Saturday, September 8, 2012

A hidden world, growing beyond control |

The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.
A hidden world, growing beyond control |

Obama Executive Order Will Nationalize the Demonization of US Veterans as Mentally Ill

 In this EO, Obama takes control over the evaluation of the mental health of our returning service men and women by providing US government controlled “effective mental health services for veterans, service members, and their families.” Obama is authorizing the coordination of the Departments of Veterans and the Department of Defense (DoD), as well as the Departments of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Defense to “transition” veterans back into “civilian life”.

Obama Executive Order Will Nationalize the Demonization of US Veterans as Mentally Ill

Friday, September 7, 2012


 (Something for further investigation...I do know that Muslims are becoming a larger and larger number of the population in Michigan - AW)


I checked the Michigan human resources site and this is indeed true. They not only have an application in Arabic, but also a food assistance pamphlet in Arabic. Our country is becoming too stupid to survive. And last year, our president sent $200,000,000 to Palestine to bring 200,000 muslim immigrants to America. We now pay for muslims to immigrate here so our taxpayers can support them.

I went to the website for them in the link below and sure enough, on the right side of the page, there is an application for food assistance PDF file in English, Spanish and "Arabic"! I opened the file to see for myself and it's there all right. 
Have we gone completely nuts!!?
Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives.
Many Muslims have immigrated into the U.S. and brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow multiple marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as 'extended family' on welfare and other free Government programs!
Michigan has the highest population of Muslims in the United States . When President Obama took office, the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians, (all Muslim), immigrated here from Palestine .
Why? I have no idea, do you! We don't pay for other persons to immigrate here, and I'm sure that some of those Muslims moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslims already established there.
So now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to "Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic"!

Every time you add a new language to an American program it requires an additional number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer!
Why are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for themselves, and putting them in our welfare system?

Press 3 for Arabic.

This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely for, as far as I know, no public announcement of or opportunity to vote on this was ever offered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance, and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.
The following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page, (as in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for...(get this).....English, Spanish, and ARABIC !!! 

When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "Pressing 3 for ARABIC?"

Check it out for yourself.

Please inform every red-blooded American you know, that this is happening. It is outrageous! The camel's nose is literally now OFFICIALLY under the tent!

How Islam's Ancient Sectarian Divide Fuels Conflict in the Middle East - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Shiite vs Sunni

Photo Gallery: Islam's Old Sectarian Divide

They began as a cry for freedom in the Middle East, but the Arab rebellions have become increasingly characterized by an ancient sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. SPIEGEL examines how the power struggle between the two groups is sparking new fears along old frontlines.

How Islam's Ancient Sectarian Divide Fuels Conflict in the Middle East - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Savage: Dems rejection of God ‘the turning point’

 The Democratic Party’s symbolic dismissal of God with the removal and forced return of His name to its platform by party officials amid boos from delegates could be the turning point in the 2012 presidential campaign said talk radio-host Michael Savage.

Savage: Dems rejection of God ‘the turning point’

Smith & Wesson Soars - Business Insider

Smith Wesson Handgun
Gunmaker Smith & Wesson just CRUSHED its earnings.
The company earned 27 cents vs. expectations of 18 cents.
Revenue was $136 million vs. estimates of just over $128.7 million.
For next quarter, the company expects earnings of 19 to 21 sents, which is well above estimates of 13 cents.
The stock is going bananas after hours, rising over 20%.

Smith & Wesson Soars - Business Insider

A Brief History of Political Correctness and Its Origins

(this is exellent, and very relevant to today's political/economic/social/religious climate- AW)

A Guide for the Perplexed:
A brief history of political correctness and its origins.
by Cartes A. Jouer
When I was a student at the International School of Tanganyika in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, in my teenage years, I attended my ‘Humanities’ class that took place on Tuesday mornings.  The topic of the day was the ’Industrial Revolution’.  After discussing the historical climate of how the industrial revolution emerged, my teacher gave a brief overview of who Karl Marx was and the ideas he had formulated, to explain this monumental historical event.  She explained to us that he was the most “profound thinker” whose ideas changed the direction of history.  He did indeed.  My teacher also noted that his theories were so complicated that many people easily misunderstand him and warned us to take his critics with a “grain of salt”.  I put my hand up and asked my teacher if she would agree that Bolshevism and Maoism had caused the deaths of millions in their attempt to bring about Marx’s Utopian ideas to political reality. And that both Lenin and Mao where avowed Marxists.  It seemed that my questions made her see red (no pun intended).  Slamming her hand on the desk she lividly responded “But they were not TRUE Marxists!!”

