Wednesday, July 10, 2013

NLI S of P Course 1: “Man the spirit”, Class 12: Spirit, soul & body a sermon by John G. Lake | The Call of the Soul .... spreading the Fire of Life In Christ

John G Lake
 “A comprehensive vision of the relationship of man and God is best realized through attention to the prayer of the apostle:  I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Thess. 5:23.  In this prayer we have a clear recognition of the entire man, and this prayer could well be construed as highly scientific, in that it touches the three great sciences of physiology, psychology, and pneumatology”, (John G. Lake).  This statement represents the substance of today’s lesson.

Click link to listen to lesson and access PDF files of Lake's sermon:

NLI S of P Course 1: “Man the spirit”, Class 12: Spirit, soul & body a sermon by John G. Lake | The Call of the Soul .... spreading the Fire of Life In Christ

Tidal Wave of Good News | World History Institute

In 1925 Olympic gold medalist Eric Liddell left the fame and fortune of professional athletics to dedicate his life as a missionary to China.
There is a tidal wave of Christianity spreading in nation after nation as never before in history. Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world today. True faith is spreading and modern secularism is failing. 

In Brazil there were not enough evangelicals to notice several decades ago; now there are 50 million new believers. More than 480 million people in South America embrace their true King. In Asia there are now 313 million voluntary members of Christ’s Kingdom. An estimated 100 million Christians in China worship in underground churches. In Africa, there were only 10 million Christians in 1900; now there are 360 million

China will likely become the largest Christian nation in the world within a few decades, according to David Aikman. Aikman has spent a lifetime covering the Iron and Bamboo Curtain countries and their progressive fall into the arms of Jesus. Aikman observed in his book Jesus in Beijing that Christianity is that unstoppable, loving movement that causes entire nations, like China and the Iron Curtain countries, to eventually rise up and throw off their oppressors, overturning the global balance of power. Aikman said that Czechoslo- vakia, as if the nation were one person, cast off her communist oppressors in a week.

Today there are 560 million Europeans and 260 million Americans who are at least nominally Christian, and tens of millions of these are still holding forth the true faith. However, the believers in the developing countries are immersed in the world of the Bible often more than the devout Christians in the West. Even though 200 million of these believers face persecution and most are under dictatorships, they are spreading Christ’s kingdom with passion and sacrifice.

Tidal Wave of Good News | World History Institute

Still Time to Stop Al Jazeera America

Al Jazeera is under scrutiny for subversion in Egypt, and facing a mutiny from its own reporters over supporting the Muslim Brotherhood there. But The Washington Post assures us in a story that the channel’s official launch in the United States is on August 20, and its coverage, will be different.
Philip Seib, author of The Al Jazeera Effect, is quoted as saying, “I don’t think you’ll see al-Jazeera America touting the Muslim Brotherhood. It will be more like CNN.”
But the foreign owners in Qatar will remain the same, and that is part of the problem. Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey has said that Al Jazeera’s purchase of Al Gore’s Current TV should be the subject of a congressional inquiry because of the channel’s foreign sponsorship.
As Accuracy in Media has been reporting for over six years, the anti-American channel works hand-in-glove with the Muslim Brotherhood and its associated terrorist groups, including al Qaeda and Hamas. Nothing has changed. In fact, Al Jazeera has become more open about its work as a foreign policy instrument of Qatar, including the promotion of al Qaeda-linked terrorist groups in Syria.

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Still Time to Stop Al Jazeera America