Friday, December 2, 2011


The letter said, "Dear Mr. Hanlan, I must speak to you about your daughter, Mary. She wrote me an insulting and inexcusable letter criticizing my teaching. We cannot allow such behavior from our students. You must come to see me immediately, or serious measures will be taken against your daughter. Please call me as soon as possible for an appointment."
Josh looked up from the letter at his daughter, who had a worried, but angry look on her face. Josh knew that look. His daughter was so bright, but also willful when she thought she was right.
"What's this about, honey? What letter is Miss Johnson talking about."
"Oh Daddy, I was so bored with her science class, I could just scream. Daddy, I want to learn science. I love it so much. You know that, don't you?"
"Of course sweetheart."
"Well, Miss Johnson does the silliest, stupidest things in class. For a science project, she had the whole class pick up bird seed with the bottom of wet spoons, to show us how birds use their tongues. She makes us do projects like that all the time, and they're all just as silly."


By Dr. Laurie Roth
December 2, 2011
The Senate voted yes on the National Defense Authorization Act.
This is a critical step over the ‘stuck on stupid’ line to the traitorous and treasonous line by our Senate this week. They voted for our Military to detain American citizens as long as they want to, without charges, representation or trial……just because they are suspected of being a terrorist. Americans could be gathered up and placed at GITMO for a ‘mystery’ terrorist reason decided by the military front and directed by Obama or any other power hungry President. It is all kosher and approved by the Senate and President now. Naturally, Obama is threatening a veto, of course that hits the airwaves to soften this traitorous ruling against the American people.

"Pastors charged after telling 'gays' about sin"

Two veteran street preachers in Houston are facing a bench trial for spreading the biblical message about homosexuality – and other sins – on one of their favorite corners for preaching in Houston.


By Dr. Patrick Jonston
November 30, 2011
Revelation 13, a Metaphor for Today
The Bible speaks of a government in the last days that “makes war with the Lamb” (Rev. 13). This totalitarian state demands worship of its image – “the beast.” This government mandates a “mark” on the forehead or back of the hand in order to buy or sell. This government slays many martyrs. “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man…” The mark represents the worship of man.
Throughout the book of Revelation, there is a distinction between those who “worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark” and those who “had gotten victory over the beast and his image, and his mark.” The former are judged and condemned to the lake of fire; the latter are received into heaven’s glory to rule and to reign with Christ forever. 


By Paul McGuire
29, 2011
Russian General Nikolai Makarov said in RIANOVSTI, “NATO’s eastward expansion or an attack on Iran by the U.S. and Israel could cause Russia to enter the conflicts. The General said, ”The possibility of local armed conflicts along nearly the whole border has increased dramatically. In certain conditions, I do not rule out local and regional armed conflicts developing into a large-scale war, including using nuclear weapons.”


By Kelleigh Nelson
November 29, 2011
"If the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them." --Candidus Pen name of Samuel Adams during the era of the Sons of Liberty Source: in the Boston Gazette, 1772
Bill Haslam is the Republican Governor of Tennessee. Haslam was elected to office in 2010. He previously served as Mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee, from 2003 until his resignation in 2011. While he has an "R" behind his name, Haslam is no conservative. This is the story of how he intends to raise taxes on all Americans. The title of this article is "TEA," for Taxed Enough Already, the same acronym used by the Tea Parties.
First let's look at this phony right winger who calls himself a Christian Conservative. Haslam was born in Knoxville in 1958 and is the son of Jim Haslam, the founder of Pilot Corporation, the parent company of the convenience store and travel center chain, Pilot Flying J. He ran for Mayor of Knoxville partly because of a conversation he had with fellow RINO Bob Corker who was then mayor of Chattanooga, TN. Corker is now the junior RINO senator of Tennessee and he along with our Senior RINO Senator, Lamar Alexander and our Governor, Bill Haslam, is a big proponent of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. 


By Chuck Baldwin
December 1, 2011
It is well documented that many of America's Founding Fathers had a very real and deep-seated distrust of standing armies--and for good reason. They had just fought a costly and bloody war for independence, which had been largely predicated upon the propensities for the abuse and misuse of individual liberties by a pervasive and powerful standing army (belonging to Great Britain) amongst them. Listen to Thomas Jefferson: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies." Note that Jefferson identified both banking institutions and standing armies as being "dangerous to our liberties." James Madison said, "A standing army is one of the greatest mischief that can possibly happen." Elbridge Gerry (Vice President under James Madison) called standing armies "the bane of liberty." 

"Conspiracy theory confirmed: Bankers do want to rule the world"

One of the longest running conspiracy theories in the global mindset is that the banking cartels would like nothing more than to control the economic and social domains of nations through a centralized authority, which would then be run by a select few.

On November 24th, this theory may have finally come out of the darkness and into the light as an executive member of the European Central Bank (ECB) called for nations in the Euro Zone to be willing to give up economic sovereignty to the EMU over fiscal, structural, and economic polices.

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