New items and written articles about today's events that are relevant to Bible Prophecy
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Strong signs Higgs boson has been found: CERN | Reuters
Reuters) - Physicists who last summer triumphantly announced the discovery of a new particle but held back from saying what it was, declared on Thursday there was now little doubt it was the long-sought Higgs boson.
Strong signs Higgs boson has been found: CERN | Reuters
Strong signs Higgs boson has been found: CERN | Reuters
Violin played on Titanic revealed for first time - Telegraph
The wooden instrument used by Wallace Hartley as the band famously played on while the liner sank was thought to have been lost in the Atlantic in the 1912 disaster.
It wasn't until 2006 when the son of an amateur musician who had been casually given the instrument by her violin teacher unearthed it in the attic of her home.
The discovery was almost too good to be true, prompting experts to have the relic forensically examined by some of the most revered scientific bodies in Britain.
Now, after seven years of testing at a cost of tens of thousands of pounds, the water-stained violin has been proven to be the one played by Hartley on the night of the tragedy.
Violin played on Titanic revealed for first time - Telegraph
Chicago Public Schools to Start Sex Education in Kindergarten
A new policy approved by the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) will require all public school students to participate in sex education instruction, beginning in kindergarten. According to the CPS website, the new mandate, passed on February 27, will require each student to receive “minimum instructional minutes” of sex-ed information that is “medically accurate” as well as (supposedly) age-appropriate.
Chicago Public Schools to Start Sex Education in Kindergarten
"What is your need? Jesus has the Answer!" 03/14 by The Calling of the Soul | Blog Talk Radio
Your phone rings: "Hello there! This is Pat Buckley & Ann Windsor. We are giving you a 'call' today to let you know that Jesus has an answer for the pain in your life. Lives and households are full of pain in these times, the Bible calls them perilous times. We know the Bible. We know what God wants to do for YOU. Give us a call."
Jeremiah 33:3: "Call unto Me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things that you don't yet know."
Time shown above is 8PM Central, 7 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific time, USA
Click link to join us or access on demand after show time:
"What is your need? Jesus has the Answer!" 03/14 by The Calling of the Soul | Blog Talk Radio
The Scandal of the Cross | RZIM
From the pen of Ravi Zacharias:
To the Greek, the cross was foolishness. To the Jew, it was a stumbling block. What is it about the cross of Christ that so roundly defies everything that power relishes? Crucifixion was humiliating. It was so humiliating that the Romans who specialized in the art of torture assured their own citizenry that a Roman could never be crucified. But not only was it humiliating, it was excruciating. In fact, the very word “excruciating” comes from two Latin words: ex cruciatus, or out of the cross. Crucifixion was the defining word for pain.
Does that not give us pause in this season now before us? Think of it: humiliation and agony. This was the path Jesus chose with which to reach out for you and for me. You see, this thing we call sin, but which we so tragically minimize, breaks the grandeur for which we were created. It brings indignity to our essence and pain to our existence. It separates us from God. On the way to the cross two thousand years ago, Jesus took the ultimate indignity and the ultimate pain to bring us back to the dignity of a relationship with God and the healing of our souls. Will you remember that this was done for you and receive his gift?
The Scandal of the Cross | RZIM
Pope Francis - History's Final Pontiff?
The 2012 prediction
Remarkably, Horn told WND, more than 60 years ago a Belgian Jesuit theologian and academic named Rene Thibault came up with the date 2012 as the culmination of Malachy’s prophecies.
Horn points to reports that Benedict made his decision to resign last year, before announcing it in February.
Thibaut’s was published in French only four months before Thibaut died.
Horn and Putnam translated the Belgian priest’s rare 1951 book, “The Mysterious Prophecy of the Popes,” into English.
“Adopting the methodology of a mystic as well as a scholar,” Horn and Putnam write in the first chapter of their book, Thibaut “makes a compelling case that ‘The Prophecy of the Popes’ is a real supernatural prophecy.”
Horn noted Thibaut is among many Catholic leaders, including popes, cardinals and priests, who have affirmed Malachy’s work, which was kept in the Vatican archives for five centuries before it was first published.
He said Thibaut used a number of methods of cryptographic analysis to come up with the date 2012, including calculating the average length of papal reign up until the time he wrote his book.
