Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sovereignty Issues: Personal and National

This speech is so important the entire transcript is included, plus highlights regarding sovereignty, transnationalism and "Applied Protocol 1" of the Geneva Convention (you may not know what those last two items are, but you will if you read this entire speech).

U.S. Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyle speech at Nixon Center upon receiving Distinguished Service Award:

WASHINGTON, D.C. ­– U.S. Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl was honored late Tuesday with the Nixon Center’s Distinguished Service Award.  The following are excerpts from his remarks:

“I'm grateful to the Nixon Center for this honor.  The Center has for years contributed to debates about national security strategy.  You have encouraged thinking about large thoughts and long-term perspectives, so tonight, rather than address current events, I want to talk with you about something conceptual and strategically significant:  America's national sovereignty.  This may sound abstract, but it's a matter of the profoundest practical importance.”

“The essence of the United States is an idea -- that ‘we the people’ should govern ourselves according to rules Americans have designed to preserve and protect our individual rights, endowed by God, to live as free men and women.  The chief rules, of course, are those set out in the U.S. Constitution.”

“I'd argue, therefore, that what our national security strategy should aim to secure is not just land and lives, but also America's Constitutional system.  That system is built on the belief that our people are sovereign.  In other words, the only source of our government's legitimacy -- the only source of all its ‘just powers’ -- is the consent of the American people.  ‘Sovereign’ means that we are subject to no earthly authority higher than ourselves as a people and that there are no man-made rules for us that take precedence over our own Constitution -- as Abraham Lincoln put it:  ‘a political community without a political superior.’  If our country is not sovereign, we are not free, independent and self-governing.”  

“Many of you must be wondering why I'm bothering to review such basic ideas.  Didn't we all learn these things in elementary school? (Incidentally, an interesting discussion for another day is whether our kids today are learning these things in school.)  Why make such a fuss about concepts that all Americans take for granted?”

“The answer to why the fuss, is that some Americans, including many leading academics and some high-level government officials, view sovereignty as an outmoded notion.  They want the United States to accept the authority of so-called transnational legal norms.

They argue that old-fashioned ideas about sovereignty undermine international peace and cooperation and impede the acceptance around the world of progressive ideas about just about everything, from women's rights, to family law, from the environment, to nuclear weapons.”

In certain American intellectual circles, sovereignty is viewed not as a principle to be upheld, but a problem to be remedied.  That view, with roots that reach back decades, is particularly strong among some faculty members at our prestigious law schools.”

“This talk of transnational processes presumably sounds pretty good if, sitting on a law faculty somewhere, you think of yourself as an ‘agent of internalization’ who gets to inject your favorite progressive ideas into domestic law through the judicial system without having to dirty your hands in electoral politics.  But such ‘transnationalism’ is contemptuous of the U.S. Constitution and of the idea that the American people should be able to elect -- and to eject from office -- the officials who make laws for us.” 

Many of our friends in Europe believe that national sovereignty itself (including the sovereignty of democratic states) is problematic. They view international agreements as a means to advance progressive ‘norms’ that have little support among democratic publics. And, some view it as a way to constrain U.S. power.”

[The] Additional Protocol 1 was drafted to amend the Geneva Conventions in the mid-1970s. Unlike the traditional Geneva Conventions of 1949, the Additional Protocol would permit terrorist groups to receive POW privileges even if they hide among civilian populations and do not reveal themselves until just before an attack.  This would give terrorists advantages over conventional forces, and puts civilians at greater risk, undermining a major purpose of the laws of war, which is to protect the interests of non-combatants. 

Additional Protocol 1 creates new rules that contradict the humane provisions of traditional international law.  And, if the United States adopted it, Protocol 1 would hamper American combat operations, increasing risks for U.S. soldiers, as well as for civilians in combat zones. That's why President Ronald Reagan, with the support of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and of the Secretaries of State and Defense, announced that he had decided not to ratify Protocol 1.”   

Just [on Monday], as part of the administration’s welcome recognition that Guantanamo Bay cannot and should not be closed, the Secretary of State, for whom Mr. Koh works, announced that part of Protocol 1 – Article 75, which deals with so-called ‘fundamental guarantees’ for non-state combatants – would be ‘deemed’ to be legally binding on the United States.”  

“Parts of Article 75 may not be problematic for our military commissions and detention polices.  Other parts, for example, the proviso dealing with the ‘right’ to examine witnesses, are deeply problematic and have been rejected by Congress.  The Senate should be afforded the opportunity to examine completely how Article 75 compares with the Military Commissions Act and current DOD guidance to determine through the Constitutional process whether the U.S. should adopt it.” 

