In fact, as I write, I am in the largest Muslim country in the world, yet, everywhere there are Christmas decorations, the strains of Christmas carols in the malls and elevators, and the hotel staff wishing me a “Merry Christmas.” It’s Christmas in Indonesia. If you were in the UAE, Indonesia, even Syria, you would see the same thing and hear the same Christmas carols in the hotels and malls. Ironically, on the news this very week is a story of a school in a town in Texas that sent a letter to parents of students informing them there was a ban on children wearing red or green for their “holiday party”; apparently, red and green “send the wrong message.” This is incredible! It actually took an action of the City Council to override this ludicrous prohibition. Imagine such presumption! It’s not enough to prohibit the message of Christmas; now it is forbidden even to wear the traditional colors associated with Christmas. Undoubtedly, wearing red or green to school at Christmas violates the separation of church and state doctrine. I’m surprised they have allowed traffic lights to function at Christmas. Is the day far off when censors might wish to scan our brains as we enter a school in case we smuggle the “illicit” Christmas story past the main entrance? Perhaps we’ll need two lines of detectors, one checking for weapons and the other for thoughts of Jesus’s birth. This is the new America of tolerance, another vacuous word defined by relativists whose only absolutes are the denial of any other reality except their own.
I ponder, I wonder, I move from the emotions of strained credulity to recognizing that this is the logical outworking of atheism and the illusion of neutrality: when man becomes God, the body becomes the soul and time becomes eternity. These are the challenges we face in our times.
A Moment in Eternity | RZIM