Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sharia Enforcement in UK: Atheist in court for ripping pages from Koran - Atlas Shrugs

Sharia Enforcement in UK: Atheist in court for ripping pages from Koran - Atlas Shrugs

Alabama Protects Citizens From Agenda 21 Implementation

Lisa Jackson, enviro-governor? AP
Lisa Jackson, enviro-governor? AP View Enlarged Image
Property Rights: Few have heard of Agenda 21, the U.N. plan for sustainable development that tosses property rights aside. But Alabama has, and it recently secured a victory as important as that over union power in Wisconsin.
After Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's stunning triumph over the excesses and abuses of public-sector unions, the London Telegraph's James Delingpole, an indefatigable opponent of global warming fraud, opined in a piece titled, "How Wisconsin And Alabama Helped Save The World," that we should take note of "an equally important but perhaps less well-publicized victory won in the Alabama House and Senate over the U.N.'s malign and insidious Agenda 21."

Read More At IBD:

Alabama Protects Citizens From Agenda 21 Implementation -