By Giulio Meotti – “When kippah-wearing Jews and non-Jews march in Sweden to show that they have no fear, I know fear.
When anti-Semitism is again the most common currency of politics in Europe, I know fear.
When the Chief Rabbi of Lyon receives death threats with menacing photos, I know fear.
When a rabbi and his daughter are assaulted in the middle of Berlin, I know fear.
When guards patrol the streets near Rome’s Jewish school with metal detectors, searching for explosives, I know fear.
When I, a non-Jew, receive letters saying ‘dear feces eating insect, scratch around the Zionist dung as it’s natural for you’ and my name appears in the list of the ‘mafia ebraica’, I know fear.
When Bruxelles debates the criminalization of ‘Islamophobia’ like the Soviet Union did with ‘deviationism’, I know fear.
When circumcision is persecuted in Germany, like during the Shoah when the Jewish ritual could bring with it a death sentence, I know fear.
When Hizbullah officials speak at the Sorbonne University, I know fear.
When cartoonists’ houses are protected as bunkers with cameras, I know fear.
When the office of French magazine Charlie Hebdo is attacked by a firebomb, I know fear.
When even the pencils of visitors of Geert Wilders are searched by the police, I know fear.
Arutz Sheva Op-Ed: ‘Europe’s Streets Are Very Dark These Days And You Feel Like A Jew In Berlin In The ‘20s’ « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot