New items and written articles about today's events that are relevant to Bible Prophecy
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Exposed: The Formula for Islamic Takeover | Walid Shoebat
As Bill Wilson explains at the Daily Jolt, Islamists have a formula that follows a consensus that Democracy is inherently and exclusively good. We have inserted a couple of steps into Wilson’s formula. Ours are in bold:
Exposed: The Formula for Islamic Takeover | Walid Shoebat
- Muslims begin protesting their evil leader
- Evil leader cracks down
- Muslims gain worldwide sympathy
- Evil leader is deposed
- US leaders suggest democracy
- Muslims use Muruna to suggest the Turkish Model of Islamic Democracy
- US / Western leaders oversee the transition to Islamic “Democracy” (moderate Islam)
- Islamic Sharia Law leaders are elected
- Democracy is abandoned
- Sharia Law is established
Exposed: The Formula for Islamic Takeover | Walid Shoebat
Native Indians and the Islamic Threat
Let this story be a reminder to the modern, that laughing to the warning of an Islamic attack on our country, will not erase the planning of terrorists, nor the savage who with his knife decapitates while hallooing his war cry to his god, Allah. In order for barbarism to inflict its sanguinary rituals beyond the gates of any civilization, the commander of its forces must laugh and smile to the cries of warnings made by its watchmen. The Ducharmes and Henrys must be mocked and ignored by an Everington.
Theodore Shoebat is the author of the book, For God or For Tyranny.
Native Indians and the Islamic Threat | Walid Shoebat
Theodore Shoebat is the author of the book, For God or For Tyranny.
Native Indians and the Islamic Threat | Walid Shoebat
The Creative Destruction of Medicine
These extraordinary accomplishments…have unwittingly set up a profound digital disruption of medicine. Until now we did not have the digital infrastructure to even contemplate such a sea change in medicine. And until now the digital revolution has barely intersected the medical world. But the emergence of powerful tools to digitize human beings with full support of such infrastructure creates an unparalleled opportunity to inevitably and forever change the face of how health care is delivered.

The Creative Destruction of Medicine
The Creative Destruction of Medicine
Palin to the People - Atlas Shrugs
Sarah Palin's call to arms at RightOnline. Palin's mantra to the people, power to the people. She understands that if the country is to be saved it is new media that will lead the charge in the information battle space.
Palin to the People - Atlas Shrugs
Palin to the People - Atlas Shrugs
Two Russian parties merge in push against Putin | Reuters
Mikhail Kasyanov, prime minister from 2000 to 2004 during Putin's first term as president but now a fierce critic, and former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov, united their People's Freedom Party with former lawmaker Vladimir Ryzhkov's Republican Party of Russia (RPR).
"Our main goal is a change in the country's political course. This can be achieved only via free elections," Kasyanov said on the sideline of a conference where party delegates created the new party RPR-PARNAS.

Two Russian parties merge in push against Putin | Reuters
"Our main goal is a change in the country's political course. This can be achieved only via free elections," Kasyanov said on the sideline of a conference where party delegates created the new party RPR-PARNAS.
Two Russian parties merge in push against Putin | Reuters
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Gay marriage is one of worst threats in 500 years, says Church of England
The Government’s plan to introduce same-sex marriage is one of the most serious threats to the Church of England in its 500-year history, senior clergy claim.
The Church today outlines its opposition to the Government’s proposals in scathing terms. Anxiety among Church leaders is so acute that they raise the spectre of disestablishment, warning that any attempt to alter the definition of marriage could fatally undermine the Church’s privileged position.
Ever since the reign of Henry VIII the Church of England has been the country’s official religion, facing down threats to its establishment as severe and varied as the Spanish Armada and the English Civil War. That senior clergy have raised concerns about same-sex marriage in a similar context indicates how seriously they view the Government's attempt to redefine marriage – as a potential attack on the role of the Church itself.
