Saturday, December 10, 2011

"What should you expect from political candidates?"

  • Integrity
  • Cuts wasteful spending
  • Common sense
  • A good steward of money
  • Someone who listens
  • Strong leadership ability
  • Quick problem solving

"The Constitution is dead....the gradual transition toward an Orwellian police state"

Many in America still believe that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that politicians, both Republican and Democrat alike, still hold that view and ensure that any and all legislation passed does not violate it. However, in today’s America, the Constitution is effectively a null and void document, nothing more than a symbol politicians pay lip service to.
The destruction of the Constitution began soon after 9/11 when the Patriot Act was pushed through Congress. In the heat of the moment it seemed as if the legislation was meant to protect us from terrorism, however it was later revealed that certain provisions blatantly violated the First, Fourth, and Sixth Amendments. [1] Interestingly enough, however, this didn’t stop the Senate from to extending the Patriot Act earlier this year [2]. In doing this, the government revealed just how much they respect the Constitution.

"How do GOP wannabes stack up?"

Has your favorite candidate for the GOP presidential nomination expressed concern about the rise of Islamic law in America?
Does he or she support U.S. membership in the United Nations and its Agenda 21 programs?
What position is held regarding U.S. support for Israel, closing down the Internal Revenue Service and the 2nd Amendment right to have and bear arms?

Read more: How do GOP wannabes stack up? Find out here!

"Supplication....the type of prayer for our times"

David Wilkerson Today


by David Wilkerson
[May 19, 1931 - April 27, 2011]

The word supplication (see Zechariah 12:10) is never used in the Bible except
to denote a cry or prayer that is vocalized. In other words, it is not private
or meditative. Supplication has to do with the voice!

The Hebrew word for supplication signifies “an olive branch wrapped with
wool, or some kind of cloth, waved by a supplicant seeking peace or
surrender.” These were called “branches of supplication.” Simply put,
they were flags that signified a cry of total, unconditional surrender.

Picture a battle-weary soldier, ragged and worn, tired and overwhelmed, stuck
in a foxhole of self-will. He is all alone, weary and haggard, and has come to
the end of himself. He breaks a branch off a tree and ties his white undershirt
to it, lifts it, and crawls out of his foxhole, crying, “I surrender—I give

That is supplication! It says, “I surrender! I can’t fight this battle
anymore. I’m lost and despairing.”

Supplication is not just calling on God to do what you want. It is not begging
and pleading with Him to assist you in your plans. On the contrary, it is a
total giving up of your will and your way!

For centuries Christians have called on God while full of self-will, begging
and crying, “O God, send me here, send me there, give me this, give me
that.” But in the last days the Holy Spirit is going to fall with great power
to produce a sense of spiritual bankruptcy. We will wake up to the fact that
even with all our money, brains, programs, ministries, and plans, we have not
even touched this world. The truth is, the church has lost ground and become
weak and pitiful.

There must be surrender! Our cries must be accompanied by a willingness to give
up everything in our life that is unlike Jesus Christ.

Daniel’s prayer demonstrates what supplication is all about: “Now
therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications, and
for the Lord’s sake cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary, which is
desolate. O my God, incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes and see our
desolations, and the city which is called by Your name; for we do not present
our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of
Your great mercies” (Daniel 9:17-18).


"Hal Lindsey Report 12.9.11"

December 9th, 2011

This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'
Do you remember how I've often told you that the march toward the rise of the Antichrist will mostly be slow, but inexorable? Remember, too, how I've said that each new development that paves the way in the end times scenario will seem imminently logical, rational, even necessary at the moment? In other words, conditions on the ground will make the decisions taken almost irresistible.

A recent example of this is the economic chaos currently enveloping our world. As nation after nation faces fiscal collapse, the calls for a centralized system to control the chaos are growing. For many -- even some of the smartest among us -- a single world authority to control the interlocked global economy seems to be the only solution. Now, the ancient prophets didn't specify exactly why otherwise sensible and intelligent people would accept the total authority of a single man in the last days, they just said that they would. Well, now we can begin to clearly see how that could happen. And when it does, it will be thought to be totally logical, rational, even necessary.

Another example of this inexorable move toward the control of the populace that will be necessary to implement a one-world government occurred right here in the United States just last week. When all is said and done, it may not stand as law, but just the fact that it happened is important.

The U.S. Senate last week passed S.1867 by a vote of 93-7. That bill, known as The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, authorizes the budget authority of the Defense Department for 2012. Whether or not you agree with the fiscal make-up or future implications of that budget, here's the critical part. At the last moment, an amendment, drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin and John McCain, was added to the bill. That amendment authorizes the use of the US military to arrest and detain people -- including American citizens -- suspected of terrorist activities. Here's where it gets alarming. For the first time, it authorizes the use of US armed forces for domestic law enforcement within the United States! Further, it allows the military to hold detainees in military facilities for indefinite periods, without charges, and without due process.