“In other words,” Horn and Putnam write, “2012 was seen as an end-times ‘event horizon’ by at least one Jesuit priest before most readers were born.”
Pope Francis - History's Final Pontiff?
Remarkably, Horn told WND, more than 60 years ago a Belgian Jesuit theologian and academic named Rene Thibault came up with the date 2012 as the culmination of Malachy’s prophecies.
Horn points to reports that Benedict made his decision to resign last year, before announcing it in February.
Thibaut’s was published in French only four months before Thibaut died.
Horn and Putnam translated the Belgian priest’s rare 1951 book, “The Mysterious Prophecy of the Popes,” into English.
“Adopting the methodology of a mystic as well as a scholar,” Horn and Putnam write in the first chapter of their book, Thibaut “makes a compelling case that ‘The Prophecy of the Popes’ is a real supernatural prophecy.”
Horn noted Thibaut is among many Catholic leaders, including popes, cardinals and priests, who have affirmed Malachy’s work, which was kept in the Vatican archives for five centuries before it was first published.
He said Thibaut used a number of methods of cryptographic analysis to come up with the date 2012, including calculating the average length of papal reign up until the time he wrote his book.
“In other words,” Horn and Putnam write, “2012 was seen as an end-times ‘event horizon’ by at least one Jesuit priest before most readers were born.”
Pope Francis - History's Final Pontiff?
The Coming Tsunami in the Catholic Church
I believe a great shaking is coming to the Catholic system, and it will have both positive and negative impact. God is not pleased with man-made religious structures (in any denomination) that hinder people from knowing Him, and He is serious when He asks us to tear down the idols we have created to take His place. In the end, God always judges idolatry.
On the flip side, He also cares about the millions of people in the Catholic Church who call upon the name of Jesus and who desire His presence. For them, the coming wave of God’s power will unleash a new hunger for the Holy Spirit and God’s unadulterated Word. As corruption is exposed and structures are shaken, I expect to see Catholics around the world experience a 21st-century reformation movement. Traditionalists will fight it, of course, but dead religion is powerless when faced with genuine spiritual awakening. Young reformers from various nations will challenge the system and say, like Moses said to Pharaoh, “Let My people go” (Ex. 5:1).
The Coming Tsunami in the Catholic Church
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Cardinals elect new pope – This Just In - Blogs
White smoke has rises from above the Sistine Chapel, indicating that Roman Catholic cardinals have elected a successor to Pope Benedict XVI.
Cardinals elect new pope – This Just In - Blogs
ZRN Broadcast: “What YOU say is what YOU get!” 3.13.13 | The Call of the Soul .... spreading the Fire of Life In Christ
Jesus made an interesting statement in Mark 11:23 about your words. "You shall have whatsoever you say". Words. Words. Words. How important ARE your words? Do you really need to watch what you say? Do your words affect YOU? The 'word system', what is it? Our subjects for today's broadcast. Kept simple.
ZRN Broadcast: “What YOU say is what YOU get!” 3.13.13 | The Call of the Soul .... spreading the Fire of Life In Christ
ZRN Broadcast: “What YOU say is what YOU get!” 3.13.13 | The Call of the Soul .... spreading the Fire of Life In Christ
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
US golfer falls into fairway sinkhole - Telegraph
A golfer in the US was investigating an odd patch on the fairway when he suddenly found himself lying at the bottom of an 18 foot deep sinkhole.
The clubhouse rang for an ambulance and attempted to rescue Mr Mihal using a ladder and rope Photo:
US golfer falls into fairway sinkhole - Telegraph
City in fresh bid to become Sharia finance hub - Telegraph
This is absolutely chilling:
Standard & Poor's has forecast that the market for Sharia-compliant products will double to $3 trillion by 2015, while consultancy Oliver Wyman estimated that 150 new Islamic financial institutions will be needed globally by 2020 to satisfy demand.
City in fresh bid to become Sharia finance hub - Telegraph
City in fresh bid to become Sharia finance hub
London is set to go head-to-head with the world's leading Islamic finance centres as the government pushes to make the UK a leading centre for Sharia-compliant lending.
