Saturday, October 5, 2013

Those of you who visit this blog from various places in the world, I want to give you more than just prophetic news.  I want to give you the Good News that Jesus saves, heals and delivers.  If you aren't familiar with the healing ministry of John G. Lake,  (passed away in 1935), who was one of the founding members of the Divine Healing, Baptism of the Holy Spirit movement of the early 1900's, do a Google search on him and read some of his sermons.  You don't get food like this many places today:
John G. Lake, Triune Salvation sermon: "For 15 years God has let me move among all manner of contagious diseases, and I have never taken one of them. The devil could not make me take them. I have prayed with smallpox patients when the pustules would burst under the touch of my hands. I have gone home to my wife and babies and never carried contagion to them. I was in the 'secret place of the Most High." Indeed contact with diphtheria, smallpos, leprosy, and even bubonic plague, and the whole range of diseases was in line of my daily work in connection with the work of the Apostolic Church of South Africa.
"Behold, I give you power....over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall be any means hurt you", (Luke 10:19). So the prayer of the apostle comes to us with a fresh understanding: "I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body bre preserved blameless (without corruption, defilement) unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it", (1 Thess. 5:23-24).

AFP: Man sets himself on fire at Washington's National Mall

(What can be said to such an incident happening here in this country?)
AFP: Man sets himself on fire at Washington's National Mall

Jewish Publications Publish Muslim Writer's Whitewash of Islamic Antisemitism - Atlas Shrugs

(Previous posting on Atlas Shrugs about the writer of the article regarding Jewish Temple being rebuilt, one of these days her choice will come because there is no such thing as 'moderate Islam', but she is a tool right now in promoting the conditions that will fulfill Biblical Prophecy)

Sinem Tezyapar was so proud of this article that she sent it to me directly. I read it with great interest, as we're constantly told by Muslim and non-Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. that when jihadis justify their violence by referring to the Qur'an and Sunnah that they are misinterpreting and misunderstanding those sources, and that they really teach peace and tolerance. But rare indeed is a detailed explanation of exactly how the Qur'an and Sunnah teach peace and tolerance. So I read this to see if it could fill that gap. No such luck.

In this entire lengthy piece that purports to establish that Islam "does not command war against Jews," Tezyapar never mentions Qur'an 5:82, which designates the Jews "the most hostile of men to the believers." She never mentions 5:51, which tells Muslims not to take Jews or Christians as friends and protectors. She never mentions Sahih Muslim 6985, in which Muhammad says that “the last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.”

Jewish Publications Publish Muslim Writer's Whitewash of Islamic Antisemitism - Atlas Shrugs

The Jewish Press » » A New Muslim Vision: Rebuilding Solomon’s Temple Together

The Temple as seen in the Holyland Model of Jerusalem, a 21,520 sq. ft., 1:50 scale-model of the city of Jerusalem in the late Second Temple Period.

 (The rebuilding of the Third Temple is key to the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy, a huge 'marker' along the road to the Second Coming of Christ)
Read on:
The Jewish Press » » A New Muslim Vision: Rebuilding Solomon’s Temple Together

Fighting Between Rebels Intensifies Over a Strategic Town in Syria -

The conflict over the town, Azaz, has shuttered a Turkish border crossing long used to supply the rebel movement and heightened tensions between rebels who seek the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad and extremists who want to erase Syria’s borders and establish a transnational Islamic state
Fighting Between Rebels Intensifies Over a Strategic Town in Syria -

MANZOOR MOGHAL: Veils, segregated schools and why we risk sowing the seeds of Islamic terror in Britain | Mail Online

Controversial: It came to light last week that female members of staff, pictured outside Al-Madinah School, are being forced to wear hijabs

Read more:
MANZOOR MOGHAL: Veils, segregated schools and why we risk sowing the seeds of Islamic terror in Britain | Mail Online

British Education: Creeping Sharia :: Gatestone Institute


 Many Muslim groups...have been marketing themselves as "inter-faith" schools in an effort to qualify for [free school] government funding. More then 80 free schools -- at least a dozen of which are catering specifically to Muslim students -- are currently operating in Britain and another 200 are in the planning stage.

A taxpayer-funded Muslim school in England has inflamed public anger after it emerged that the institution is operating according to Islamic Sharia law.
Islamic fundamentalists running the Al-Madinah School in Derby, an industrial city in central England, have ordered all female teachers -- including those who are not Muslim -- to cover their heads and shoulders with a hijab, an Islamic scarf.

In addition to the strict dress code, pupils have been banned from singing songs, playing musical instruments, or reading fairy tales, activities deemed to be "un-Islamic," according to non-Muslim staff members at the school.

Girls as young as four are required to sit at the back of the classroom, behind the boys, regardless of whether they can properly see the chalkboard. Girls must also wait for all the boys to get their lunches before they can eat
When teaching children the alphabet, staff are prohibited from associating the letter 'P' with the word "pig." Female staff are banned from wearing jewelry and are instructed to avoid shaking hands with male teachers to prevent "insult." Naturally, all non-halal food is outlawed at the school.

Continue reading:
British Education: Creeping Sharia :: Gatestone Institute

Monday, September 30, 2013

Titanic victim's burial @ sea pic to be auctioned

First picture: Records show that 166 out of 306 bodies from the Titanic retrieved by the Mackay Bennett were buried at sea. The ship's priest, the Reverend Hind, is seen conducting the service in front of the crew
 Click to read more:
Rare picture of Titanic victims shows prayers being said over their bodies before they are buried at sea | Mail Online

Westgate Mall attack and an Islamic Reality

 David Wood of Answering Muslims has posted a very informative video in which he analyzes the Nairobi Westgate Mall terror attack relative to what the Qur’an says. Western leaders like British Prime Minister David Cameron continue to deny reality and Wood nails him on it. The truth is simple to understand – unless you’re a politician. Al-Shabaab was acting in accordance to the dictates of their religion.

Click for link to blog and video:

Westgate Mall attack and an Islamic Reality | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat

U.S. gives Iranian president a 2,700-year-old artifact worth over $1 million


There is nothing wrong with the U.S. returning an item that had been looted in the first place. The problem is that the Infidels are the ones who are always making gestures of good will, granting concessions, etc. These gestures are never, ever reciprocated: Islamic supremacists expect the Infidels to pay tribute, but would never dream of doing it themselves.

Read on:
U.S. gives Iranian president a 2,700-year-old artifact worth over $1 million - Jihad Watch