heal itself (and could be used on fragile mobile phone screens) | Mail Online

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Magnitude 6 4 earthquake strikes Gulf of Alaska

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Magnitude 6 4 earthquake strikes Gulf of Alaska

Here come the humanoids. There go U.S. jobs

TUCSON, Ariz.--Rethink Robotics founder Rodney Brooks took to the stage at the Techonomy conference here to talk about the wonders of his new robot, Baxter, which is designed to work on factory floors doing dull and necessary tasks. He costs just $25,000 and works for what amounts to $4 an hour.
Baxter is a step forward in robotics with mass potential. It has a face and sensors to tell it when people are near. It's about as close to a humanoid robot as we can get, and Brooks said it's just the beginning.

"Within 10 years, we're going to see humanoid robots," said Brooks, who was a co-founder of iRobot, maker of iRoomba, the vacuum cleaner robot.

Here come the humanoids. There go U.S. jobs | Internet & Media - CNET News

UPS stops funding Boy Scouts due to group’s anti-gay policies | GlobalPost

The UPS Foundation has decided to stop giving charitable grants to the Boy Scouts of America until the group lifts its ban on gays and lesbians joining the organization as scouts and scout leaders, the Associated Press reported.
The UPS Foundation donated $150,000 to the Boy Scouts in 2010, according to the AP.

This past July, following a two-year review of its rules, a Boy Scouts committee chose to continue the group’s policy of excluding gay members, prompting criticism from civil rights groups and some current and former scouts.

UPS stops funding Boy Scouts due to group’s anti-gay policies | GlobalPost

Church Demolished: Russia's Fading Religious Freedom

Russian Church
(Note:  in the city of Moscow, Pastor Rick Renner has built a tremendous and powerful church that is seeing people saved every week....they have 5 services on Sunday.....let us pray for many people to be reached all throughout Russia in the time that is left for laboring.  If Pastor Renner's church is ever shut down, we will know that the darkness has truly finished descending on Russia.)

A recent nighttime raid and destruction of an evangelical church outside Moscow raised concerns that religious freedom is fading in Russia.

That's because police simply watched as dozens of men with heavy machinery demolished the Holy Trinity Pentecostal congregation.

Some fear its part of a threatening pattern against Russia's evangelical Christians.

Church Demolished: Russia's Fading Religious Freedom

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bahrain police fire tear gas to disperse Shi'ites: witnesses | Reuters

The island country has been volatile since majority Shi'ite Muslims began protesting last year against what they say is widespread discrimination, a charge the Sunni-led government denies.

Shi'ite leaders had called for people to turn out to support Sheikh Issa Qassim in his village of Diraz, west of the capital Manama, after the government warned clerics not to criticize the government or incite violence.

Bahraini authorities were not immediately available to comment on Friday. But the call for mass prayers appeared to flout a ban on rallies and protests announced by the interior ministry last month.

Riot police prevented media and non-residents from reaching Diraz on Friday morning, blocking off all roads and highways. Some arrests were made, witnesses said.

Bahrain police fire tear gas to disperse Shi'ites: witnesses | Reuters

Alabama Governor to Block State Health Exchange? – Tenth Amendment Center Blog

On Nov. 6, Alabama voters chose to nullify the federal government’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obama-Care.  Opponents of this move – including most of the local media – tried to paint a picture of “federal trumps state”, and “this is a lost cause”, but the voters held true and passed Amendment 6, nullifying health care mandates.
I checked local news sources for backlash and found a press release from Alabama Governor Robert Bentley.  It reads in part…
“The worst piece of legislation that has ever been passed in my lifetime by Congress is this quote ‘Affordable Health Care Act,’” he said. “It is not affordable and it is not health care. It is the worst — ah, I said that. I don’t have to say it twice.”
“They have made a mistake in the bill,” he said. “When they wrote the bill, they only talked about state exchanges. So if I refuse — like a lot of conservative governors are doing — to set up a state exchange, then it’s going to throw a monkey wrench in all of the stuff that’s going on. And I’m telling you folks, the states may be the last great hope — to be the firewall — against the implementation of this health care bill.”
It appears Gov. Bentley is not swayed by the SCOTUS decision at all.  He stands with his people and stands up for the 10th Amendment.

To continue reading:

Alabama Governor to Block State Health Exchange? – Tenth Amendment Center Blog

RadsDocDancer: Dr. Richard Amerling: Physicians’ Declaration of Independence

Dr. Richard Amerling: Physicians’ Declaration of Independence

In resistance to the tyrannical oppression of America's preening Monarch, King Obama I,  and the imminent destruction of  the medical profession and the doctor-patient relationship by legions of federal bureaucratic over-lords under ObamaCare, Dr. Richard Amerling of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons has eloquently  penned the  Physicians’ Declaration of Independence :

"When in the Course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one Profession to dissolve the Financial Arrangements which have connected them with Medicare, Medicaid, assorted Health Maintenance Organizations, and diverse Third Party Payers and to assume among the other Professions of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

 To continue reading....

RadsDocDancer: Dr. Richard Amerling: Physicians’ Declaration of Independence

Ancient Roman Giant Found—Oldest Complete Skeleton With Gigantism

It's no tall tale—the first complete ancient skeleton of a person with gigantism has been discovered near Rome, a new study says.

At 6 feet, 8 inches (202 centimeters) tall, the man would have been a giant in third-century A.D. Rome, where men averaged about 5 and a half feet (167 centimeters) tall. By contrast, today's tallest man measures 8 feet, 3 inches (251 centimeters).

Finding such skeletons is rare, because gigantism itself is extremely rare, today affecting about three people in a million worldwide. The condition begins in childhood, when a malfunctioning pituitary gland causes abnormally growth.Two bones.

Ancient Roman Giant Found—Oldest Complete Skeleton With Gigantism

Texas Megachurch Pastor Says Obama Will 'Pave Way' for Antichrist

Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas.

A Texas megachurch pastor recently claimed that President Barack Obama's re-election victory would lead to the rise of the Antichrist.

Robert Jeffress, senior pastor at the First Baptist Church in Dallas, made remarks on Sunday before the election that should Obama win, his victory would lead to the reign of the Antichrist.
"I want you to hear me tonight, I am not saying that President Obama is the Antichrist, I am not saying that at all. One reason I know he's not the Antichrist is the Antichrist is going to have much higher poll numbers when he comes," said Jeffress.
"President Obama is not the Antichrist. But what I am saying is this: the course he is choosing to lead our nation is paving the way for the future reign of the Antichrist."
Texas Megachurch Pastor Says Obama Will 'Pave Way' for Antichrist

Space-station commander controls Lego robot on Earth with futuristic network| PC World Magazine New Zealand

 Late last month in Germany, a robot made its first moves on Earth under commands from an orbiting spacecraft.

Though that may sound ominous, it doesn't represent an impending threat to humankind. The robot was made of Lego, and it only traversed a European Space Agency test facility. The commands were sent by Sunita Williams, commander of the 33rd expedition of the International Space Station. The ESA-led experiment may have helped lay the groundwork for future expeditions to the Moon, Mars and beyond.

Space-station commander controls Lego robot on Earth with futuristic network| PC World Magazine New Zealand

Global row as UN body vies for internet control - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

n the 2006 census 61 per cent of households had an Internet connection.

A global row has broken out over who should control and profit from the internet, after a draft proposal by a United Nations body was published online.

The little-known UN body, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), is pushing to regulate the internet, and has suggested a range of reforms which would potentially stifle free speech and make users pay extra to use things like Skype and email.

Australia and the United States have already signalled their concerns about the plan, which experts say could allow countries to shut down the internet if they felt sensitive information might be made public.

Global row as UN body vies for internet control - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

33,000 tons of quake debris to reach N. America by June 2013- 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- The Environment Ministry said Friday it is expecting around 33,000 tons of debris washed away by tsunamis caused by the March 2011 earthquake in northeastern Japan to reach the western coast of North America by next June, slightly revising its earlier estimate made seven months ago.

The movement of the debris is now found to be slower than initially predicted, the agency said, following its analysis of more recent data including the ocean current and wind direction through June. Its April estimate said 41,300 tons would move across the Pacific by February 2013.

33,000 tons of quake debris to reach N. America by June 2013- 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

Evangelical on Election: America Adopted Evil; It's OK to Grieve

Mat Staver, an evangelical who defends religious liberty, marriage and the sanctity of life in legal matters, is genuinely concerned about the soul of America following Tuesday's election – so much so that he believes it's appropriate to grieve.

"The event we have just witnessed was far more than a general election – it was a referendum on the soul of America," he wrote in a statement Thursday. "We grieve today like we have lost a friend or a close relative. Millions of Americans looked evil in the eye and adopted it."

After Americans voted to give President Barack Obama a second term - Obama won both the Electoral College and the popular vote - Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, concluded that the soul of America is sick.
Four years ago, Americans did not know much about Obama when they elected him as the first black U.S. president in 2008.


Evangelical on Election: America Adopted Evil; It's OK to Grieve

Newsweek cover depicts Obama as Napoleonic, calls GOP old, white, history - National Elections |

Newsweek cover depicts Obama as Napoleonic conquerer, calls GOP, "old, white and history."
Newsweek, the magazine that once depicted Obama as "god of all things," released the cover of its Obama victory edition on Thursday, depicting the president as a conquering general complete with sword and uniform while portraying the Republican Party as "old, white" and "history."

Newsweek apparently wasn't content with a racist message that discriminates against the elderly. Emblazoned on the cover is the caption: "The Obama Conquest."

Newsweek cover depicts Obama as Napoleonic, calls GOP old, white, history - National Elections |

Alec Baldwin Says 2012 Is End of ‘White, Middle Aged, Christian, Male Dominance’ |

Alec Baldwin Says 2012 Is End of White, Middle Aged, Christian, Male Dominance
Alec Baldwin might play high-flying conservative executive Jack Donaghy on the hit show “30 Rock,” but don’t let that fool you – the actor himself is an acid-tongued liberal. And with a recent tweet, Baldwin has simultaneously reminded us just how sharp his tongue can be and how shrill his liberalism can be.

Tweeting at former actress and current conservative pundit Janine Turner, Baldwin took his turn as the most recent liberal to gloat over the victory of President Barack Obama. However, Baldwin’s reason for this gloating may strike some as more than a little odd.

Alec Baldwin Says 2012 Is End of ‘White, Middle Aged, Christian, Male Dominance’ |