Thursday, January 17, 2013

Inauguration: A National Day Of Mourning : Personal Liberty Digest™

Obama is the biggest spender of any politician in world history.
Not to be outdone, Tim Geithner is the biggest-spending Treasury Secretary in history ($13.6 trillion).
Under Obama, the national debt has increased by 50 percent. Obama is on track to add $12 trillion to the national debt: a staggering three times more than George W. Bush added in his eight years as President:
In only the past 16 months, the Obama Administration added $2.1 trillion to the national debt, which is why we need the debt ceiling raised again.
Under Obama, the national debt now exceeds the entire output of the U.S. economy.
Obama is not only the first President in history to produce four consecutive years of deficits above $1 trillion, but those four years’ worth of deficits are more than produced by all other Presidents in history combined.
The national debt is increasing by a mind-boggling $3 million dollars per minute.
What did we get for all that spending and massive debt?
The U.S. credit rating has been downgraded for the first time in our history. With Obama’s re-election, get ready for more credit downgrades to come.
The net worth of the average American is down a whopping 40 percent.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, household income has fallen for all four years under Obama. It’s down a startling $4,000 per family since Obama became President.
The housing collapse is now deeper than at the peak of the Great Depression.
Unemployment was more than 8 percent for an unimaginable 43 consecutive months. That’s more months of unemployment above the 8 percent level than during all the Presidencies from Harry Truman’s to the younger Bush’s combined.

Click to read further stats:

A National Day Of Mourning : Personal Liberty Digest™

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