How high is the marginal tax rate on each additional dollar the average American earns? In other words, if you got a raise of one dollar, how much of that dollar would be taxed away? These rates are already high, and they’re getting higher next year.
A middle-class taxpayer’s income is subject to a 25 percent federal income tax. Then there is the federal Social Security and Medicare payroll tax of 13.3 percent in 2012—5.65 percent of that is removed from the employee’s paycheck, and the remaining 7.65 percent is paid by the employer. (In reality, the employee pays the entire 13.3 percent, because the employer’s portion of the tax does not affect the cost of labor: The employer would pay the employee 7.65 percent more if there were no employer’s portion of the payroll tax.)
So the 25 percent federal income tax plus 13.3 Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes equals 38.3 percent going to federal taxes in 2012.
Government Will Take Almost Half Your Paycheck in 2013
New items and written articles about today's events that are relevant to Bible Prophecy
Saturday, August 18, 2012
'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions
Arab Spring run amok: 'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions Opponents of Egypt's Muslim president executed 'naked on trees' Michael Carl, WND, August 17, 2012
The Arab Spring takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood has run amok, with reports from several different media agencies that the radical Muslims have begun crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi.Middle East media confirm that during a recent rampage, Muslim Brotherhood operatives, “crucified those opposing Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace while abusing others.”
Raymond Ibrahim, a fellow with the Middle East Forum and the Investigative Project on Terrorism, said the crucifixions are the product of who the Middle Eastern media call “partisans.”
“Arabic media call them ‘supporters,’ ‘followers,’ and ‘partisans’ of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Ibraham said.
Ibrahim also says the victims can be anyone, including Egyptians and Christians.
“It’s anyone who is resisting the new government,” Ibrahim said. “In this particular case, the people attacked and crucified were secular protesters upset because of Morsi’s hostile campaign against the media, especially of Tawfik Okasha, who was constantly exposing him on his station, until Morsi shut him down.”
Ibrahim said extra brutality is reserved for Christians, but the crucifixions are because of Islamic doctrine, and are required by the Quran. The time and other details about the crucifixions were not readily available.
'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions Opponents of Egypt's Muslim president executed 'naked on trees' - Atlas Shrugs
Movie Review: “2016: Obama’s America”
Movie Review: “2016: Obama’s America”
Sharia in action: 11-year-old Christian girl with Down's syndrome arrested for "blasphemy" - Atlas Shrugs
ISLAMABAD: An 11-eleven-year old Christian girl was accused of blasphemy and arrested for allegedly burning pages of a Noorani Qaida, a booklet used to learn the basics of the Holy Quran.
Officials of the Ramna Police Station told The Express Tribune that the girl, named Rifta Masih, had burned a Noorani Qaida on August 16 and threw it in garbage after putting it in a plastic bag. Masih belonged to the rural area of Mehrabadi, which is next to the G-11 sector in Islamabad.
Soon after the incident, residents of the area had gathered to lodge their protest. The protesters also allegedly beat up the girl and her mother, while the rest of the girl’s family managed to escape.
The Kashmir Highway was also blocked by the protesters, but they dispersed after the police lodged an FIR of the case and took Rifta into custody.
The girl has been sent to a juvenile jail on judicial remand.
Sharia in action: 11-year-old Christian girl with Down's syndrome arrested for "blasphemy" - Atlas Shrugs
Earhart expedition team says video possibly shows plane debris
A team of researchers trying to solve the mystery of aviator Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance said on Friday that underwater video from a Pacific island has revealed a field of man-made debris that could be remnants of her plane.
The footage was collected in July by The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) during a $2.2 million expedition to Nikumaroro in the Republic of Kiribati.