A Brief History of Political Correctness and Its Origins - Atlas Shrugs

The End of U.S.-Israel Strategic Cooperation?

Finally, the administration announced that Austere Challenge would be reconstituted as the biggest and best missile defense exercise yet. Until this week, when it announced that the exercise would be scaled back – way, way back – so Iran would not think it was cover for a U.S.-Israel attack.
This is where General Dempsey comes in – he is the President’s emissary to reassure the Iranians that the U.S. will have nothing to do with an attack on them; that they are safe from us. And he is the President’s emissary to tell the Arab and Muslim world that the relationship with Israel is expendable. Too bad he doesn’t understand that we are not safe from the Iranians and that dumping Israel will not make Islamist and Islamist-leaning countries — from Turkey to Egypt to Pakistan to Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan — our friends.

The United States is trading a long-standing, mutually beneficial security relationship for relations that will be less solid (is anything less solid than the US-Egypt relationship AFTER we’ve spend $1.5 billion on it annually since the early 1980s and welcomed its Muslim Brotherhood revolution?); less technologically advantageous to the U.S. (the technology relationship with the Arab/Muslim world flows only one way); and less protective of minority and civil rights (as the Egyptians discover we have no leverage).

General Dempsey is the fall guy for an administration that increasingly holds Israel in contempt before Arab and Muslim countries — which increasingly hold us in contempt.

The U.S. rejoined the UN Human Rights Commission and the UN Alliance of Civilizations, an openly anti-Israel body that claimed in 2006 that global tensions were driven primarily by the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and referred to the September 11th attacks as resulting from “a perception among Muslim societies of unjust aggression stemming from the West.” (I have followed this group AoC for quite some time, it is contributing to one world gov., religion, etc.-AW)

The End of U.S.-Israel Strategic Cooperation? | Jewish & Israel News

Stealth Jihad

Imagine the outcry if a prominent Republican Party operative, an imam publicly dedicated to "building bridges" with non-Muslims, and three world-renowned Islamic scholars appeared at a convention of a group closely linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. You're right, there would be no outcry at all, for that is exactly what happened over the weekend, as Suhail Khan, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, John Esposito, Karen Armstrong and Tariq Ramadan appeared, along with Nihad Awad of Hamas-linked CAIR, at the annual convention of the Hamas- and Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

Stealth Jihad: Suhail Khan, John Esposito, Karen Armstrong, Tariq Ramadan, Feisal Abdul Rauf attend US Muslim Brotherhood ISNA Convention - Atlas Shrugs

Democratic National Convention Muslim Prayer Segregates Women, Islamist Wears Tattered American Flag « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

Source: Dwayne Gross; NBC News

Democratic National Convention Muslim Prayer Segregates Women, Islamist Wears Tattered American Flag « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

Arutz Sheva Op-Ed: ‘Europe’s Streets Are Very Dark These Days And You Feel Like A Jew In Berlin In The ‘20s’ « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

By Giulio Meotti – “When kippah-wearing Jews and non-Jews march in Sweden to show that they have no fear, I know fear.
When anti-Semitism is again the most common currency of politics in Europe, I know fear.
When the Chief Rabbi of Lyon receives death threats with menacing photos, I know fear.
When a rabbi and his daughter are assaulted in the middle of Berlin, I know fear.
When guards patrol the streets near Rome’s Jewish school with metal detectors, searching for explosives, I know fear.
When I, a non-Jew, receive letters saying ‘dear feces eating insect, scratch around the Zionist dung as it’s natural for you’ and my name appears in the list of the ‘mafia ebraica’, I know fear.
When Bruxelles debates the criminalization of ‘Islamophobia’ like the Soviet Union did with ‘deviationism’, I know fear.
When circumcision is persecuted in Germany, like during the Shoah when the Jewish ritual could bring with it a death sentence, I know fear.
When Hizbullah officials speak at the Sorbonne University, I know fear.
When cartoonists’ houses are protected as bunkers with cameras, I know fear.
When the office of French magazine Charlie Hebdo is attacked by a firebomb, I know fear.
When even the pencils of visitors of Geert Wilders are searched by the police, I know fear.

Arutz Sheva Op-Ed: ‘Europe’s Streets Are Very Dark These Days And You Feel Like A Jew In Berlin In The ‘20s’ « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

Ohio: The Islam Project for ninth graders

 (This is truly bone chilling....from a 9th grade class in Ohio, AW)

 A book of historical fiction called "A stone in my hand" was assigned to the class as mandatory reading prior to the first day of school.  It is written in the first person voice of a Muslim Arab child living in the Gaza during the intifada years of 1987 - 1993. I was more than stunned and appalled at this agenda for English and Social studies assigned to ninth graders this year. I have no problem with historically accurate studies, studies of other cultures and religions. But I do have a problem with a slanted presentation that is clearly anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and pro-Islam. Not only am I offended at the book, but today I had a chance to review the the worksheets sent home as homework for this 9 week course. The worksheet's title is "Islam Project - Growth of Islam". Islam is a very specific religion. So this, in my opinion, is religious indoctrination masked as Social Studies and English. This is not an elective class on world religions.  How in the world did this happen? 

Ohio: The Islam Project for ninth graders - Atlas Shrugs

Thursday, September 6, 2012

British Muslim millionaire in divorce fight over 2nd wife

Muslim tycoon in divorce fight over affair 'allowed under Sharia Law'
Here again we witness the same supremacist pattern: anywhere Islamic law and Western law conflict, it is Western law that has to give way. Why is sharia even a consideration here? This is Britain -- it is British law that trumps all, correct?
Muslim tycoon in divorce fight over affair 'allowed under Sharia Law'  The Telegraph, Sept. 4, thanks to Atlas readers 
An unfaithful millionaire Muslim does not believe his estranged wife deserves a divorce because polygamy is allowed under Islamic law, he told a court today.

British Muslim millionaire in divorce fight over 2nd wife 'allowed under Sharia Law' - Atlas Shrugs

Denmark: Integration minister pulls out of anti-radicalization conference

The minister for integration and social affairs, Karen Hækkerup (Socialdemokraterne), has pulled out of a conference on religious radicalism next week after she discovered that one of the speakers helped fashion Pakistan’s highly controversial anti-blasphemy laws.

Denmark: Integration minister pulls out of anti-radicalization conference, refuses to appear with radical Muslim scholar - Atlas Shrugs

Gaza's Hamas Hopes to Revive Egyptian Ties with Muslim Brotherhood

"We are looking for normalization," Mahmoud al-Zahar, a senior Hamas leader, said in an interview in Gaza City, where intersections are adorned with billboards of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi smilingly shaking hands against a backdrop of Egyptian pyramids.

The Gaza Strip is home to 1.7 million Palestinians, all living in an area roughly twice the size of the District of Columbia. Currently, a limited number of people but no goods cross through Rafah, Gaza's only crossing not controlled by Israel, which severely restricts passage of products and people through two other entry points. Advocates say opening Rafah could end Gaza's electricity shortages, reduce its massive unemployment and bring the smuggling of goods and people, which now takes place in tunnels beneath Rafah, above ground.

Cistern dated to First Temple period found in Jerusalem

 A public water cistern found adjacent to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem sheds new light on the city's water supply more than 2,500 years ago (photo credit: Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority/Vladimir Naykhin)

Archaeologists have discovered a large public cistern from the time of the First Temple in Jerusalem’s Old City, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Thursday, offering new insight into the city’s water supply more than 2,500 years ago.
The cistern, which held 250 cubic meters of water, was discovered adjacent to the western side of the Temple Mount during an ongoing excavation at the site, the IAA said in a statement.