Unfortunately, the State Department’s announcement yesterday made clear the administration’s view that the Constitutional process is an anachronism.  The Senate must not permit its Constitutional responsibilities to be eroded.  Think about it, if the State Department can just deem treaties, or parts of treaties, to bind the United States, what has become of the checks and balances established by the founders?

“I think we can resolve this issue since the Obama administration will ask the Senate to ratify additional Protocol II.  With some reservations we may decide to do that.”

“…[T]he President may not bind the U.S. to a treaty, in whole or in part, by ‘deeming’ it to be legally binding, or because he thinks it has, or hopes it would become part of the international legal norm.  Process matters, and the Constitution is our process.”

“Fashionable as it is in some circles, opposition to traditional principles of national sovereignty is not popular among the American people in generalSo efforts to undermine sovereignty are often conducted by means of deceptive language

Treaties that would erode the American people's ability to make their own rules -- are commonly described as serving American interests and consistent with American values.  Proponents contend that we must become a party to a particular treaty or America won't have a ‘seat at the table’ when the other parties meet to draft the implementing rules.

Tying the United States to a transnational institution that removes policy matters from the sphere of democratic politics is commonly described as ‘providing American leadership.’”

“Every generation has the duty to renew appreciation of what our Founding Fathers accomplished in establishing American independence and in crafting our political institutions to secure our individual liberties.  Every generation has the responsibility to guard that independence, protect those institutions and continue to secure liberty for ourselves and our posterity.  It's a weighty but ennobling responsibility.”

Identification & tracking: "RFID Journal LIVE! 2011 to Feature RFID-Enhanced Social-Media Networking Seminar"

ODIN, a leading supplier of RFID solutions and a pioneer in the RFID-enhanced social-networking space, will explain how to set up an RFID system to ensure consistent and accurate interaction with customers, as well as gain understanding about how to create a successful social-media experience. Patrick J. Sweeney II, the company's president and CEO, will explain how RFID combined with social media has proven itself to be a valuable asset for improving customer engagement and managing interaction, while strengthening brand loyalty.

The preconference seminar will also feature end users that have successfully applied RFID technology to enhance their customers' social-networking experience.

Vail Resorts was among the first businesses to employ RFID to enhance social-media experiences (see Vail Resorts Links RFID With Social Media). Robert Urwiler, the company's CIO and the system's architect, will explain how visitors to Vail's five mountain locations are using their RFID-enabled lift tickets to connect with each other via social-media tools, as well as track their ski or snowboard metrics over the Internet, thereby earning virtual pins and competing on vertical feet and days skied.

ASICS, a manufacturer of athletic shoes and technical active sports apparel and accessories, discovered an innovative method for enhancing brand awareness, based around the New York City Marathon. Tom Sullivan, a principal at Vitro, the advertising agency that developed the campaign, will outline how his firm successfully encouraged supporters to create personalized messages for those taking part in the race, to be triggered by RFID tags.

Jeff Sommers, the owner of Izzy's Ice Cream Café, will describe how his company utilizes RFID to inform customers about its ever-changing menu of flavors, with updates available in near-real time on the company's Web site, which it promotes through Twitter and Facebook (see RFID Finds Flavor at Izzy's Ice Cream Shop). 

Black Horse/Famine: "UN conference on rising food prices in Asia"

Currently the retail price of rice is up in Bangladesh by 33 percent from last year and in China and Indonesia by 23 percent.

Note:  technological development was suggested as a way to increase world food supplies, of course this will eventually lead to GMO's & the 666's are in the seed!

Representatives attending a United Nations conference in Bangkok on the rising cost of food in Asia have agreed to avoid restrictive measures that could lead to a food price crisis.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization brought together 19 countries in Asia, plus Japan and the United States, for two days of discussions on how to deal with rising food prices.

The FAO says globally, the cost of food in February reached the highest level it ever recorded and that prices could rise further as the price of oil goes up, affecting transport costs.

Ertharin Cousin is the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. agencies in Rome. She told journalists late Thursday that they agreed not to repeat past mistakes that contributed to a dramatic rise in food prices a few years ago. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

666's are in the Seed......"Mexico approves pilot project for Monsanto GM corn"

NWO: "Globalists behind financial chaos to create NWO"

The now infamous phrase “New World Order” (NWO), which implies the erosion of our national sovereignty subjugated by global governance was once mocked and ridiculed as a mere conspiracy theory of the fanciful by all but an outspoken few. Those with the insight and fortitude to speak out about the existence of the NWO infrastructure were, and continue to be,  mocked, ridiculed and marginalized by elected officials of the Republican and Democrat parties alike, media pundits, and talking heads of all kinds.
Despite evidence to the contrary, there are still those who believe that the New World Order is nothing more than conspiracy fodder. Others believe that the New world Order is merely conceptual, or at worst, it is an altruistic plan that is necessary to facilitate a global economy and stabilize the economies of nations, including that of the United States. It’s a good thing, we are told, and something that will quell the volatility of the global economy. Yet nothing could be further from the truth.
We are witnessing a New World Order that is being incrementally forced through financial terrorism. And the tempo of the financial terrorism is picking up at a rapid pace. We are seeing it in food prices, gas prices, and the cost of goods bought and sold in our economy today.