Unsolved questions about Earhart's fate have long heightened her legendary status as a pioneering aviator, and TIGHAR's voyage to seek clues in her disappearance gained interest far beyond the shores of the remote island where the team searched.e
Earhart expedition team says video possibly shows plane debris | Reuters
IRS Official Warns Pastors to Keep Silent During Elections |
The IRS warned pastors attending a faith leader’s summit in Washington D.C. recently not to speak from their pulpits about candidates or elections. As reported by OneNewsNow, IRS official Peter Lorenzetti attended the summit and told pastors that prohibited activities include anything that supports or opposes a candidate for public office. Mr. Lorenzetti’s statements are not surprising or even noteworthy given the fact that IRS officials have been interpreting the Johnson Amendment in this way since its addition to the tax code in 1954. So why should we be concerned about these statements? Well, for starters, Mr. Lorenzetti’s statements follow a long pattern by the IRS of intimidating pastors and churches into silence on the issues surrounding candidates and elections. The Johnson Amendment operates as a direct restriction on the speech of pastors and churches. There is no denying this fact. And there is no denying the fact that the Johnson Amendment is unconstitutional.
Continue reading:
IRS Official Warns Pastors to Keep Silent During Elections |
Friday, August 17, 2012
States Rev Up for Real ID
States Rev Up for Real ID
by IMMIGRATION NEWS UPDATE February 16, 2012Real ID:
Congressional Quarterly: States Rev Up for Real ID (Requires a subscription, article is pasted below) When Congress passed the Real ID bill in the spring of 2005, requiring a uniform national standard for driver’s licenses, nearly half of state governments balked at complying.
State and Local Update:
The Columbian: Cities Use E-Verify While State Considers Banning It More than two years ago, Clark County became the first in the state to mandate that its contractors use the federal E-Verify program, in an attempt to ensure taxpayer dollars employed legal workers on public works projects. Since then, three counties and 11 cities, including five in this county, have followed Clark County’s lead. (Alabama): Homeland Security Director Urges E-Verify Compliance Alabama Department of Homeland Security Director Spencer Collier has reiterated his support to the business community regarding the E-Verify program and the department’s commitment to facilitate compliance to Alabama’s immigration law. The E-Verify requirement is not retroactive and only pertains to new hires.
The Milford Daily News: Legislative Group tackles Illegal Immigration Law A legislative committee this month is expected to discuss a bill filed by a bipartisan group of lawmakers hoping to address issues related to illegal immigration.
My San Antonio: Texas on the Potomac Immigration is the hottest of hot-button issues, if a panel today at the Conservative Political Action Conference is any indication.
Hearings and Events:
Judiciary Committee
Wednesday February 15th
Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement
"Safeguarding the Integrity of the Immigration Benefits Adjudication Process"
2141 RHOB 2 p.m.
States Rev Up For Real ID
By Shawn Zeller, CQ Staff
When Congress passed the Real ID bill in the spring of 2005, requiring a uniform national standard for driver’s licenses, nearly half of state governments balked at complying.
Drafted at the recommendation of the Sept. 11 commission, the legislation was intended to keep driver’s licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants and to make it more difficult for foreign terrorists to travel in the country. Reluctant states argued that the law was a massive unfunded mandate because it required them to make rigorous residency and identity checks for those seeking licenses. They thought the three-year deadline for compliance was too short, and some conservatives said a uniform license amounted to a national ID card with a subsequent loss of privacy.
But seven years later, after several extensions of the implementation deadlines, the states are coming around. Even some of those dozen or so that continue to have laws on the books refusing to comply are, in fact, moving to comply. And House and Senate bills to repeal the Real ID law that the states lobbied for in 2009 and 2010 never reached the floor, nor have they been reintroduced in this Congress.
The National Conference of State Legislatures says it’s not trying to get repeal legislation reintroduced and instead is focusing its efforts on changing the Homeland Security Department’s implementing regulations in order to allow states to save face by complying with the law without admitting they’re doing so. The conference of state legislatures also would like to secure more flexibility in how and when the new licenses are issued.
“If legislation isn’t an option, the only other alternative is that the department open back up the regulations to make some additional changes that make it easier for all states to come into compliance,” says Molly Ramsdell, a senior policy director at the conference of state legislatures.
