Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Amazon May Soon Need to Collect Sales Tax"

California visitors to Wal-Mart Stores' (WMT) website must pay $214 to buy a Philips Electronics (PHG) 22-inch LCD HDTV, one of the hottest-selling flat-panel televisions on the Web. Customers of (AMZN) in that state see a price of $194 for the same product. The discrepancy stems largely from something that dates back to Julius Caesar: sales tax. Wal-Mart, with about 100 stores in California, has to collect it. Amazon, with no stores in California—or anywhere else, for that matter—does not. 

States' Rights Issues: "WH in clash with Indiana over Planned Parenthood Funding"

The White House on Thursday urged Indiana to back off a new law that would withhold taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood, setting up a clash with the state after formally declaring its policy illegal. 

The North American Union - "Leaked U.S. cable lays out North American ‘integration’ strategy"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Revival Library

Revival Library

We're not in Mayberry any more

We're not in Mayberry any more
Opie records a conversation between a lawyer and his client and wants Andy to listen.
Andy gives him a lesson in the Fourth Amendment. The History of Jerusalem in 5 Minutes The History of Jerusalem in 5 Minutes

Archeological discoveries: "Beneath Jerusalem, an Underground City Takes Shape"

Underneath the crowded alleys and holy sites of old Jerusalem, hundreds of people are snaking at any given moment through tunnels, vaulted medieval chambers and Roman sewers in a rapidly expanding subterranean city invisible from the streets above.
At street level, the walled Old City is an energetic and fractious enclave with a physical landscape that is predominantly Islamic and a population that is mainly Arab.
Underground Jerusalem is different: Here the noise recedes, the fierce Middle Eastern sun disappears, and light comes from fluorescent bulbs. There is a smell of earth and mildew, and the geography recalls a Jewish city that existed 2,000 years ago.

Upheaval in the Middle East: "Iran: Renewing Egypt ties would force 'Zionists' to leave"

Big Brother: "GOP blocks Obama land grab"

Jewish Issues: "‘Circumcision and the Special City"

San Francisco's upcoming vote on banning circumcision:

In 2010 San Francisco supervisors banned Happy Meals. They showed no regard for parental choice.

So it should not come as a shock that activists have managed to put a measure on the November ballot that essentially would outlaw the circumcision of baby boys. If it passes, then parents won't be able to choose to circumcise their infant sons. The penalty for the "genital cutting of male minors" will be a $1,000 fine and/or up to a year in jail.

Upheaval in the Middle East: "Iranian Parliament Turns on Ahmadinejad"

Iranian Parliament Turns on Ahmadinejad — Votes to Send Him to Court 



Science News: "DNA Chip like Printing Press for Synthetic Biology "

Being A Witness: "Life-sized replica of Noah's Ark to sail up Thames for 2012 games... complete with animals"