Economic Upheavals: Public & Private Unions, a definition

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Big Brother: "NFC in 2011: Who's Building Your Mobile Wallet?"

NFC, or near field communication, is an emerging technology you'll start hearing more about in the coming months. In this introductory series to understanding NFC, we're examining the state of the industry from end-to-end, and we'll focus on what the technology is, who's implementing NFC-enabled solutions and how those solutions will work.

One of the future use cases for NFC is to create a "mobile wallet" of sorts - a comprehensive service that houses everything from bank cards to coupons, all managed, accessed and delivered via your mobile phone. But what companies are building mobile wallet solutions today and whose mobile wallet will you use?

American Economy: "Soaring U.S. debt needs fix now, senators say"

If the United States is to avoid "financial Armageddon" because of its dangerously high federal debt, Washington needs to adopt a package of dramatic reforms that include cutting government spending by trillions, rolling back entitlement programs in future years and changing the tax system, two U.S. senators said Monday.

Mark Warner of Virginia and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia told an audience of Virginia Chamber of Commerce members that unless Congress and the president take steps to reduce the national debt - now $14 trillion - then cuts will be forced on the country by those owed the money, most prominently the Chinese government.

"If we put this off, we're approaching financial Armageddon," Warner said. 

New world order: "Ahmadinejad calls for new world order"

Islam: "Drawing U.S. Crowds With Anti-Islam Message"

As a child growing up a Maronite Christian in war-torn southern Lebanon in the 1970s, Ms. Gabriel said, she had been left lying injured in rubble after Muslims mercilessly bombed her village. She found refuge in Israel and then moved to the United States, only to find that the Islamic radicals who had terrorized her in Lebanon, she said, were now bent on taking over America.

“America has been infiltrated on all levels by radicals who wish to harm America,” she said. “They have infiltrated us at the C.I.A., at the F.B.I., at the Pentagon, at the State Department. They are being radicalized in radical mosques in our cities and communities within the United States.”

Palin parents 'sleep with guns' due to threats: BBC

AFP - Chuck and Sally Heath, the parents of US conservative champion Sarah Palin, "sleep with guns" after receiving death threats, a BBC interview revealed.
Speaking at their home in Wasilla, Alaska, the couple claimed that Palin and "her whole family" had been the target of threats.

"One guy from Pennsylvania sent us and other people copies of a gun he'd bought, copies of a receipt for a gun he bought, copies of a one-way ticket to Anchorage," Charles "Chuck" Heath said.

"We kind of laugh it off, we got a restraining order on him, and lo and behold last week he showed up in Anchorage. Fortunately the FBI was on top of it and sent him home.

"Not only Sarah has been threatened but her whole family has been threatened. We sleep with the guns," he added.

Shariah banking: Sukuks, Islamic Bonds....a definition

Islam Rising: Western banker says Islamic financing is rising

The Islamic bond market is expanding rapidly due to large liquidity inflows and large and growing Muslim populations worldwide, according to Shayne Nelson, global head and CEO of Standard Chartered Private Bank.

In an interview with the JoongAng Ilbo and Korea JoongAng Daily during his visit to Seoul last week, Nelson said that Muslim countries now prefer Islamic sukuk bonds over conventional bonds and western companies are consequently issuing sukuk bonds to widen their access to capital sources.

The Singapore-based banker previously worked in the UAE and is also chairman of Standard Chartered Saadiq Islamic Banking.

The issuance of the Islamic bonds by Korean companies has recently been at the center of controversy as some Christian groups are lobbying to block legislation that would promote the practice. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

States' Rights Issues: "Montana Governor Defies Feds Over Wolf Management"

Montana cattle ranchers are pitted against environmentalists in a stalemate over the management of the state's wolf population, and frustration over that stalemate has prompted Montana's Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer to send a defiant letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.

"As usual in Washington, D.C., they confuse motion for action and nearly nothing is happening. Meanwhile, we have these wolves that are denning right now, and there will be another 30-percent increase in their numbers this year,” Schweitzer told Fox News.

He has asked that the state be allowed to manage the wolf population to decrease its impact on cattle, which have been increasingly killed in wolf attacks.