Ramsdell says the new secure licenses are going to cost states $3.9 billion and that the federal government has provided no more than $200 million in assistance. She says the state legislatures support further extensions to the current Jan. 15, 2013, compliance deadline as well as more flexibility in how states use federal funds so they can cover more of the Real ID costs with existing federal grants. Last March, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who strongly opposed Real ID in her previous job as governor of Arizona, extended the states’ compliance deadline and she could do so again.
The penalties would be unpleasant for residents of states that didn’t comply with the law by adopting more-secure licenses: They could not use their state licenses as federal identification, such as when boarding an airline flight.
On the other side of the table from the states, supporters of the Real ID law are trying to ensure that the most recent extension for compliance was the last.
At a House Judiciary Committee hearing in October 2011, Republican F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. of Wisconsin, the driving force behind the Real ID law, told Napolitano that the repeal legislation was dead and asked her if she would stick to the 2013 deadline. Napolitano demurred, but said she would work with the states to get them into compliance.
Read more: Family Security Matters
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Study in mice raises hopes for birth control pill for men | Reuters
In lab experiments, male mice given the pill were rendered completely infertile during treatment as they produced fewer and less mobile sperm. The drug, originally tested as part of a broader cancer research project, does not affect the hormone system or sex drive, the team said on Thursday.
"There is no effect on the mouse's mojo. The animals exhibit the normal sexual behaviors and frequency of copulation," said Dr. James Bradner of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, whose study appears in the journal Cell.
What's more, the effect is completely reversible. Once doctors stopped giving the drug to mice, they were able to sire healthy litters, with no apparent side effects, Bradner said.
Study in mice raises hopes for birth control pill for men | Reuters
Colorado: First Anthrax Outbreak In 31 Years Kills Dozens Of Cows On Logan County Ranch « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
Business Week – “LAKEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Two more cows have died from anthrax exposure in northeast Colorado, expanding the first outbreak of the disease in the state in 31 years to three ranches.
Last week, 60 cows died on a Logan County ranch, where anthrax was positively identified in one animal. Officials say it’s likely they all died of the disease.
The Colorado Department of Agriculture said Wednesday the additional cows were on two separate adjacent ranches. Both died from the disease.
State Veterinarian Keith Roehr said all three ranches involved share fences and the new cases likely are the result of cows grazing in an area with soil containing anthrax spores.
Neighboring herds have been vaccinated. No cows left the affected ranches so none entered the food supply and no human infection has been reported, Roehr said.
Anthrax kills livestock within hours of infection and can decimate herds if animals are not quickly treated, he said.
Colorado: First Anthrax Outbreak In 31 Years Kills Dozens Of Cows On Logan County Ranch « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
Thursday, August 16, 2012
West Virginia Carrying Out Real ID Driver's License Law
West Virginia continues to issue new driver’s licenses that meet national standards adopted after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, amid a refusal by a number of other states to carry out the federal Real ID law, Deputy Division of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Steven Dale told lawmakers this week.
Dale said the DMV began the effort with licenses up for renewal or applied for this year. West Virginia’s 1.3 million drivers must renew their licenses every five years.
“This gives all of our citizens the opportunity of going through the process without requiring them to come in and make a special trip,” Dale said. “If we had delayed implementing Real ID as of this year, not only would that have caused further inconvenience for our citizens, it also would have doubled up our workload.”
Once drivers get the new licenses, they won’t have to bring in the various identification documents required by Real ID for their next renewal because the agency is scanning and storing them electronically, Dale told a pair of House-Senate oversight committees.
West Virginia Carrying Out Real ID Driver's License Law
Restaurant Owner Fights Atheists Over Dinner Discount for Church Bulletins
It has been a Sunday tradition for many years at restaurants all over America: Bring in a church bulletin and get a discount on Sunday dinner. But a restaurant in Columbia, Pennsylvania, is now under investigation by the Pennsylvania Human Rights Commission after a self-identified atheist filed a charge of discrimination against it over its church discount.
Pennsylvania's Lancaster Journal reported that John Wolff, a retired electrical engineer as well as a member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), filed the charge against Columbia's Lost Cajun Kitchen (pictured), which offers a 10-percent discount to patrons who bring in a Sunday church bulletin. “I did this not out of spite, but out of a feeling against the prevailing self-righteousness that stems from religion, particularly in Lancaster County,” Wolff was quoted by the paper as saying.