The discovery shows that the city’s water supply at the time did not rely solely on the Gihon Spring, Jerusalem’s only natural water source, but rather included large man-made reservoirs of the kind now uncovered, according to the IAA.

The unique size of the cistern — the largest of its time to be discovered in the city — and its location suggest the possibility that it played a part in the ritual activities at the Temple, according to archaeologist Tsvika Tsuk of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority.

Cistern dated to First Temple period found in Jerusalem | The Times of Israel

How China is boosting Egypt’s role in the Mideast

 (Any time China is involved in the Middle East, there are prophetic implications:  The Kings of the East is a title given to China and also the mention of a million man army marching on Israel so that is why I include this article - AW)

The Middle East with its vast energy resources and vital geopolitical position is of crucial importance for all the major powers, both east and west. It is also the site of strong anti-American sentiment and therefore might prove to be an excellent location for China to challenge America’s pre-eminent global role.

The same can be said of Central Asia, but that is rather more dependent on China’s and the USA’s willingness to invest heavily in that region.

How China is boosting Egypt’s role in the Mideast, amid fading U.S. influence | World Tribune

Obama's (Un)American Auto Bailout by Michelle Malkin

GM is once again flirting with bankruptcy despite massive government purchases propping up its sales figures. GM stock is rock-bottom. Losses continue to be revised in the wrong direction. According to The Detroit News, "The Treasury Department says in a new report the government expects to lose more than $25 billion on the $85 billion auto bailout. That's 15 percent higher than its previous forecast.

The claims that GM paid back its taxpayer-funded loans "in full" -- a story peddled in campaign ads narrated by Hollywood actor Tom Hanks -- were debunked by the Treasury Department's TARP watchdog this summer. GM still owes nearly $30 billion of the $50 billion it received, and its lending arm still owes nearly $15 billion of the more than $17 billion it received. Bailout watchdog Mark Modica of the National Legal and Policy Center adds: "In addition to U.S. taxpayers anteing up, Canada put in over $10 billion, and GM was relieved of about $28 billion of bondholder obligations as UAW claims were protected. That's an improvement of almost $90 billion to the balance sheet, and the company still lags the competition."

Family Security Matters

Homosexual Promiscuity: Breeding a national health problem

“Marriage Equality” is perhaps the most convoluted canard of our time. Underneath the hood of the homosexual revolution churns the most serious avoidable health problems of our time.
The majority of our most dangerous sexual diseases emanate from the homosexual revolution and are transmitted to wives, infants, children, and men by LBGTQ individuals who are most often bisexual.

Bisexuals are the majority in the LBGTQ movement. Approximately 1.8% to 4% of Americans are bisexual. This broad gateway infects unsuspecting heterosexual Americans with serious or fatal diseases. The impact to heterosexual women is serious. 70% of HIV infections in women are attributed to heterosexual contact.

David R. Usher and Cynthia L. Davis -- Homosexual Promiscuity: Breeding a national health problem

Feds Say Mobile-Phone Location Data Not 'Constitutionally Protected'

Feds Say Mobile-Phone Location Data Not 'Constitutionally Protected' | Threat Level |

Obamacare bans new physician-owned hospitals


In 2010, Obamacare limited the expansion of physician-owned hospitals (POHs) and banned the establishment of new ones. By the end of 2010, Obamacare forced up to 84 new POHs in various stages of development to be abandoned.[1]  These hospitals would have provided nearly 30,000 jobs.[2] 

Prior to Obamacare, POHs had been increasing rapidly.  Just between 2002 and 2004 the number of POHs nearly doubled, going from 46 in 2002 to 89 in 2004.[3]   Then, by the spring of 2010 the number of POHs reached 265, nearly tripling in number from 2004.[4] 

Physicians are restricted from referring Medicare patients to practices in which they have a financial interest.  But there is an exception where the doctor owns part of a whole hospital.

Section 6001 of Obamacare changes this by banning new POHs from accepting Medicare payments.  In addition, expansions of existing POHs must first seek approval from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) if they expect to accept Medicare.  Even then, Obamacare restricts expansion to 200% of the capacity the hospital had in 2010.

NetRight Daily » Obamacare bans new physician-owned hospitals

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rivlin: Obama doesn't understand ... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin

US President Barack Obama's administration does not understand the realities of the Middle East, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin said Wednesday, amid ongoing speculation of a rift in US-Israel relations.

Rivlin: Obama doesn't understand ... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Global crisis moves East as China suffers rapid downturn - Telegraph

Global crisis moves East as China suffers rapid downturn - Telegraph

Egypt confronts Israel with 6,000 Sinai Islamists as an approved militia

Egyptian tanks at Rafah terminal

 To keep the truce with the Islamist terrorist networks in Sinai in place, while avoiding a large-scale military operation to suppress them, Egypt is now releasing dozens of jailed Salafist gunmen in batches every few days, so feeding the Islamists a steady supply of reinforcements. Cairo is also in negotiation with Bedouin tribal elders to grant a body of 6,000 Al-Qaeda-linked Salafi gunmen the status of an approved, independent militia. Armed with up-to-date Egyptian weapons, this militia is to be charged with responsibility for maintaining security in the peninsula.

This may be a neat way out for Egypt and let the Morsi government off the hook of grappling with the violent Islamist networks infesting Sinai. But it leaves Israel squarely face to face with a whole new terrorist outfit which has the freedom to choose between operating in the service of Al Qaeda or Cairo – or playing both sides.

Israeli security circles on the southern front familiar with the Sinai security situation explain that the Egyptian army’s claim Monday, Sept. 3 that it pulled “another 20 tanks” out of the peninsula, marking the tail end of its putative counter-terror military offensive, was therefore the reverse of welcome news for Israel.

Egypt confronts Israel with 6,000 Sinai Islamists as an approved militia

Breaking News: Louisiana sinkhole

Breaking News: Louisiana sinkhole alarms reported, seismic activity spikes - National Human Rights |

Federal Reserve has already started QE3, says investor Jim Rogers


Veteran US investor Jim Rogers believes the Federal Reserve has already launched a third round of quantitative easing, despite chairman Ben Bernanke failing to mention stimulus measures in his Jackson Hole speech last week.

Federal Reserve has already started QE3, says investor Jim Rogers - Telegraph

New chip could lead to era of ultra-fast, powerful computing | CTVNews

 A group of scientists have developed a quantum computer chip that could lead to ultra-fast computer processors, which would outperform those found in today’s standard electronics and smartphones.

New chip could lead to era of ultra-fast, powerful computing | CTVNews

Jefferson County schools to begin using finger scanners

Jefferson County schools to begin using finger scanners - | News, sports, jobs, community information for Martinsburg - The Journal

U.S. nears deal for $1 billion in Egypt debt relief: source | Reuters

Egypt's President Mohamed Mursi speaks with China's Vice President Xi Jinping (not pictured) during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People, in Beijing August 29, 2012. REUTERS/How Hwee Young/Pool
(There is nothing pro-democracy about Egypt these days, at least not according to our definition of democracy.  Sharia law is being instituted there, Christians are being crucified, and the Muslim Brotherhood is taking control of the country...their goal, a caliphate - not a democracy.  AW)

The Obama administration is close to a deal with Egypt's new government for $1 billion in debt relief, a senior U.S. official said on Monday, as Washington seeks to help Cairo shore up its ailing economy in the aftermath of its pro-democracy uprising.

U.S. nears deal for $1 billion in Egypt debt relief: source | Reuters

UK nightclub uses biometrics to control entry


UK nightclub uses biometrics to control entry |

Hong Kong protest over school 'brainwashing' by China - Telegraph

 Hong Kong protest over school 'brainwashing' by China

Chanting "No to brainwashing education. Withdraw national education", some 8000 people denounced a Hong Kong government-funded booklet entitled "The China Model" they say glorifies China's single Communist party rule while glossing over more brutal aspects of its rule and political controversies.