Gay marriage is one of worst threats in 500 years, says Church of England - Home News - UK - The Independent
Smart meters are 'massive surveillance' tech - privacy supremo •
The European Data Protection Supervisor has warned that smart meters are a significant privacy threat and wants limits on the retention and use of customer data before it's too late.
The EDPS is an independent authority figure tasked with identifying where EU policies might represent a risk to privacy. He reckons next-generation meters, which precisely monitor electricity use within homes, are a very likely candidate unless his concerns are addressed ahead of time.
Peter Hustinx, who fills the role with the assistance of Giovanni Buttarelli, admits there are advantages of smart metering, but warns that the technology will "also enable massive collection of personal data which can track what members of a household do within the privacy of their own homes". He pulls up examples of baby monitors and medical devices, which have identifiable patterns of energy consumption and could therefore be used to monitor what people are doing.
Smart meters are 'massive surveillance' tech - privacy supremo • The Register
The EDPS is an independent authority figure tasked with identifying where EU policies might represent a risk to privacy. He reckons next-generation meters, which precisely monitor electricity use within homes, are a very likely candidate unless his concerns are addressed ahead of time.
Smart meters are 'massive surveillance' tech - privacy supremo • The Register
Google's eye in sky could catch you with pants down
London: US tech giants Google and Apple are in the race to come up with aerial maps so detailed and precise that they can practically catch you with your pants down, even in your own backyard.
Google says it has already sent planes over cities while Apple has acquired a firm using spy-in-the-sky technology that has been already tested on at least 20 locations, including London.
Apple's cameras are understood to be so powerful they could potentially see into homes through skylights and windows. The technology is similar to that used by intelligence agencies in identifying terrorist targets in Afghanistan, the Daily Mail reports.
Google will use its spy planes to help create 3D maps with much more detail than its satellite-derived Google Earth images. Nick Pickles, director of Big Brother Watch, warned that privacy risked being sacrificed in a commercial 'race to the bottom.'
"The next generation of maps is taking us over the garden fence," he warned. "You won't be able to sunbathe in your garden without worrying about an Apple or Google plane buzzing overhead, taking pictures."
Google's eye in sky could catch you with pants down
Google says it has already sent planes over cities while Apple has acquired a firm using spy-in-the-sky technology that has been already tested on at least 20 locations, including London.
Apple's cameras are understood to be so powerful they could potentially see into homes through skylights and windows. The technology is similar to that used by intelligence agencies in identifying terrorist targets in Afghanistan, the Daily Mail reports.
Google will use its spy planes to help create 3D maps with much more detail than its satellite-derived Google Earth images. Nick Pickles, director of Big Brother Watch, warned that privacy risked being sacrificed in a commercial 'race to the bottom.'
"The next generation of maps is taking us over the garden fence," he warned. "You won't be able to sunbathe in your garden without worrying about an Apple or Google plane buzzing overhead, taking pictures."
Google's eye in sky could catch you with pants down
Reuters TV | Chip-based human organs to revolutionize drug development
June 10 - Researchers at Harvard's Wyss Institute are developing microchips comprising the cells and functionality of human organs. These organs-on-a-chip represent an advance that could prove revolutionary for pharmaceutical companies who spend billions of dollars testing new drugs in controversial - and often ineffective - animal trials. Ben Gruber reports.
Reuters TV | Chip-based human organs to revolutionize drug development
Reuters TV | Chip-based human organs to revolutionize drug development
Brutal Recession Destroyed Americans' Wealth, Net Worth Down 40% In 3 Years - Forbes
The median family net worth dropped a staggering 40% to $77,300 in 2010 from $126,400 in 2007, the Fed said in its Survey of Consumer Finances which is released every three years. The median family income dropped as well from $49,600 in 2007 to $45,800, or a 7.7% drop.
Brutal Recession Destroyed Americans' Wealth, Net Worth Down 40% In 3 Years - Forbes
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