City in fresh bid to become Sharia finance hub - Telegraph
Jean Claude Juncker: Europe's demons are only sleeping - Telegraph
(Why it's important to study history)

Jean Claude Juncker: Europe's demons are only sleeping - Telegraph
One of Europe’s most senior politicians has issued a warning that peace was being taken for granted on the continent and that its current troubles were chillingly similar to those in the run up to WW1.
Jean Claude Juncker: Europe's demons are only sleeping - Telegraph
Prophetic Update March 5, 2013 - YouTube from Endtime Headlines
Listened to this, it is very informative....
The Latest Developments regarding coming Israel visit from President Obama and his Plan for a "Palestinian State" by 2014. World holds Breath as it anticipates what many believe will be the "Final Pope" of Humanity.
"What is your need? Jesus has the Answer!" 03/14/13 by The Calling of the Soul | Blog Talk Radio
Your phone rings: "Hello there! This is Pat Buckley & Ann Windsor. We are giving you a 'call' today to let you know that Jesus has an answer for the pain in your life. Lives and households are full of pain in these times, the Bible calls them perilous times. We know the Bible. We know what God wants to do for YOU. Give us a call."
Jeremiah 33:3: "Call unto Me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things that you don't yet know."
Jeremiah 33:3: "Call unto Me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things that you don't yet know."
Show time: 8 PM Central, 7 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific time
Call #347-850-1753Click to join us:
"What is your need? Jesus has the Answer!" 03/14 by The Calling of the Soul | Blog Talk Radio
Monday, March 11, 2013
Friday’s Surprisingly Strong Jobs Numbers Aren’t Real
According to the household survey, where the BLS asks how many are working in a household, 170,000 new jobs were added in February of this year — despite the addition of an astounding 446,000 part-time jobs. What this means is that some 276,000 full-time jobs were lost in February.
A Gallup survey released the day before the Labor Department’s report noted:
This may be an effect of the ObamaCare rule that employees working 30 hours a week or more must be covered with health insurance, and as a result of that more and more employers are cutting hours and hiring more part-time people. And as hours are cut, more and more people are seeking a second job to make up the difference. That would be another of those “unintended consequences” of government interference in the marketplace.
An editorial in the New York Times successfully saw past the rosy surface numbers reported on Friday as well. It looked around at where job growth might come from. Housing? Some growth there, from a percentage basis. But when one is at the bottom, everything looks up from there. Car sales? Not so much. Rising wages? Not much help there either.
The Times also noted that the labor force is shrinking, so that whatever numbers the BLS reports aren't real:
Furthermore, those who have been out of work for six months or more actually increased last month. If the economy were healthy, surely that number would be declining.
Friday’s Surprisingly Strong Jobs Numbers Aren’t Real
A Gallup survey released the day before the Labor Department’s report noted:
Although fewer people are unemployed now than a year ago, they are not migrating to full-time jobs for an employer. In fact, fewer Americans are working full-time for an employer than were doing so a year ago, and more Americans are working part time.
An editorial in the New York Times successfully saw past the rosy surface numbers reported on Friday as well. It looked around at where job growth might come from. Housing? Some growth there, from a percentage basis. But when one is at the bottom, everything looks up from there. Car sales? Not so much. Rising wages? Not much help there either.
The Times also noted that the labor force is shrinking, so that whatever numbers the BLS reports aren't real:
Most of the decline [in unemployment] reflects a shrinking labor force rather than new hiring. In fact, if hiring were more robust, the unemployment rate would hold steady or even rise as the estimated four million Americans who are not working or looking for work rejoined the ranks of job seekers, where they would be counted in the official unemployment rate.
Friday’s Surprisingly Strong Jobs Numbers Aren’t Real
Jim Rogers: Wiping Out The Savings Class - Business Insider
For the first time in recorded history, we have nearly every central bank printing money and trying to debase their currency. This has never happened before. How it’s going to work out, I don't know. It just depends on which one goes down the most and first, and they take turns. When one says a currency is going down, the question is against what? because they are all trying to debase themselves. It’s a peculiar time in world history.