Restaurant Owner Fights Atheists Over Dinner Discount for Church Bulletins
Facedeals: Facial recognition marketing stirs privacy discussion along with excitement - NY Daily News
Facedeals, from marketing firm Red Planet, uses your Facebook photos to identify you in stores so you can get personalized offers and discounts. "The idea is not to invade privacy, which is a big issue right now," says Samantha Anderson, business director at Red Pepper. "Your face wouldn't be in any sort of database unless you opt into it."
Facedeals is maintaining a bit of privacy, itself. The name is just a working name. The app will come to market with a different one.
Facedeals: Facial recognition marketing stirs privacy discussion along with excitement - NY Daily News
LA to use new fingerprint and palm print scanners |
Biometrics4ALL’s “LiveScan” booking solution includes 30 fingerprint and palm print scanners that will be used for various criminal-booking applications and for data submission to the Los Angeles County Fingerprint Identification System or LAFIS, along with data transfers to the California Department of Justice (Cal-DOJ), and the FBI.
The contract was awarded to Biometrics4ALL after it presented an extensive demonstration to the LASD evaluation team and after going through a rigorous weeklong analysis with Los Angeles County. The evaluation found that Biometric4ALL’s software had one of the smoothest booking workflows, which would benefit the County’s regional identification system upon implementation.
The software also has several other features such as an intuitive user interface, “face find” mug shot capture and rapid data capture capabilities. The software is backed up by equally impressive hardware such as the portable casing for the unit, fingerprint and palm print scanner, a photo camera, an electronic signature pad, a magnetic stripe reader, a driver license 2-D bar code reader and military-class batteries which have an eight hour life span.
LA to use new fingerprint and palm print scanners |
Advances in Data Storage Have Implications for Civil Liberties -
"Trapwire" information:

Pic info: In 1956, the original IBM 350 disk storage unit, left, could store about 4.4 megabytes. Earlier this year, Victorinox released a 1 terabyte USB flash drive, right, that fits inside a Swiss Army Knife.
A wave of worry about a software program called TrapWire, designed to detect terrorists casing possible targets, appears to be unjustified, as I wrote in Tuesday’s Times.
Based on stolen corporate e-mails posted by WikiLeaks, some reports hugely exaggerated the program’s sweep and capabilities; the New York Police Department, for instance, says that contrary to claims on the Web, it has never used TrapWire.
But the bogus flap over one particular surveillance product should not eclipse the very real issues lurking behind it. Government at every level is experimenting with sophisticated surveillance equipment whose capabilities are improving as rapidly as every other kind of electronic technology.
Advances in Data Storage Have Implications for Civil Liberties -
Pic info: In 1956, the original IBM 350 disk storage unit, left, could store about 4.4 megabytes. Earlier this year, Victorinox released a 1 terabyte USB flash drive, right, that fits inside a Swiss Army Knife.
A wave of worry about a software program called TrapWire, designed to detect terrorists casing possible targets, appears to be unjustified, as I wrote in Tuesday’s Times.
Based on stolen corporate e-mails posted by WikiLeaks, some reports hugely exaggerated the program’s sweep and capabilities; the New York Police Department, for instance, says that contrary to claims on the Web, it has never used TrapWire.
But the bogus flap over one particular surveillance product should not eclipse the very real issues lurking behind it. Government at every level is experimenting with sophisticated surveillance equipment whose capabilities are improving as rapidly as every other kind of electronic technology.
Advances in Data Storage Have Implications for Civil Liberties -
'Black box' standards coming for cars - The Hill's Floor Action
New federal standards for "black boxes" that record information leading up to auto accidents will will take effect Sept. 1, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) ruled on Tuesday.
The decision means the new standards for the devices will not be delayed by one year, as automakers had requested.
'Black box' standards coming for cars - The Hill's Floor Action
» Trapwire: Big Brother Now Monitors Your Every Move
I realize a lot of people take Alex Jones for some kind of extremist, but this information is locatable at other sites also through a Google search.