It's possible that the reasoning followed this line: One of the greatest weapons that Islamic terrorists -- especially homegrown or newly radicalized ones -- use against the United States is America's tradition of domestic liberty and freedom of movement and association. Now before you fist pump and yell, "Atta boy! Arrest those terrorists wherever you find them!", consider this: Who determines who's a "terrorist?" In this amendment, apparently the White House gets to make that call.

Uh-oh. If you take just a quick look at the Department of Homeland Security's list of potential terrorists, you'll find Christian extremists, Jewish extremists, anti-immigration extremists, anti-abortion extremists, tax resisters, members of the alternative media, gun owners, former members of the military, and people who stockpile gold or silver. I don't think the "Tea Party" is listed, but it someday might be. Just this week in England, for instance, the government designated some members of the "Occupy London" movement as domestic terrorists.

Hopefully, the media exposure and public outcry will get this provision removed from the final bill, but it nonetheless illustrates how easily these kinds of repressive measures can be implemented. It must have seemed "logical, rational, even necessary" since 93 of our 100 senators voted in favor of it.

The Middle East seems to be headed for war. Here's a brief look at recent developments: The latest statements by the leaders of Israel, Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah suggest that both sides are not just poised for war in the next few weeks, it's a forgone conclusion. Both Israel and Syria are conducting intensive war games exercises. Israel's air force is also conducting long-range training missions with NATO forces based in Italy.

The United States has moved an aircraft carrier and strike force into the Mediterranean opposite Syria. Russia responded by airlifting 72 of its lethal ship-killer missiles to Syria and dispatched its only aircraft carrier and support group to lie off the Syrian coast. The US then withdrew its carrier from the danger zone, but has apparently moved another carrier group into position off the coast of Iran.

Several international newspapers are reporting that Saudi Arabia is so concerned about the progress of Iran's nuclear weapons program that it has secretly agreed to allow Israel's air force to overfly its territory in a strike on Iran. In fact, observers say that the Saudis have actually practiced "standing down" their air defense system.

Analysts report that the United States also seems to be stepping up its expansion of military ties with the Persian Gulf states that oppose Iran.

I don't believe that what we're seeing take shape now will become the predicted "Gog-Magog" war. This means that whatever action Israel and others may take against Iran will still leave it a viable nation. The Bible says that Iran will later join a military confederacy with Russia against Israel. Also, Ezekiel says that at the time of the Gog-Magog war, Israel will be living in peace and security without feeling the need for "bars nor gates." Obviously, that does not describe Israel's situation today -- or any other day since its founding in 1948.

It's possible that if Israel strikes Iran and scores a military victory, it will experience the same post-victory response that the United States experienced after the Gulf War in 1991. Though most of the Arab world hated and feared Saddam Hussein -- and cheered when we defeated him -- the ease with which we accomplished the victory inspired both fear and jealousy. Some of those who sided with us then are our adversaries now. And since Israel already has so few friends and allies in the world, if it "defeats" Iran and suffers the same post-victory alienation, it will probably become totally isolated from the world. And that will make it an even more compelling target for its enemies -- just as the ancient prophets foretold.

Friday, December 9, 2011

“Merkozy” Letter to EU: Now Is the Time to Strip Countries of Sovereignty

“Merkozy” Letter to EU: Now Is the Time to Strip Countries of Sovereignty

Stealth Jihad Makes Inroads in Australia

Stealth Jihad Makes Inroads in Australia

Obama in for a Radical Change as Islamist Egypt Emerges

Obama in for a Radical Change as Islamist Egypt Emerges

Pay By Hand - Vein Scanners Will Speed Up Cashless Society

Pay By Hand - Vein Scanners Will Speed Up Cashless Society

'Real' Christian Churches in US Forced to Go Underground Soon?

'Real' Christian Churches in US Forced to Go Underground Soon?

Evangelical Churches Growing Fast in Switzerland

Morning Bell: Whitewashing History, Obama Style

If U.S. history is a painting on a giant canvas, President Barack Obama’s speech this week in Osawatomie, Kansas, is a thick coat of whitewash layered all over it, and the failure of the last three years lies underneath. The President’s pretense is that, no, it’s not Obamanomics that has caused persistent unemployment, stunted growth and record deficits–it’s supply side economics!
Talk about audacity. 

The Osawatomie Speech: A Defining Moment In History

I am not a fan of Barack Obama, but I have not criticized him as harshly as many other writers do. I have a different view of him. I see him as a rather run of the mill Progressive/Liberal who firmly believes his ideology and acts somewhat consistently on those ideas. Rather than pillory him personally, my approach has been to criticize the philosophy of which he is a product. In my mind, it’s all about ideas. I detest his ideas because I believe they are anti-intellectual and they don’t work.
There are many like Mr. Obama out there. His admirers perceive themselves as being the “downtrodden”, envious of the accomplishments and wealth of those whose abilities they cannot match. I get that: if you can’t achieve it, take it from those who can. Even those limousine liberals who have wealth and accomplishment perceive themselves as either being guilty of their wealth or come from backgrounds where these ideas are passed along. Mr. Obama is no different than any other politician: he seeks power and admiration and the ability to impose his ideas on America. 

Rush Limbaugh: Obama publicly 'outed' himself

PALM BEACH, Fla. – Radio giant Rush Limbaugh says Barack Obama has "outed" himself as a "dumb," anti-American socialist and perhaps Marxist after the president delivered a speech suggesting the American way of life has "never worked."
"After the three years, the cat's out of the bag," Limbaugh said this afternoon."After three years, everybody now knows why I wanted you to fail. Everybody that heard that speech now knows that you said America as founded has never worked. You have outed yourself, Barack, if I may call you that. You've come out. Maybe you'll be on the cover of the next Advocate (a homosexual magazine) because you just outed yourself, sir. You have nothing but contempt for this country."

Morning Bell: The Last Incarnation of Barack Obama

If there was any doubt where President Barack Obama’s ideological heart lies, yesterday he let it be known loud and clear in a wide-ranging speech in Osawatomie, Kansas. President Obama is at his core a dyed-in-the-wool progressive who sees the federal government as the answer to all of America’s problems. And he is charging full steam ahead on this far-left course toward Election Day 2012, despite the total failure of his big-government policies and an American people who have flatly rejected the message he is trying to sell. 

"Verdicts for pastors who preached of sin"

A Houston, Texas, court system managed by an "out" lesbian judge has dismissed municipal tickets that had been written against two pastors who were preaching against sin, including homosexuality, on a prominent street corner.
The verdicts came today in a bench trial for David Stokes of and Dave Allen of

"Senate Defense Bill Repeals Military Law Against Sodomy, Sex With Animals'

Recently passed Senate legislation would make sodomy and sex with animals legal under military law, ending long-standing prohibitions and triggering cries of perversion from conservative groups.
The bill, which the Senate passed 93-7 last week, would repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which states that any person who engages in "unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy." Those found guilty of sodomy would be subject to court-martial.

'Super cycle' ahead for recession-weary lumber sector: analyst"

One of North America’s largest exporter of logs warns that a timber supply “shock” is fast approaching that will lead to significantly higher prices for logs and lumber as early as 2014.
“There will be some real tightness in softwood going forward and who gets it will be based on ability to pay,” Reid Carter, managing partner of Brookfield Timberlands, told an online seminar Wednesday. Carter was speaking on the future of log exports to China, but branched out into the longer-term timber supply crisis he sees in North America.

Read more:

"European banks need extra bns of euros to survive"

European banks need an extra 114.7bn euros (£97.7bn) to survive the eurozone debt crisis, the region's banking authority has said.

The European Banking Authority said the overall shortfall, including an emergency capital buffer, is 13.1bn euros (£11.1bn) for German banks and 7.3bn euros (£6.2bn) for French banks.
Meanwhile in Spain, the shortfall comes to 26.2bn euros (£22.3bn) and 15.4bn euros (£13.1bn) for those in Italy.
The banks now need to raise that capital and have until January 20 to present their plans - and until mid-June to complete them.
It comes as the European Central Bank said it would offer cheaper loans for banks struggling amid the financial crisis.

"Maastricht treaty authors question viability of Euro"

The euro was conceived 20 years ago today, but now even Maastricht questions its survival.

"Worldwide Recession/Depression of 2012"

In case you haven’t noticed, the rest of the world continues to slow down and the negative data is accelerating. The big powerhouses of the world, the eurozone including Germany, Japan, and China are leading this trend and there is no reason to believe that the U.S. will not follow.
I’ve been writing about this theme frequently lately because, while we are seeing some positive numbers here in the U.S., we are also seeing signs of weakness starting to show up, and since we live in a world of international trade, the world’s woes will hit us.
The first thing to note about this phenomenon is that the central banks of the world, including the Fed, have been doing all they can to support their economies with plentiful money. According to a recent Bloomberg article, “Central banks across five continents are undertaking the broadest reduction in borrowing costs since 2009 to avert a global economic slump stemming from Europe’s sovereign-debt turmoil.”