Saturday, January 21, 2012

Correlation between dependency and socialism « The Radio Patriot

Families were more dependent on government programs than ever last year.

Nearly half, 48.5%, of the population lived in a household that received some type of government benefit in the first quarter of 2010, according to Census data. Those numbers have risen since the middle of the recession when 44.4% lived households receiving benefits in the third quarter of 2008.

The share of people relying on government benefits has reached a historic high, in large part from the deep recession and meager recovery, but also because of the expansion of government programs over the years. (See a timeline on the history of government benefits programs here.)

Correlation between dependency and socialism « The Radio Patriot

Obama Previews State of the Union Address to Supporters - George E. Condon Jr. -

In his brief remarks, Obama said his State of the Union will build on what he said Dec. 7 in Osawatomie, Kan., where he laid out a populist program with fairness for the middle class. While he said he is “not done writing it yet,” he described Tuesday’s address as “a bookend to what I said in Kansas last month about the central mission we have as a country, and my central focus as president. And that’s rebuilding an economy where hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded, and an America where everybody gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everybody plays by the same set of rules.”

Obama Previews State of the Union Address to Supporters - George E. Condon Jr. -

Private clinics allowed to advertise abortions on television -- Telegraph (@Telegraph)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bank failure update:1-branch Boothwyn, Pa., bank becomes 3rd of day, and year, to be closed -- BreakingNews (@BreakingNews)

Israpundit » Blog Archive » Is Jordan also falling prey to the Muslim Brotherhood?

Israpundit » Blog Archive » Is Jordan also falling prey to the Muslim Brotherhood?

Israpundit » Blog Archive » Taqiyya for Kids

Israpundit » Blog Archive » Taqiyya for Kids

Free Speech Outrage - By: "Senator Bob" Smith Accuracy in Media The right to free speech is protected in the... #tcot -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

Free Speech Outrage - By: "Senator Bob" Smith Accuracy in Media The right to free speech is protected in the... #tcot -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

Justice Department blinks in battle against Sheriff Joe -- worldnetdaily (@worldnetdaily)

'Hacking?' Not when the feds do it! -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Poll: Should scientists be allowed to develop treatment that would result in babies with three parents? -- Telegraph (@Telegraph)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fox News Hires Soros-funded Activist: By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media Sally Kohn, a… -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

'Transitions' Program Helps Ex-Mormons Adapt to Christianity -- ChristianPost (@ChristianPost)

Maryland County Considers Bill to Accommodate Cross-Dressing Men: via @NewAmericanMag -- NewAmericanMag (@NewAmericanMag)

Nuclear Treason Part 1 Who Was Leo Szilard? - Sane nations do not willingly surrender a position superior... #tcot -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Citizens Sue to Stop ‘Lord’s Prayer’ Recitation at Delaware County Council Meetings via @theblaze BH -- theblaze (@theblaze)

#Arizona is at risk of passing a Call for a #Constitutional Convention #tcot -- eagleforuminfo (@eagleforuminfo)

“The internet must be the Alamo. It is the last bastion of true freedom standing” @glennbeck on #GBTV #SOPA #PIPA #StopSOPA sj -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

"Americans must wake up, but they never will if no one will sound the alarm" @glennbeck #GBTV sj -- GBTV (@GBTV)

Two Pro-business Groups File Legal Challenge to Obama's Recess Appointments: via @NewAmericanMag -- NewAmericanMag (@NewAmericanMag)

Major Websites Protest US Anti-Piracy Legislation with Blackout -- VOA_News (@VOA_News)

China to Require all Microblog Users to Register Using Real Names -- VOA_News (@VOA_News)

Victory Vid: Teen Atheist Behind Prayer Mural Ban Instructs Fellow Students How to Do the Same via @theblaze BH -- theblaze (@theblaze)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

128K+ Americans & 119 Members of #Congress to fight #ObamaCare at #SCOTUS #ACLJ to battle Pro #Abortion bill. #TCOT -- officialACLJ (@officialACLJ)

VID - Gingrich’s Criteria for Muslim Presidential Candidate: Person Must ‘Reject Sharia Law’ via @theblaze TG -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

FDIC Requires Big Banks to Have Breakup Plan... -- Drudge_Report (@Drudge_Report)

Treasury dips into pension funds to avoid debt limit -- Reuters (@Reuters)

Now we hav discovered this gold mine of Righteousness that makes us reign as kings,that uncovers the very wealth&riches of the Fathers grace -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Forty Words to Repeal 2,400 pages - Truth is basically simple. This is how all law-making should be.Republican... #tcot -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

Timothy N. Baldwin -- Sharia and International Law: Oklahoma’s Response

Timothy N. Baldwin -- Sharia and International Law: Oklahoma’s Response

Nepal's Road to Communism - Nepal has fallen to pro-Chinese Maoist communists. This has grave implications for... #tcot -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Saudi Arabia targets $100 oil price... -- Drudge_Report (@Drudge_Report)

Can #Congress require to you purchase health insurance? #ObamaCare battle at #SCOTUS nears. #TCOT -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Going Galt Indeed…. - NoisyRoom To Ann Barnhardt, a tip of the hat in the utmost respect for her actions.... #tcot -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

DSA Marxists Take Over the Occupy Movement: Plan “Spring Offensive”, With Widespread Occupations of State Capitols... -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

America Needs You Samuel Adams - America's Founding Fathers were often both poet and patriot-none more so than... #tcot -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

Valerie Jarrett Blasts Republicans from Pulpit... -- Drudge_Report (@Drudge_Report)

Scientists target young minds for climate change indoctrination... -- Drudge_Report (@Drudge_Report)

Radical Islam strikes Christians in East African isles. via @christianpost #persecution -- officialACLJ (@officialACLJ)

Study: U.S. Economic Freedom Drops for Fourth Year: via @NewAmericanMag -- NewAmericanMag (@NewAmericanMag)

Protesters ready igloos to Occupy Davos -- Reuters (@Reuters)

Moral Relativism and Education -- ChristianPost (@ChristianPost)

NEA, Others Release Controversial Sex-ed Standards for Schools: via @NewAmericanMag -- NewAmericanMag (@NewAmericanMag)

Single state defies Obama detention plan -- worldnetdaily (@worldnetdaily)

A Neurosurgeon Talks to Mark Levin About ObamaCare -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Communism, Conyers and Congress - Rep John Conyers, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, is one of the most... #tcot -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

Microblogging use in China quadruples in 2011: report -- Reuters (@Reuters)

Karnataka Most Dangerous State in India for Christians -- ChristianPost (@ChristianPost)

Muslim Extremists Strike at Christians in East African Isles -- ChristianPost (@ChristianPost)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Authoritarian Globalist: Barack Obama Does as Edward Mandel House Said - By: Henry Lamb Gulag Bound Barack... #tcot -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)

Change you can believe in? 1,231 reasons why #ObamaCare is unworkable Tweet us your reasons. #HCR #TCOT -- officialACLJ (@officialACLJ)

China/Japan Build Defence Ties - The West has always assumed that Japan would be an ally, or at least neutral... #tcot -- newzealblog (@newzealblog)