» Trapwire: Big Brother Now Monitors Your Every Move Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Trapwire: Big Brother Now Monitors Your Every Move Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Welcome to NISD's Student Locator Program | NISD Student Locator Program
Northside ISD is harnessing the power of radio frequency identification technology (RFID) to make schools safer, know where our students are while at school, increase revenues, and provide a general purpose “smart” ID card.
Parents entrust us with their children and expect that we always know where their children are; this technology will help us do that.
Jay and Jones have a combined enrollment of 4,200 students (out of a projected 100,000 students in NISD). The pilot is small relative to the size of the school district. The "smart" ID cards only work within the school.
Parents entrust us with their children and expect that we always know where their children are; this technology will help us do that.
The Student Locator Project is currently being piloted at two schools. They are Jay High School and Jones Middle School, two of 112 schools in Northside ISD. The pilot will last one year after which time the data will be evaluated and decisions made about further implementation in future years.Jay and Jones have a combined enrollment of 4,200 students (out of a projected 100,000 students in NISD). The pilot is small relative to the size of the school district. The "smart" ID cards only work within the school.
- Increase student safety and security. Our students' parents expect that we always know where their children are in our schools.
- Increase attendance. Through more efficient attendance management, schools can generate additional revenues by identifying students who are not in their seats during roll call but who are in the school and locate them. (Increased attendance = increased state revenues)
- Provide multi-purpose "Smart" Student ID card. The Student ID will provide access to the library and cafeteria, serve as a photo ID, and allow for the purchase of tickets to schools' extracurricular activities. Other uses will be rolled out during the pilot program.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
We're watching: The camera that can recognise you from your Facebook picture every time you walk into a shop | Mail Online
Facedeals - a new camera that can recognise shoppers from their Facebook pictures as they enter a shop, and then offer them discounts
A promotional video created to promote the concept shows drinkers entering a bar, and then being offerend cheap drinks as they are recognised.
'Facebook check-ins are a powerful mechanism for businesses to deliver discounts to loyal customers, yet few businesses—and fewer customers—have realized it,' said Nashville-based advertising agency Redpepper.
They are already trialling the scheme in firms close to their office.
'A search for businesses with active deals in our area turned up a measly six offers.
'The odds we’ll ever be at one of those six spots are low (a strip club and photography studio among them), and the incentives for a check-in are not nearly enticing enough for us to take the time.
'So we set out to evolve the check-in and sweeten the deal, making both irresistible.
'We call it Facedeals.'
We're watching: The camera that can recognise you from your Facebook picture every time you walk into a shop | Mail Online
TrapWire investigation links transit systems and Anonymizer in global surveillance network — RT
TrapWire investigation links transit systems and Anonymizer in global surveillance network
The facts behind TrapWire continue to surface in the days since WikiLeaks exposed the state-of-the-art surveillance system, but minute-by-minute more is being revealed about not just the scary intelligence infrastructure but its questionable ties.
Last week, WikiLeaks published their latest addition to trove of the so-called Global Intelligence Files — emails uncovered from Texas-based Strategic Forecasting (Stratfor) by Anonymous late last year — in turn revealing a widespread surveillance system blanketing much of the United States and abroad. The project, TrapWire, is the brainchild of Abraxas, a Northern Virginia corporation that has cut countless deals with the federal government and is staffed by former agents out of not just the Pentagon but practically every leading intelligence agency in the country. As those connections are examined under a magnifying glass by researchers and hacktivists alike, though, more and more is being brought to light about the correlations that exist between the biggest of brothers and an entire industry that profits from pulverizing what is left of privacy.
TrapWire investigation links transit systems and Anonymizer in global surveillance network — RT
Homeland Security finishing acquisition of millions of rounds of high-powered ammo — RT
The Department of Homeland Security is rushing to finish the acquisition of 750 million rounds of high-power ammunition that has already raised many eyebrows. In one week, the DHS should start expecting an arsenal that will make some armies jealous.
The DHS has updated a solicitation originally posted on the Federal Business
Opportunities website earlier this year, now answering questions from prospective contractors about an inquiry the agency published back in April. All responses to the DHS’ request for hundreds of millions of rounds of high-power ammunition must still be sent in by August 20, but now the federal agency designated to thwart terrorism on the home front has answered some questions about what exactly they are looking for in terms of being able to blow stuff up.
Homeland Security finishing acquisition of millions of rounds of high-powered ammo — RT
Want An RFID Chip Implanted Into Your Hand? Here's What The DIY Surgery Looks Like (Video) - Forbes
Amal Graafstra snaps on a pair of black rubber gloves. “Do you want to talk about pain management techniques?” he asks. The bearded systems administrator across the table, who requested I call him “Andrew,” has paid Grafstra $30 to have a radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip injected into the space between his thumb and pointer finger, and as Graafstra describes Lamaze-type breathing methods, Andrew looks remarkably untroubled, in spite of the intimidatingly high-gauge syringe sitting on the table between them.
Graafstra finishes his pain talk, fishes a tiny cylindrical two-millimeter diameter EM4012 RFID chip out of a tin of isopropyl alcohol, and drops it into the syringe’s end, replacing the RFID tag intended for pets that came with the injection kit. He swabs Andrew’s hand with iodine, carefully pinches and pulls up a fold of skin on the top of his hand to create a tent of flesh, and with the other hand slides the syringe into the subcutaneous layer known as the fascia, just below the surface.
Want An RFID Chip Implanted Into Your Hand? Here's What The DIY Surgery Looks Like (Video) - Forbes
Monday, August 13, 2012
World powers weigh emergency meeting on food prices | Reuters
(Reuters) - France, the United States and G20 president Mexico will hold a conference call at the end of August to discuss whether an emergency international meeting is required to tackle soaring grain prices caused by the worst U.S. drought in half a century.
World powers weigh emergency meeting on food prices | Reuters
World powers weigh emergency meeting on food prices | Reuters
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Putin says Russia to get hundreds of military planes | Reuters
Russia's military will get 1,600 new warplanes and helicopters by 2020, President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday, as part of efforts to strengthen the country's armed forces.
Putin has worked hard to restore pride in the Cold War-era superpower's military since his first election in 2000.
The planned addition of 600 military planes and 1,000 helicopters is part of a 23 trillion rouble ($720 billion)program to re-equip a military still weakened by spending cuts prompted by the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.
"We are talking primarily about providing our forces with state-of-the-art modern technology," Putin said at an air show on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the country's air force.
Putin says Russia to get hundreds of military planes | Reuters
Analysis: China's sway over Cambodia tests Southeast Asian unity | Reuters
(Reuters) - Students in their twenties sit behind old wooden desks in Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh, scribbling away as a teacher barks out phrases in a foreign language above the roar of motorcycles outside.
Unlike in most other countries in the region, the students at this private language school and others nearby are not learning English -- it's Chinese.
Along the street, signs with golden Chinese letters on newly painted red-and-yellow buildings offer cheap crash courses in Mandarin.
"Before, people came to this area to study English but now it's Chinese," said Gua Fa, a teacher and manager of the Ming Fa Chinese School. "The students all want to be tour guides, Chinese translators, or work in banks and restaurants."
It's another sign of China's growing influence in Cambodia, something that is upsetting the unity of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Analysis: China's sway over Cambodia tests Southeast Asian unity | Reuters
Unlike in most other countries in the region, the students at this private language school and others nearby are not learning English -- it's Chinese.
Along the street, signs with golden Chinese letters on newly painted red-and-yellow buildings offer cheap crash courses in Mandarin.
"Before, people came to this area to study English but now it's Chinese," said Gua Fa, a teacher and manager of the Ming Fa Chinese School. "The students all want to be tour guides, Chinese translators, or work in banks and restaurants."
