Friday, May 8, 2015

Jade Helm 15 cancelled in two Texas counties......

Jade Helm 15 Cancelled in Two Texas Counties; Remaining Texans Wary

Military exercises in local communities and counties.  Indications of One World Government to come?

(statements at bottom of article, click link below to read entire article)
The astute reader will note that the residents quoted above were not identified — by their own insistence. Perhaps their positions can best be summarized by the thoughts of a Bastrop County resident who once lived in South America and other environs abroad, and who also asked to remain anonymous. The resident declared,
What bothered me most [about Jade Helm] was that people didn’t know about it. This is how it started in my country [before its takeover]. The military became a presence more powerful than government instead of the other way around.
And the first thing that raises my hackles now is that Jade Helm forces will be in plain clothes. In my country, that was a way to ease residents’ fears and become friendly with them. [Military personnel] would then expect assistance from locals, and determine their level of loyalty by getting close to them — but people didn’t have a way to know who they were! The military was learning whom they could trust.
And people were encouraged to report anything that could be construed as subversive. It planted the idea that to be against the government was to be a conspirator. The result was that people learned not to dissent. [They] would not speak the truth, even if they disagreed with what they saw.
Eventually, when the middle class disappeared, the only ones left were those who would comply. They thought they had too much to lose, but the only thing they lost was the only thing that mattered: freedom, which they thought they were defending. No one wanted to be seen as opposing the military, or having a differing opinion. 
I don’t know if that’s what’s happening here, but this is how it starts.