"Or get off your hind end in Washington, D.C., and fix the Endangered Species Act so it works in Montana," he told Fox News.

It’s been nearly 10 years since federal officials proclaimed the endangered gray wolf in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming had biologically recovered. Sixty-six captive wolves had been reintroduced into the wild. By 2010, their numbers had increased to 1,700 in the Intermountain West. In 2008, the species was removed from the Endangered Species List in Idaho and Montana for the first time.

"Navy seeks to discharge sailor found asleep in bed with another male sailor"

Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 5, 2011; 7:17 PM 

To hear Navy Petty Officer Stephen C. Jones tell it, what happened in his bedroom one night last month was purely innocuous: Another male sailor came by to watch "The Vampire Diaries," and they both dozed off in the same bed. 

Ex-Loveboat cast member forced to leave radio over Muslim remarks.....

Fred Grandy, the former "Love Boat" star who served several terms in Congress before landing a gig as a radio host, resigned from his show this week after he was pressured to stop talking so much about radical Islam, his wife, Catherine, told 

Catherine Mann-Grandy, who spoke with extensively about the details of their split with WMAL management, confirmed that the couple's critical commentary on radical Islam was the driving factor behind Grandy's resignation. 

"You're not allowed to talk about what's happening in your country," she said. 

Fred Grandy, best known for his role as Gopher in "The Love Boat," had been on air as a host at Washington, D.C.'s WMAL since 2003. He worked most recently as host of "The Grandy Group" -- his wife made regular appearances on that show under the nickname "Mrs. Fred." 

But while both of them started devoting more and more segments to the subject of Muslim influence in America over the past year, it was Catherine's comments that apparently led to an ultimatum. 

Mann-Grandy, who did a regular segment called "domestic terrorism 101," hit a string of topics on their show last Friday. Though the segment was taken off the radio's site, she described it. She said that, on air, she quoted a rabbi who compared radical Muslims to Nazis, complained that President Obama was not doing enough to help Israel, warned that "Shariah-compliant" individuals work in the government and discussed several other Islam-related topics. 

Perhaps sensing she might have stepped over a line, she warned on air about the possibility that she might not return the following week. 

Sure enough, she didn't. 

Mann-Grandy said her husband told her Tuesday that management told him she could no longer be on the show. Further, she said her husband was told to "really tone it down on the Islam stuff." 
In response, Fred Grandy resigned. 

Rep. Peter King: "Muslim community fails to help crack down on terror"

WASHINGTON - A Long Island congressman charged Sunday that New York's Muslim community was failing to cooperate with city cops and the FBI on the terror threat.
Republican Rep. Peter King, who will hold hearings on Muslim radicalization later this week, "I'm aware of a number of cases in New York where the (Muslim) community has not been cooperative."

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), appearing with King on  CNN's "State of the Union," said King was singling out the Muslim community while ignoring the terror threat from other groups.

"I think it is the wrong course of action to take," Ellison said.

But King cited the example of a young man who allegedly went to "two mosques in Suffolk County in Long Island, said he wanted to engage in jihad. They said we don't do it, but (they) never told the police, and then he went off to Afghanistan."
"I don't believe there is sufficient cooperation," King said. "They do not give the level of cooperation that they need."

In Manhattan, groups supporting and opposing the hearings by King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, planned to hold dueling demonstrations in the afternoon.

Read more:

CBS News Article:


White House seeks to reassure Muslims,0,2796257.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fnews%2Fnationworld%2Fnation+%28L.A.+Times+-+National+News%29&utm_content=Google+Reader 

"State Legislative Activity Opposing REAL ID CARD"

Numbering & Tracking: REAL ID CARD

"Homeland Security bows to Real ID outcry"

Americans will be able to use their driver's licenses after May 11 to travel by air after all.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security today postponed the effective date of the Real ID Act until January 15, 2013, a move that avoided causing tremendous disruptions to air travel.

The reason that Homeland Security granted the delay is that, apart from some Republican stalwarts in Congress, this law creating a digital nationalized ID is hardly popular, with critics calling it a national ID card. A chart (PDF) updated last month by the National Conference of State Legislatures lists 16 states with laws forbidding them to comply with Real ID and eight states including Colorado, Hawaii, and Illinois that have enacted resolutions effectively boycotting it.

Once the regulations take full effect, the impact on Americans would be dramatic: Residents of those 24 states including Arizona, Georgia, Oregon, and Washington would not be able to use their drivers' licenses to fly or enter a federal building such as a courthouse, even for jury duty. U.S. passports or military IDs would remain valid for identification.

Real ID supporters among the House Republican chairmen reacted angrily to the news of the delay -- the third to date. (See CNET coverage of the previous deadline extension and a related FAQ.)