A Surprise in Psalm 83? The Magog Invasion: An Alternative View - Chuck Missler - Koinonia House
New items and written articles about today's events that are relevant to Bible Prophecy
Saturday, February 8, 2014
The Arab Descendants of Ishmael
Are The Arabs The Descendants of Ishmael?
By Dr. Robert A. MoreyIntroduction
The M idd le East w i ll never have peace until the above question is honest ly
answered accord ing to the h istor ica l facts. Myths and legends are fine as
stor ies for ch ildren but in the rea l world we must have facts and
documentat ion.
Part One
The Arab C la im
The Arabs ’ c laim to the land of Israel rest ent ire ly on three fa lse
assumpt ions:
1. All Arabs are the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael.
2. Ishmael and h is descendants were inc luded in the covenant God made
w ith Abraham.
3. Since the Abraham ic covenant
Rest of article:
Information on Robert Morey:
Friday, February 7, 2014
Shema‘ Yisrael: Monotheistic Jewish Amulet Discovered Near Carnuntum – Biblical Archaeology Society
(This is an interesting read, some based in speculation I would think...come to your own conclusions about Israel not denying the existence of other gods. By the time of Paul, he said that the other 'gods' were no gods at all.)
The Shema‘ Yisrael from Deuteronomy 6:4 (“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one”) is Judaism’s holiest confession. Today, we understand the passage as a monotheistic declaration. However, in the Second Temple period, the Shema‘ Yisrael text in Deuteronomy would have been read “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lordalone.” The Shema‘ Yisrael was originally a monolatric statement; it stated that Israel had an exclusive relationship with its God, but it did not deny the existence of other national deities for other peoples.
Read on:
Shema‘ Yisrael: Monotheistic Jewish Amulet Discovered Near Carnuntum – Biblical Archaeology Society
The Shema‘ Yisrael from Deuteronomy 6:4 (“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one”) is Judaism’s holiest confession. Today, we understand the passage as a monotheistic declaration. However, in the Second Temple period, the Shema‘ Yisrael text in Deuteronomy would have been read “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lordalone.” The Shema‘ Yisrael was originally a monolatric statement; it stated that Israel had an exclusive relationship with its God, but it did not deny the existence of other national deities for other peoples.
Read on:
Shema‘ Yisrael: Monotheistic Jewish Amulet Discovered Near Carnuntum – Biblical Archaeology Society
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Jordanian MP quotes Muhammad: “Judgment Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them” : Jihad Watch
(Those who follow end time prophecy, should do a fresh study on the place of Jordan in the E.T. scenario)
A few years ago, David Horowitz and I challenged the major Muslim organizations in the U.S. to repudiate this genocidal hadith. None would, and the few who commented at all offered nothing more than the usual propaganda about “taking it out of context,” implying that only greasy Islamophobes understood such passages as having an applicability to the present situation. Apparently Jordanian MP Zakaria al-Sheikh didn’t get the memo.
Meanwhile, MP Mousa Abu Sweilam says: “I would like to tell everybody that the Palestinian cause is an Islamic issue of the first degree.” This is the foremost point that John Kerry, Barack Obama and the entire Washington establishment refuses to grasp. Yet as long as people like Mousa Abu Sweilam and others believe that the existence of Israel is an insult to Islam that must be eradicated, no negotiated settlement will ever work. If Obama and Kerry force Israel to accept yet another one, it will fail almost immediately, with the concessions Israel is pushed into making becoming the basis for new jihad attacks.
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Jordanian MP quotes Muhammad: “Judgment Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them” : Jihad WatchThe dangers of Muslim-Christian “interfaith dialogue”
“Has the Church in the U.S. Succumbed to the Charms of Islam?,” by William Kilpatrick in New Oxford Review, January 2014:
Read on:…New York’s Timothy Cardinal Dolan paid a visit last summer to the Albanian Islamic Cultural Center in Tompkinsville on Staten Island, where he met with a large group of Muslim leaders. As is often the case when Catholic prelates meet with Muslims, his theme was the common ground shared by the two faiths. Cardinal Dolan told his Islamic audience, “You love God, we love God, and he is the same God,” and he thanked them “for making me feel like a friend and a member of a family.” He went on to tell them how much they share in common with Catholics: “Your love of marriage and family, your love of children and babies, your love of freedom — religious freedom particularly — your defense of life, your desire for harmony and unity and your care for others, your care for God’s creation and your care for those who are in need.”Perhaps this is true of the Muslims of Tompkinsville, but unfortunately the cardinal’s words will be taken as an endorsement of Islam in general. I say “unfortunately” because what he says about the common values and beliefs of Muslims and Catholics is highly misleading.Two Fundamentally Distinct FaithsTake the assertion that Muslims and Catholics love the same God. Of course, Cardinal Dolan’s statement can be justified in the broad sense: There is, after all, only one God. Whether prayer and worship are being offered to our Father in Heaven or to Allah or to the Great Spirit, there is only one God who is paying attention. But in that sense, anyone who offers up prayers is praying to the same God to whom Catholics pray.Once we move from the general to the particular, the “same God” thesis begins to fall apart. In the New Testament, God presents Himself as a Trinity (Mt. 28:19); in the Koran, God explicitly denies being a Trinity (5:73). In the Gospels, God refers to Jesus as “my beloved Son” (Mt. 3:17); in the Koran, God curses Christians for calling Christ the Son of God (9:30). In the Christian account, God accepts His only Son’s sacrificial death on the cross; in the Muslim account, God declares reports of Christ’s crucifixion to be “a monstrous falsehood” (4:157). In light of these significant differences, it is difficult to see how the God of the Bible and the God of the Koran could be one and the same.
The dangers of Muslim-Christian “interfaith dialogue” : Jihad Watch
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Jordan faces growing Salafist-jihadist threat - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Jordan is in the eye of a storm as armed Salafist and jihadist brigades, as well as al-Qaeda militants, are pouring into the country from all sides. The dangers of the “Arab Afghans” that existed a quarter of a century ago — when Iraq was turned into a terrorism-export “factory” after it came under occupation — remain etched in the memory of the people and officials.
Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/security/2014/02/jordan-faces-salafist-jihadist-threat.html#ixzz2sSuXGCk7
US Working Group gives wrong advice on Egypt - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
by Wael Nawara
The letter, despite citing several facts and many a valid criticism of the interim Egyptian government, fails to see these things in the larger context.
Read article here:
US Working Group gives wrong advice on Egypt - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Insight: Reclusive cleric's followers pose biggest threat to Turkey's Erdogan | Reuters
(Turkey's future will impact prophetic events in the Middle East)
Insight: Reclusive cleric's followers pose biggest threat to Turkey's Erdogan | Reuters
SodaStream is wrong target for Oxfam’s Israel boycott - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
(The world is threatening boycotts of Israeli products over the peace process. They don't know that this Isralie company employs 900 Palestinians. What is going to happen to THEIR jobs if this company closes due to a boycott?)
Read article here:
SodaStream is wrong target for Oxfam’s Israel boycott - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
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