Thursday, August 1, 2013

Is Muslim Group Waging “Stealth Jihad” in American Schools? Trunews:

School officials in Florida are defending a textbook that declares Muhammad as the “Messenger of God” after critics accused an Islamic education group of launching a stealth jihad in American public school classrooms.

The Prentice World History textbook being used in Brevard Public Schools includes a 36-page chapter on Islam but no chapters on Christianity or Judaism.
According to a copy obtained by Fox News, The ninth grade textbook declares that Muhammad is the “Messenger of God” and instructs students that jihad is a duty that Muslims must follow.

“Jihad may be interpreted as a holy war to defend Islam and the Muslim community, much like the Crusades to defend Christianity,” the book states.
The textbook published large passages from the Koran, but failed to include any Scripture from the Bible. And while the book  makes declarations about Muhammad being God’s messenger, it does not make declarations about Jesus being God’s son.

Is Muslim Group Waging “Stealth Jihad” in American Schools? Trunews:

'Israeli Government Surrendered the Temple Mount'

 Temple Mount
"It is truly tragic that the government has chosen to mark this occasion by once again imposing an extended ban on Jewish ascents.

"If this situation passes quietly, we will have reached a point of no return. The police are testing the waters: how important is the Temple Mount to the Jewish public? Our message - and the message of Jews around the world - must be clear: the Temple Mount is the heart and soul of the Jewish people, and we will not abandon it again."

'Israeli Government Surrendered the Temple Mount' - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Playing for Islam Against Ourselves

WWI was caused less by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, and more by Germany and Austria Hungary’s eagerness in courting the Muslim Ottoman Empire.

Playing for Islam Against Ourselves

Monday, July 29, 2013

U.S. Pentagon Observes Islamic Ramadan Holiday By Hosting Annual Iftar Dinner | Christian News Network

Iftar Dinner

 WASHINGTON – The United States Department of Defense recently observed its 15th annual Iftar dinner at the Pentagon in celebration of the Islamic holiday Ramadan.

According to a report from the U.S. Army, the event was attended by senior defense leaders, White House and Congressional staffers, imams, Muslim employees and other supporters of the Muslim religion.

“The month of Ramadan focuses on a lot of things,” Colonel Thomas Waynick, the Pentagon chaplain, told reporters. “Among them, focusing one’s heart away from worldly activities, the cleansing of one’s soul to free it from harmful impurities, and the practices of self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice and empathy, especially with the less fortunate, and thus encouraging generosity and charity. These things are common to many of the world’s religions.”

The keynote speaker was Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison, who is the first Muslim member of Congress. He spoke about the need to be charitable as a nation, and also discussed his thoughts about Muslims in the military.

U.S. Pentagon Observes Islamic Ramadan Holiday By Hosting Annual Iftar Dinner | Christian News Network

John Kerry 'Hosts an Iftar Dinner for Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni' | The Weekly Standard

 (What does an Iftar dinner have to do with Israeli Justice Minister Livni....Iftar is a Muslim dinner celebrating the end of Ramadan.  To me this is an 'in your face', accept what the Muslims want...we are giving them priority.)

Secretary of State John Kerry will host "an Iftar dinner for Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni," according to a copy of his schedule released by the State Department. The dinner will also be attended by "Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat."

John Kerry 'Hosts an Iftar Dinner for Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni' | The Weekly Standard

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rethinking the Conflict | News and Views from Jews Down Under

Posted on 21 July, 2013 by

One of the fundamental things that we are trying to do at Israel Thrives is simply rethink the conflict.  Two things, to my mind, could absolutely not be more clear.  The first is that the vast Arab majority in the Middle East, including those in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, have no intention whatsoever of giving up the long war against the Jews.  If that much is not clear by now, I cannot even begin to imagine what it will take for people to acknowledge the obvious.
The second thing that is absolutely clear is that the very way we speak on the issue is detrimental to the Jewish people because the language that we use comes from our enemies.  We need to wrap our brains around this notion, because it’s harming us and harming Israel.  This war, as much as it is anything else, is a cognitive war.

The Arab war against the Jews in the Middle East started off as a street fight by the Arab majority against the indigenous Jewish population.  It started in 1920 with riots and pogroms against the Jewish minority, turned to a civil war in November of 1947, became a conventional war (the kind with tanks and formal armies) between between 1948 and 1973, after which it is characterized by terrorism and the international effort to delegitimize both the Jewish people and the Jewish state.
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Rethinking the Conflict | News and Views from Jews Down Under