Hong Kong protest over school 'brainwashing' by China - Telegraph

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Michael Moriarty -- The History of World War III, Part 2

To The Finland Station, Bill Clinton’s favorite tome in the highest heat of his collegiate idealism, and the most recent edition of which – as far as I know now of such editions – has a most revealing introduction by Professor Louis Menand of New York University. It is basically a “Before You Read Warning.”

New York University, near which I lived for many years, is hardly a bastion of conservative thought. Yet one of its esteemed professors is cautious enough to qualify the love affairs that young American Marxists fell into with that firebrand of Revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
The not-so-young but metaphysically urbane Leninist, Edmund Wilson, records Vladimir Lenin’s now historic journey from Finland to Revolutionary Russia and its “Finland Station” in St. Petersburg, a city that was eventually to be called Leningrad.

The metaphysically urbane Leninist, Edmund Wilson
 Continue reading:

Michael Moriarty -- The History of World War III, Part 2

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 16

(this is a continuing series, you can access previous posts through this article - AW)

At the beginning of Part 15 of this series, I mentioned that U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and four other members of Congress had inquired about the possible influence of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) within our federal government. Rep. Keith Ellison asked Rep. Bachmann for more information about her concerns, and she replied that the federal government continues to be "advised by organizations and individuals that the U.S. government itself has identified in federal courts as fronts for the international Muslim Brotherhood."

As David Horowitz noted a few days ago (August 30): "In 2010, State Department officials began 'engaging' with Muslim Brotherhood representatives shortly before the 'Arab Spring.' In 2011, State Department officials trained Muslim Brotherhood operatives on how to win elections as part of a course in 'democracy theories' following the fall of Hosni Mubarak...."

In Part 15, I mentioned that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief-of-Staff Huma Abedin's father, mother and brother have connections to organizations with ties to the MB. In the 1990s at George Washington University, Huma herself was a member of the Muslim Students Association, which has ties to the MB. Not only is Huma's mother a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, but it is worth noting that the wife of the newly elected Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi is also a member of the Sisterhood.

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 16

Monday, September 3, 2012

Morning Bell: Union Money in Elections

This election year, millions of Americans will donate to the political candidates and initiatives of their choice at the local, state, and federal levels. But for unionized workers, union dues come out of their paychecks and go to political causes—and they aren't consulted on where that money will go.

Morning Bell: Union Money in Elections

CIA leader's visit to show US support to Turkey over Syria and terror

 (sometimes I wonder how this all came about that General Petraeus wound up in this position????  AW)

CIA leader's visit to show US support to Turkey over Syria and terror

Dutch embrace radical left as European dream sours/Geert Wilders info

Just over two months ago, the small Dutch community of Almelo woke up to a tragedy that turned out to have national repercussions. On a modest street in a rundown area, Aziz Kara, a 64-year-old Turk, became embroiled in a ferocious argument with his neighbours. When he was struck to the ground, the impact of the blow put him into a coma. Ten days later Kara died of a brain haemorrhage.

In normal circumstances, the death would have preoccupied only the local media. But as the Netherlands prepares for its second national election in two years, Kara's case was different. When relatives and the local community organised a silent march through the streets of Almelo, politicians and mourners came from The Hague and across the country. National newspaper columns were devoted to the incident, which quickly became a PR disaster for arguably the most influential far-right politician in the European Union, Geert Wilders.

Dutch embrace radical left as European dream sours | World news | The Observer

Real Time US National Debt Clock | USA Debt

Amount of our country's debt that would be owed by each person were it divided up equally among every man, woman and child:  $50,000.00

See for yourself:

Real Time US National Debt Clock | USA Debt

Valerie Jarrett Is the Other Power in the West Wing

 (A google search on who VJ is would yield some pretty interesting results - AW)

Valerie Jarrett Is the Other Power in the West Wing -

Walmart iPhone ‘Scan & Go’ being tested

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is testing a “Scan & Go” system that would allow shoppers to scan items using their iPhones and then quickly pay at a self-checkout counter.
If the test by the world’s largest retailer is successful, it has the potential to change the way people shop and pay, making the process more personal and potentially faster.

Walmart iPhone ‘Scan & Go’ being tested | Retail | News | Financial Post

The Digital Wallet Is Starting to Take Shape

Google, Apple
Imagine if, in addition to all the things your smartphone does now, it could also act as your keys to the real world.
Instead of fumbling through a wallet for your credit cards, coupons, gift certificates, plane tickets, membership cards and receipts, you could simply tap your phone to a terminal. All the necessary information would load automatically, and then you’d simply confirm your identity with a thumbprint or PIN.

The Digital Wallet Is Starting to Take Shape | Techland |

Fantastic New Video Shows Huge Eruption on the Sun

This video by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captures a dramatic filament eruption on Aug. 31. Shown in the video in extreme ultraviolet light, the filament collapsed and exploded in spectacular fashion. The segment shown in red covers nearly 3 hours.
The NOAA spaceweather prediction center estimates the resulting cloud of radiation will reach Earth on Sep. 3, but will only create a minor to moderate geomagnetic storm.

Fantastic New Video Shows Huge Eruption on the Sun | Wired Science |

Carey blasts Cameron for going back on his promise as UK fights for a ban on crosses at work | Mail Online

 'Bottom of the pile': Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey says that unfair verdicts leave Christians at the bottom of the pile when it comes to rights

A former Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday accused David Cameron of going back on his promise to support the rights of Christians to wear a cross in the workplace.
Just five months ago the Prime Minister insisted that Christians should be allowed to display a token of their faith, yet his Government lawyers are now preparing to tell European human rights judges the opposite

Carey blasts Cameron for going back on his promise as UK fights for a ban on crosses at work | Mail Online

Feds shut down criminal investigation of Arpaio

Federal prosecutors closed an exhaustive four-year FBI criminal investigation and grand-jury probe targeting Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, former County Attorney Andrew Thomas and their top deputies, saying there will be no indictments.

Feds shut down criminal investigation of Arpaio, Thomas; no charges to be filed

Four devout British Christians fight for their religious freedom in landmark case at European Court of Human Rights | Mail Online

 Faith: The cross is a symbol of faith for Christians, but employers can ban them at work, according to the Government

Four devout British Christians fight for their religious freedom in landmark case at European Court of Human Rights | Mail Online

Official: Obama will make Bibi pay after elections - Israel News, Ynetnews

 סוללות פטריוט בתרגיל הקודם ב-2009 (צילום: EPA)

Other officials in Jerusalem said Washington is trying to send a message that Israel will not drag it into war, certainly not before the elections. The Americans were enraged by Israel's repeated threats to launch a solo military attack on Iran's nuclear sites, and top US General Martin Dempsey's recent statement that he does not "want to be complicit" if Israel chooses to attack was carefully worded.

Official: Obama will make Bibi pay after elections - Israel News, Ynetnews

Vanguard's Jack Bogle: Financial 'train wreck' looms –

Vanguard's Jack Bogle: Financial 'train wreck' looms –

We Are Staring At Economic Destruction & Soaring Inflation

Today Michael Pento writes exclusively for King World News to put readers ahead of the curve on what is happening with central planners.  Pento warned, “The European Central Bank and Federal Reserve are both about to announce, this very month, an incredible assault on the Euro and the dollar.”  Pento also cautioned, “... this is just the beginning of rising unemployment and soaring inflation.”

Pento also let investors know how to protect themselves in the coming chaos.  Here is Pento’s piece:  “Central banks will do something in September that causes fiat currencies to be flushed down the toilet.  It will mark the beginning of the end for money that is not backed by precious metals.  The events will be a desperate and final attempt to save faltering global GDP, but it will only lead to further economic destruction and intractable inflation.”

 Click on link:

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