(Bible prophecy teachers have long thought that the 10-toes of Daniel's image, was forming from European nations. This is an interesting item in that context. New teachings have arisen regarding the 10 toes in the last few years suggesting that they will be made up of Islamic nations. We shall see. We shall see.)
As Greece prepares for an election which could decide the fate of Europe, find out how the EU project is slowly falling apart in the ten major member states and two cities which form its heart
Europe is being swept by a wave of popular disenchantment and revolt against
mainstream political parties and the European Union.
In 2007, a majority of Europeans - 52 per cent - trusted the EU. That trust
has now fallen to 35 per cent.
Once, Britain's Euroscpeticism was the exception, and seen as the biggest
threat to the future of the EU.
But now other countries pose a far bigger danger thanks to the political
discontents unleashed by the euro,
In Greece, a far-Left Socialist party, Syriza, is poised to win elections with
a political programme that would overturn eurozone policies. Many believe
the Greek revolt against the loss of their economic sovereignty by eurozone
diktat from Brussels or Frankfurt is only the beginning.
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