Saturday, August 24, 2013

Egyptians protest against Muslim Brotherhood at White House, Washington Post - Jihad Watch

Egyptians protest against Muslim Brotherhood at White House, Washington Post

All Americans should have joined them. All free people should have joined them. "Coptic Christians March on White House, Washington Post," by Adam Kredo for the Washington Free Beacon, August 22:
A group of Egyptians protested in front of the White House Thursday afternoon to “expose” what they say is “the clear bias of the Obama administration and the American media in support of the Muslim Brotherhood and its terrorist ideology.” Hundreds of Egyptians, who travelled to Washington, D.C. from around the United States, gathered in front of the White House before marching to the offices of the Washington Post, news network CNN, and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim advocacy group that protestors called the Brotherhood’s “embassy.”

Continue reading:

Egyptians protest against Muslim Brotherhood at White House, Washington Post - Jihad Watch

Friday, August 23, 2013

Common Ground: Egypt Christians need help

Cal Thomas is a conservative columnist. Bob Beckel is a liberal Democratic strategist. But as longtime friends, they can often find common ground on issues that lawmakers in Washington cannot.
BOB: In the days since the Egyptian military's Aug. 14 crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, more than 60 Christian churches have been attacked or vandalized, with many set ablaze. Defense Minister Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has promised to rebuild these churches, but the worldwide Christian community has been virtually silent as Egypt's 10 million Christiansface extreme persecution. Why is that, Cal?
CAL: Part of the problem, Bob, is there is no Christian "community." The faith is fragmented into numerous Protestant denominations and fissures within the Catholic and Orthodox churches. As a result, Christians don't speak with one voice. In the 1970s and '80s, Jews united in support of their fellow Jews in the Soviet Union to great effect. When Muslims feel slighted, much less attacked, they respond quickly. With Christians, there is mostly silent indifference.

Common Ground: Egypt Christians need help

Egyptians Bewildered Over Support for Muslim Brotherhood :: Gatestone Institute

Prophetic News Blog: Egyptians Bewildered Over Support for Muslim Brotherhood :: Gatestone Institute

Egyptians Bewildered Over Support for Muslim Brotherhood :: Gatestone Institute

 This is an excellent article written by a Coptic Christian from Egypt (an insider look at what is taking place there):

What many Egyptians cannot understand is: Why is the U.S. administration siding with the forces of oppression in their country and assisting with its transformation into a failed state under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood? Egypt simply cannot be allowed to become another Somalia or Afghanistan, controlled by its own version of the Taliban.

Egyptians Bewildered Over Support for Muslim Brotherhood :: Gatestone Institute

Experts puzzled after mysterious, four-metre-long 'sea creature' with horns found on Spain beach |

Sea creature Spain

Experts puzzled after mysterious, four-metre-long 'sea creature' with horns found on Spain beach |

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

For Egypt's Christian Churches, Western Media With Their Lies Help Islamists

Cairo -- The Coptic Orthodox and Catholic Churches offer their full support to the police and to the government.
Both condemn media falsifications spread by Western countries, which give space to terrorist and bloodthirsty organisations responsible for attacks against 58 churches and 160 Christian buildings (pictured).
"We request that the international and western media provide a comprehensive account of all events with truth, accuracy, and honesty," said the statement made on behalf of Tawadros II.
In representation of the Catholic Church, Bishop Isaac Ibrahim, Patriarch of Alexandria of the Catholic Copts, slammed the "those media that promote lies and falsify the truth in order to mislead world public opinion."
Both communities would like to thank everyone, especially Muslims, who defended Christian churches, homes and shops, even at the cost of their life, from attacks from Islamic extremists.
The two statements follow in full:

For Egypt's Christian Churches, Western Media With Their Lies Help Islamists

Old order 'remnants' flex muscle in Tunisian politics | Reuters

(Tunisia and the Arab Spring)

These so-called "remnants" from Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali's rule were swept aside by the first of the "Arab Spring" revolts in January 2011 and trounced in voting for a constituent assembly later that year. The assembly has considered banning them from politics completely.
But two murders of leftist leaders this year by suspected radical Salafis and mounting dissatisfaction with Ennahda's Islamist agenda have plunged Tunisian politics into turmoil, prompting the assembly to suspend its work.