Jim Rogers: Wiping Out The Savings Class - Business Insider
Masonic Compass and Pentagram: The Royals’ Secret Symbols Hidden in Plain Sight
21st Century Wire says… Top news story on the BBC and most UK mainstream media outlets last week was that the Queen of England, who turns 87 next month, caught a stomach bug but was released from royal King Edward VII hospital smiling and well.
Note that this is the very same royal hospital which produced a dead administrative worker before Christmas 2012, one Jacintha Saldanha, the alleged victim of a prank Australian radio prank. It was revealed that innocent Jacintha was not the main subject of the Aussie radio prank as she merely passed the phone over to someone else on staff, and was not ‘traumatised’ or depressed – as the press campaigned to the public, further fueling speculation that she was ‘suicided’ (killed) in order to send a message to public not to meddle in royal life, or to fulfill some other unknown purpose. Was it really a suicide? What was her motive? Will we ever know?

What does it mean? There are a number of ancient references to the pentagram symbol in the occult.
Read on:
Masonic Compass and Pentagram: The Royals’ Secret Symbols Hidden in Plain Sight
Japanese scientists create 581 copies of the same mouse through 25 rounds of cloning | Mail Online
There is no way most of us are going to escape genetically modified or created foods....we better bone up on Mark 16: 'if you eat any deadly thing it will not hurt you'.
Scientists in Japan have created nearly 600 exact genetic copies of one mouse after 25 rounds of cloning.
The perfectly cloned mice could pave the way for milk and meat from 'super' animals created in the lab, scientists say.
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Japanese scientists create 581 copies of the same mouse through 25 rounds of cloning | Mail Online
Google Glass app can identify people by their clothes | Internet & Media - CNET News
Now Big Brother can watch you even better, Little Red Riding Hood!

A new Google Glass technology could help find and identify people by the clothes they wear.
Partly funded by Google, the InSight system works with individuals' self-identification via smartphones and with Google Glass to analyze clothes, eyeglasses, and other items. A person's name can then be displayed on the Google Glass headset whenever you bump into that individual, according to an article published yesterday by New Scientist.
One of the goals is to help Google Glass wearers more easily find friends in airports, stadiums, and other crowded places. There's just one drawback, or benefit, depending on your perspective.
The "visual fingerprint" created by the system is based on what a person is currently wearing. Once the individual changes clothes or eyeglasses or other accessories, InSight can no longer identify that person. That means the fingerprint may be good for just a day or evening, but it also means the long-term privacy of the individual is protected.
How does it all work?
The fingerprint is created by a smartphone app that takes a series of pictures of a person. The app then creates a file known as a spatiogram that records the various colors and patterns of the person's clothes. That combination is used by Google Glass to identify the person.
Of course, people can already be identified using facial recognition systems. But InSight is designed for situations where people are far away or have their backs turned, so their faces can't be seen.
Google Glass app can identify people by their clothes | Internet & Media - CNET News
A new Google Glass technology could help find and identify people by the clothes they wear.
Partly funded by Google, the InSight system works with individuals' self-identification via smartphones and with Google Glass to analyze clothes, eyeglasses, and other items. A person's name can then be displayed on the Google Glass headset whenever you bump into that individual, according to an article published yesterday by New Scientist.
One of the goals is to help Google Glass wearers more easily find friends in airports, stadiums, and other crowded places. There's just one drawback, or benefit, depending on your perspective.
The "visual fingerprint" created by the system is based on what a person is currently wearing. Once the individual changes clothes or eyeglasses or other accessories, InSight can no longer identify that person. That means the fingerprint may be good for just a day or evening, but it also means the long-term privacy of the individual is protected.
How does it all work?
The fingerprint is created by a smartphone app that takes a series of pictures of a person. The app then creates a file known as a spatiogram that records the various colors and patterns of the person's clothes. That combination is used by Google Glass to identify the person.
Of course, people can already be identified using facial recognition systems. But InSight is designed for situations where people are far away or have their backs turned, so their faces can't be seen.
Google Glass app can identify people by their clothes | Internet & Media - CNET News
Locked in a safe: the Vatican report hidden from the cardinals electing the next pope | World news | The Observer
It is known throughout the Vatican as the Relatio (Narration). It is contained in two stiff, unmarked red folders and runs to around 300 pages. Lying in a safe in the papal apartments of the Apostolic Palace overlooking St Peter's Square, it will be at the forefront of the minds of the 115 cardinals who on Tuesday are to file into the Sistine chapel to start the conclave that elects the next pope.