It's another sign of China's growing influence in Cambodia, something that is upsetting the unity of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Analysis: China's sway over Cambodia tests Southeast Asian unity | Reuters
Michigan School District Sold School to Jihad-Linked Group In Sweetheart Deal, After Telling Christian Pastor It Was Slated for Demolition - Atlas Shrugs
Last Wednesday, there was a bombshell development during a community briefing that a group of concerned citizens in the Detroit area were holding to focus on a shady sweetheart deal that the Farmington Hills School District gave to a jihad-linked Muslim group in the sale of a school. As you can see in the video above, a Christian pastor revealed that he had called the public school district to inquire about buying the vacant elementary school for his church. District officials lied to him, telling him the building was not suitable and was slated for demolition. But in reality, all the while the district was negotiating behind closed doors with the terror-linked Islamic Cultural Association, to which it sold the property while saying that no one else had asked about buying it.
Michigan School District Sold School to Jihad-Linked Group In Sweetheart Deal, After Telling Christian Pastor It Was Slated for Demolition - Atlas Shrugs
Michigan School District Sold School to Jihad-Linked Group In Sweetheart Deal, After Telling Christian Pastor It Was Slated for Demolition - Atlas Shrugs
Egyptian President Cancel’s Military-Declared Amendments Giving Them Wide Powers, Dismisses Top Military Leaders « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
AP – “CAIRO — Egypt’s Islamist president ordered his defense minister and chief of staff to retire on Sunday and canceled the military-declared constitutional amendments that gave top generals wide powers.
It was not immediately clear whether the decision had the military’s blessing. Morsi has been in a power struggle with the military since he came to power on June 30. Shortly before he was announced the winner of elections, the ruling military council that took power after Hosni Mubarak’s ouster stripped the presidency of many of its key powers.
Morsi also appointed a senior judge, Mahmoud Mekki, as vice president. All decisions are effective immediately.
Egyptian President Cancel’s Military-Declared Amendments Giving Them Wide Powers, Dismisses Top Military Leaders « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
Egyptian Media Being Censored For Criticising Islamist President Morsi « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
USA Today – “CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian court ordered the Saturday editions of a newspaper confiscated over allegations it insulted Islamist president Mohammed Morsi and instigated sectarian discord, Egypt’s official news agency said.
Editions of Al-Dustour, a privately owned daily, were seized after several individuals filed lawsuits accusing it of ‘fueling sedition’ and ‘harming the president through phrases and wording punishable by law,’ MENA said.
It was not clear whether the paper was barred from publishing completely. Newspaper al-Masry al-Youm said authorities have removed al-Dustour from newsstands.
The paper, a tabloid owned by a Christian businessman, has been fiercely critical of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood while showing strong support for the military council, which took power after the ouster of Hosni Mubarak in last year’s uprising. Both Morsi and the military council are in midst of power struggle.
Egyptian Media Being Censored For Criticising Islamist President Morsi « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
Editions of Al-Dustour, a privately owned daily, were seized after several individuals filed lawsuits accusing it of ‘fueling sedition’ and ‘harming the president through phrases and wording punishable by law,’ MENA said.
It was not clear whether the paper was barred from publishing completely. Newspaper al-Masry al-Youm said authorities have removed al-Dustour from newsstands.
The paper, a tabloid owned by a Christian businessman, has been fiercely critical of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood while showing strong support for the military council, which took power after the ouster of Hosni Mubarak in last year’s uprising. Both Morsi and the military council are in midst of power struggle.
Egyptian Media Being Censored For Criticising Islamist President Morsi « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
Breaking free, Egypt's President Mursi removes generals | Reuters
Egypt's Islamist President Mohamed Mursi dismissed Cairo's two top generals and quashed a military order that had curbed the new leader's powers, in a move that further stamped his authority on the country and its army.
There had been much debate over the fate of Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, 76, who until Mursi's election in June had ruled Egypt as head of a military council since Hosni Mubarak was toppled last year. The timing of Sunday's announcement to replace him as armed forces head was nevertheless a surprise.
However, an embarrassing debacle for the army on the border with Israel, where 16 Egyptian troops were killed by Islamist militants a week ago, may have given Mursi the opening he needed to step up the pace in rolling back the military's influence, pushing aside Tantawi and military chief of staff Sami Enan.
Breaking free, Egypt's President Mursi removes generals | Reuters
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