Old order 'remnants' flex muscle in Tunisian politics | Reuters

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Turkish saga | JPost | Israel News

Anti-government protesters demonstrate on a street in central Ankara

Anti-government protesters demonstrate on a street in central Ankara Photo: REUTERS
Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan was one of the most vociferous critics of the overthrow of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. He and Morsi were cut from the same Islamist cloth and both steadily began a phased anti-military purge. Erdogan, however, enjoyed a long head start, whereas wary generals, who saw the handwriting on the wall in Ankara, stopped latecomer Morsi in his tracks.

Not long after Morsi was deposed on July 3, the drawn-out Turkish saga reached its climax when former chief of staff Gen. Ilker Basbug was sentenced to life imprisonment for his role in an alleged conspiracy to topple Erdogan.

Basbug was not alone. Nearly 300 people were prosecuted, including prominent politicians and journalists.

Three serving opposition parliamentarians from the Republican People’s Party were sent up for between 12 and 35 years each.

Superficially, this can be presented as a victory for democracy, just as the same superficiality portrays the Egyptian upheaval as a blow against democracy.

US President Barack Obama toes this line. He gave unstinting support to Erdogan over the years, despite his excesses, not only as the people’s choice but as a prime example of the ostensible compatibility of Islamic religiosity and democracy. For these same reasons Obama boosted Morsi. Europe followed suit with unconcealed alacrity.

Too bad the leaders of the Free World did not understand what President Shimon Peres said back in 1980, after the Turkish generals’ last attempt to seize power and impose their will (for the third time since 1960).

Peres pointed out then that Turkey debunks the accepted wisdom that the military is anti-democratic. In Turkey’s case, Peres argued, the military is democracy’s guardian.

Over the decades since modern Turkey’s founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, rescued his country from Ottoman decay, it was Turkey’s military that defended his progressive constitution and prevented the reemergence of Muslim clerical domination.

This might not have created a liberal democracy in Western terms, but it built a bulwark against reaction and hence became the lesser of likely evils. The same happened in Egypt, where the army stood behind every ruler from Gamal Abdel Nasser to Hosni Mubarak.

Obama didn’t get it in Turkey. He misread Egypt so badly that he abandoned Mubarak and ushered in Muslim Brotherhood hegemony.

But the big picture that eluded Obama was not misunderstood in Cairo and Ankara. Egypt’s beleaguered generals did not fail to draw operative conclusions from what was happening to their Turkish counterparts, while Erdogan instantly comprehended what Morsi’s ouster signified. Erdogan lashed out vehemently against Egypt’s military leaders, not least because they preempted the prospect of them ending up like his opponents.

Erdogan managed a piecemeal transformation whose cumulative effects are becoming increasingly intolerable to secular upwardly mobile Turks. The return to Islamic garb for women, which Ataturk forbade, the compulsory Koran classes in schools, restrictions on alcohol sales and even bans on bright lipstick for Turkish airlines stewardesses, all add up.

“Insulting Islam” has become a punishable crime in courts controlled by the government. Erdogan’s party, which rose on a strident anti-corruption campaign, is perceived as more corrupt than its predecessors. The Erdogan personality cult – exemplified in his omnipresent portraits – exacerbates the antipathy, as do his vituperative outbursts, of the sort he has frequently aimed at Israel, but which also proliferate against domestic targets.

The pugnacious Erdogan now aims to run for president, since he cannot continue for another term as prime minister. Accordingly, he aims to change the rules of the game and make the presidency more potent.

Those urban Turks who are relatively Europeanized have cause for concern.

As Peres opined all those years ago, the Middle East demolishes clichés. In this region liberal secularists put their trust in the military, whereas the forces of Islam are its hardly democratic adversaries. Chipping away at the military hierarchy – to say nothing of eliminating it – bolsters the fundamentalists and brings theocracy ever closer.

No alternative is democratic, but the West – Israel included – needs to decide with whom it would rather do business, or with whom it can do business.

The Turkish saga | JPost | Israel News

Marine Colonel Says US Has Domestic Army - Business Insider

In a rousing confrontation at a local council meeting in Concord, NH, he calls out his government for facilitating what he feels is a needless militarization of a domestic force.
And he should know, he helped build one in Iraq.
"We did everything we could to build the Iraqi Army, and I'm telling you right now, the Department of Homeland Security would kick their butts."
"What we're doing here, and let's not kid about it, is we're building a domestic army and shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens ... "

Read more:
Marine Colonel Says US Has Domestic Army - Business Insider

History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government

Given the long history of Muslim Brotherhood activity in this country, its declared objective to "destroy the Western civilization from within," and the extensive evidence of successful influence operations at the highest levels of the U.S. government, it is urgent that we recognize this clear and present danger that threatens not only our Republic but the values of Western civilization.
"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration."
-- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood
Click to read entire history:

History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government :: Gatestone Institute

RALEIGH: NSA establishes $60 million data analytics lab at NC State

 Read more:

RALEIGH: NSA establishes $60 million data analytics lab at NC State | Education |

Bloomberg seeks mandatory fingerprinting for NYC public housing residents — RT USA

 Reuters / Shannon Stapleton
 Click to read:
Bloomberg seeks mandatory fingerprinting for NYC public housing residents — RT USA

Another good blog: Egyptian Army warns Obama: “Supporting terrorism in Egypt is OUR red line” | BARE NAKED ISLAM

Egyptian Army warns Obama: “Supporting terrorism in Egypt is OUR red line” | BARE NAKED ISLAM

New Centcom underground war room in Amman for US intervention in Syria

Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was in Amman this week to inaugurate the Centcom’s Forward Command in Jordan manned by 273 US officers. US media correspondents were permitted to visit the new war room for the first time on condition of non-disclosure of its location and secret facilities. debkafile’s military sources report that the installation is bomb- and missile-proof against a possible Syrian attack. The US Air Force command section is in direct communication with the US, Israeli, Jordanian and Saudi Air Force headquarters ready for an order by President Barack Obama to impose a partial no-fly zone over Syrian air space.

Another section is designed to coordinate operations between US and Jordanian special forces, as well as the units trained in commando combat by US instructors in Jordan.  A closed section houses CIA personnel who control the work of US agents going in and out of Syria and also a communications center.
In his briefing to US forces Thursday, Aug. 15, Gen. Dempsey commented: “Jordan lives in a very volatile region and at a very critical time in its history. They can count on us to continue to be their partner.”

Read more:
New Centcom underground war room in Amman for US intervention in Syria

Recommending blog: PROPHECY UPDATE

Excellent site for prophetic news updates:
Following Medical School and Internship, I became involved in medical research and have continued in this profession for almost 25 years. During this same period, the study of biblical prophecy became more and more of a focus of study, and it became apparent that the basic principles of research could apply to biblical prophecy. Because prophetic scriptures are found throughout the bible, it is obvious that a comprehensive, systematic approach would be useful, if not necessary, for the understanding of prophecy. A literal view of prophecy clearly indicates that one last generation would see the various signs given scripturally, indicating that we are indeed living in the last generation - the generation that would see the remaining prophetic events occur, as described in the Bible. It is also abundantly clear that we have a mandate from Jesus to watch for these signs; He made it clear that the last generation should be fully aware of their unique place in history. That is the purpose of this blog - to watch for the signs, and to give hope and encouragement (1 Thessalonians 5:11) to our brothers and sisters as we await the coming of our Lord.


Muslim Brotherhood's Influence Inside American Gov't

Muslim Brotherhood's Influence Inside American Gov't | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Egypt's President strikes back at "Erdogan's Sultanate"

Egypt's President strikes back at "Erdogan's Sultanate" Al (thanks to Armaros)
Interim President Mansour: "Egypt will sign on the Armenian Genocide Declaration tomorrow!"
If this information is confirmed, it would be a sign of the rise of a strategic thinking within the new Egyptian leadership. It would signal to the Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood]  allies around the world and here in the US, that the decision-making process in Egypt is not one of militaries, but of historians and strategists.

Egypt's President strikes back at "Erdogan's Sultanate": "Egypt will sign on Armenian Genocide Declaration tomorrow!" - Atlas Shrugs

Egypt: Both sides accuse the other of being agents of the Jews - Jihad Watch

Egypt: Both sides accuse the other of being agents of the Jews - Jihad Watch

Egypt championing Coptic Christians while Obama plays Nero

Not only is the courageous El-Sisi vowing to rebuild Muslim Brotherhood-destroyed Coptic Churches, but his order aims to have them rebuilt ASAP, according to the Mid-East Christian News.

“The Egyptian defense minister ordered the engineering department of the armed forces to swiftly repair all the affected churches, in recognition of the historical and national role played by our Coptic brothers,” read a statement that aired on Egyptian television.
Egypt championing Coptic Christians while Obama plays Nero