In the Relatio are the findings of three cardinal-detectives, appointed last year by ex-pope Benedict XVI to investigate the leaking of documents from his study. The cardinals, headed by a Spanish member of the Opus Dei fellowship, Cardinal Julián Herranz, discovered the main source of the leaks – the pope's butler, Paolo Gabriele.
But they found a great deal else – and some of it is reportedly extremely compromising. According to one unconfirmed report, they stumbled on a gay sex ring in the Vatican, some of whose members had been blackmailed.
Locked in a safe: the Vatican report hidden from the cardinals electing the next pope | World news | The Observer
Vatican bank poses problem for new pope | World | News | National Post
As the world waits for the Vatican’s conclave to select a new pope to lead 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, and the church’s sex abuse scandals dominate discourse on the incoming pontiff’s priorities, another decidedly worldly issue is also poised to take an immediate toll on the new Holy Father: money.
The public and private woes of the Vatican bank, long shrouded in secrets and whispers, might well prove to be just as challenging, if not as draining, as the lurid, faith-shaking damage of the clergy abuse scandal.
With a two-year probe by Italian authorities into money laundering, poor transparency, inadequate adherence to standards for guarding against criminal and terrorist financing, and questions over sudden changes in its leadership, the bank represents another crisis of morals, legalities and perception.
The importance of the Vatican bank in Pope Benedict XVI’s grand vision can be assumed from the urgency it held with the outgoing pontiff: among the last official acts before his shock retirement was overhauling financial leadership and church oversight.
Vatican bank poses problem for new pope | World | News | National Post
CDC wants U.S. docs to look out for mysterious coronavirus from Middle East - CBS News
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning U.S. doctors about a mysterious new coronavirus that's been claiming lives overseas.
The CDC's new report, published March 7 in its journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, shows there have been a total of 14 confirmed cases of the novel infection reported to the World Health Organization (WHO), with eight deaths. The illnesses occurred in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and the United Kingdom from April 2012 through February 2013. No cases have been reported in the United States.
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to SARS, which killed 800 people during a 2003 global epidemic.
The World Health Organization has been tracking the mysterious disease since Sept. 2012 following the deaths of a patient in Saudi Arabia and the hospitalization of a Qatari national in the U.K.
CDC wants U.S. docs to look out for mysterious coronavirus from Middle East - CBS News
Brennan takes oath on draft Constitution—without Bill of Rights | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
If you don't pledge allegiance to the Bill of Rights you aren't responsible for abiding by them.
Oh, dear. This is probably not the symbolism the White House wanted.
Hours after CIA Director John Brennan took the oath of office—behind closed doors, far away from the press, perhaps befitting his status as America's top spy—the White House took pains to emphasize the symbolism of the ceremony.
“There's one piece of this that I wanted to note for you,” spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at their daily briefing. “Director Brennan was sworn in with his hand on an original draft of the Constitution that had George Washington's personal handwriting and annotations on it, dating from 1787.”
Earnest said Brennan had asked for a document from the National Archives that would demonstrate the U.S. is a nation of laws.
Brennan takes oath on draft Constitution—without Bill of Rights | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Man has 75% of skull replaced with 3-D printed implant -
Some are fascinated with 3-D printing. One man can't get it out of his head.
An unidentified man had 75% of his skull replaced with a 3-D printed implant made by Oxford Performance Materials, a Connecticut company. The surgery this week was the first time a patient received an implant made specifically for him using 3-D printing technology.
The patient, whose name and injury OPM would not disclose, had his head scanned as part of the procedure.
The operation marks a big step in the advancement of 3-D printing technology, the company said. With 3-D printers, users can produce objects with a molding machine based on computer digital models.
Man has 75% of skull replaced with 3-D printed implant -
42% of Austrians think Hitler rule wasn't all bad | JPost | Israel News
The spirit that birthed the Nazi movement through Hitler is still on the move in this world.....educate yourself to its characteristics and then pray to discern their operation in the world around you, yes, even in America...
Forty two percent of Austrians think "not everything was bad under Hitler," while 57% think "there was nothing positive about the Hitler era," according to a poll conducted by newspaper Der Standard that was published on Friday.
The poll was conducted among 502 eligible voters in Austria and published ahead of the 75th anniversary of the country's annexation by Nazi Germany.
To continue reading:
42% of Austrians think Hitler rule wasn't all bad | JPost | Israel News
Egypt protesters torch buildings, target Suez Canal
PORT SAID, Egypt/CAIRO - Egyptian protesters torched buildings in Cairo and tried unsuccessfully to disrupt international shipping on the Suez Canal, as a court ruling on a deadly soccer riot stoked rage in a country beset by worsening security.
Egypt protesters torch buildings, target Suez Canal | JPost | Israel News
CDC warns of superbug 'nightmare' - Loveland Reporter-Herald
Another reason to get your faith built up in the indwelling Power of the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead who dwells in you as a Christian who has been born again:
What constitutes a "nightmare" to the Centers for Disease Control and Infection? These days, it's a family of bacteria that can't be treated with our most powerful antibiotics and kills half of those infected by it.
Even scarier, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae can transfer their resistance to antibiotics to other bacteria.
"CRE are nightmare bacteria," CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden said in a news release. "Our strongest antibiotics don't work and patients are left with potentially untreatable infections. Doctors, hospital leaders and public health must work together now to implement the CDC's 'detect and protect' strategy and stop these infections from spreading."
And not just from spreading in hospitals, but also from getting into the community. The CRE infections so far have been confined to health-care facilities.
CDC warns of superbug 'nightmare' - Loveland Reporter-Herald
What constitutes a "nightmare" to the Centers for Disease Control and Infection? These days, it's a family of bacteria that can't be treated with our most powerful antibiotics and kills half of those infected by it.
Even scarier, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae can transfer their resistance to antibiotics to other bacteria.
"CRE are nightmare bacteria," CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden said in a news release. "Our strongest antibiotics don't work and patients are left with potentially untreatable infections. Doctors, hospital leaders and public health must work together now to implement the CDC's 'detect and protect' strategy and stop these infections from spreading."
And not just from spreading in hospitals, but also from getting into the community. The CRE infections so far have been confined to health-care facilities.
CDC warns of superbug 'nightmare' - Loveland Reporter-Herald
“TRANSMUTATION/TRANSFORMATION” | The Call of the Soul .... spreading the Fire of Life In Christ
"There is a process of divine TRANSMUTATION. But beloved, by the power of God's Spirit in a man's heat, that process is going on every single day of your life, where God takes that which is natural, that which is earthly, touches it by His divine power, moved upon it by His heavenly nature, and in the Name of Jesus Christ you come forth no longer self and selfish, but now TRANFORMED, changed, by the power of Christ, into the nature of the Son of God, into the likeness of the Lord, into His character and nature and understanding and knowledge. 'For unto us is given exceeding great & precious promises, that BY THESE, you might be partakers of the divine nature. (2 Peter 1:4)' John G. Lake"
“TRANSMUTATION/TRANSFORMATION” | The Call of the Soul .... spreading the Fire of Life In Christ
Sunday, March 10, 2013
God’s Almightiness | The Call of the Soul .... spreading the Fire of Life In Christ
A little adrenaline for your soul and meat for your spirit today, also a quickening for your mortal body:
"We look at the wonderful powers in nature and marvel. A group of scientists not long ago compressed such a quantity of nitrogen in a solid block thirteen inches square, that they declared if it could be placed in the heart of the city of Chicago, and permitted to explode, it would wreck the city. One can imagine somewhat of the terrific energy stored up in that little block of nitrogen, but when you come to think of the marvel of thee nature of God, the dynamic of His being, how staggering His almightiness becomes. The world's conception of religion is that it is a matter of sentiment, for in the minds of most men religion is just sentiment to them. It is not a thing of power, and they do not understand the properties of the soul of God, nor the quality of His life, nor how it is that God moves in the nature of men to change their heart, to dissolve the sin out of their soul, to cleanse them by His life and power, to heal their body, aqnd reveal His light and life in them." John G. Lake
God’s Almightiness | The Call of the Soul .... spreading the Fire of Life In Christ
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