Saturday, September 15, 2012

Islamophilia - WikiIslam

(I learned a new word is it, and it described the attitude of world leaders who are seeing Sharia overtake their countries.  Neville Chamberlain could have been described as practicing Naziphilia when he capitulated to Hitler demands.  We better all learn what this word means. AW)

Islamophilia is a controversial neologism employed by some politicians, sociologists and journalists to describe unwavering and uncritical admiration of the values of Islam, generally associated with an admiration of Islamic civilization. Islamophilia, like its antonym Islamophobia, is not included in renomated dictionaries.

However, many proponents of the term argue that it has existed historically as well, in instances like the wave of orientalism that followed Disraeli's premiership and his support for the Ottoman Caliphate of the time.[1]
Others have also drawn upon purported historical instances of Islamophilia. Karl Binswanger remarked on the "dogmatic Islamophilia" of many orientalists. Jacques Ellul complained in 1983 that "in France it is no longer acceptable to criticise Islam or the Arab countries." As early as 1968, Maxime Rodinson had written, "An historian like Norman Daniel has gone so far as to number among the conceptions permeated with medievalism or imperialism, any criticisms of the Prophet’s moral attitudes and to accuse of like tendencies any exposition of Islam and its characteristics by means of the normal mechanisms of human history.

Understanding has given way to apologetics pure and simple."[2]

Islamophilia - WikiIslam

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