Friday, March 18, 2011

Jewish Issues: "US gov’t to probe anti-Semitism at California university"

Did you know that the Bible speaks of a time to come when 2 out of 3 Jewish people will loose their lives....this is greater than the Holocaust....that is why we must watch for the rise of anti-Semitism, it is a key development in the world before Jesus' returns:

“It will come about in all the land,” Declares the Lord, “That two parts in it will be cut off and perish; But the third will be left in it. “And I will bring the third part through the fire, Refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are My people,’ And they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’ ” (Zechariah 13:8-9). 

We are seeing the development of this in our own country.


Alleged anti- Semitism to be investigated after lecturer filed complaint claiming university was failing to address hostile environment for Jewish students.

  NEW YORK – In what experts are calling a “strong signal to American higher education,” the US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has opened an investigation into claims of anti- Semitism at the University of California Santa Cruz, examining claims of a hostile environment for Jewish students on the Santa Cruz campus.

UC-Santa Cruz lecturer Tammi Rossman-Benjamin filed a complaint in June 2009 claiming that the university was failing to address a hostile environment for Jewish students.The complaint alleges that Jewish students suffer frequent “hostile and demonizing criticism” as Jewish students.

Rossman-Benjamin, who has also published a paper entitled “Anti-Zionism and the Abuse of Academic Freedom: A Case Study at the University of California, Santa Cruz,” claims that anti-Semitic dialogues and mentalities have been present and pervasive on that school’s campus since 2001. She claims that faculty members routinely insert anti-Zionist rhetoric into departmentally-sponsored events. She also references an academic conference entitled “Alternative Histories within and beyond Zionism,” held in 2007, where multiple speakers claimed that Zionism was an illegitimate ideology, and argued in favor of eliminating Israel.

“The unscholarly, political and anti-Semitic nature of the conference raises questions about whether events of this kind are a legitimate exercise of academic freedom or an abuse of it,” Rossman-Benjamin wrote in her paper. 

Taking A Stand: "Megachurch wants choir to sign anti-gay covenant"

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. (AP) — Several choir members at Orange County's Crystal Cathedral say they're upset over a document they've been asked to sign that takes a strong stand against homosexuality. 

"Sons of Issachar" Alert: "Higher prices for food are about to get worse"

1 Chron. 12:32:  "the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do."

Time to do some wise grocery shopping!
Americans are noticing higher prices at the grocery store, and it's about to get worse. 

Food prices at the wholesale level rose last month by the most in 36 years. Cold weather accounted for most of it, forcing stores and restaurants to pay more for green peppers, lettuce and other vegetables, but meat and dairy prices surged, too.
The big questions are how long food prices will keep rising and how high they'll go.
The impact is already visible. Wendy's, paying higher prices for tomatoes, now puts them on hamburgers only by request. Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts have raised prices because they pay more for coffee beans. Supermarkets warn customers that produce may be of lower quality, or limited.

"It has thrown the whole industry into a tizzy," says Dan Bates, director of merchandising for the produce division of grocery chain Supervalu Inc.

Food prices rose 3.9 percent last month, the most since November 1974. Most of the increase was because harsh winter freezes in Florida, Texas and other Southern states, which damaged crops.

At the same time, global prices for corn, wheat, soybeans, coffee and other commodities have risen sharply in the past year. That's raised the price of animal feed, which has pushed up the cost of eggs, ground beef and milk.

Middle East Peace Process: "Quartet giving up hope of renewing Israeli/Palestinian peace talks"

Daniel 9:27....though the governments of the world are laboring to bring peace in the ME, none of them will accomplish this until the anti-christ 'confirms the covenant with many', beginning the Tribulation Period.....the prophetic time clock's second hand is moving and we need to keep our eye on 'peace' developments concerning Israel.

Quartet representatives say differences between Israel and Palestinians are far too wide to get negotiations back on track; since Itamar attack, Netanyahu refraining from speaking of need to advance peace process.  By Barak Ravid

Growing pessimism about the prospects of a breakthrough in Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations is prompting new international calls for the unilateral establishment of a Palestinian state.
Representatives of the Middle East Quartet - the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations - who attended talks held in Tel Aviv and Ramallah last week with Israeli and Palestinian negotiators emerged without much hope for the resumption of peace negotiations in the near future, according to senior Israeli officials and European diplomats. The representatives said that the differences between the two sides were far too wide to get negotiations back on track.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


By Coach Dave Daubenmire
March 10, 2011

Courage. What makes a King out of a slave? Courage.
What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage.
What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist or the dusky dusk?
What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage.
What makes the Sphinx the 7th Wonder? Courage.
What makes the dawn come up like THUNDER?! Courage.
What makes the Hottentot so hot?
What puts the "ape" in ape-ricot?
Whatta they got that I ain't got? Courage!
Listen to The Cowardly Lion

Lenin’s Lesson Plan: Wisconsin Teachers’ Union Indoctrination of Schoolchildren

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
In December 2009, though little attention was paid to it at the time, Wisconsin’s then-Governor Jim Doyle signed a bill into law that force feeds unions on schoolchildren:
Wisconsin schools will be required to teach the history of organized labor under a bill signed by Gov. Jim Doyle.
The bill Doyle signed Thursday also requires Wisconsin schools to teach the history of collective bargaining.
The proposal has been around for years but never passed. This year it cleared the Democratic controlled Legislature despite opposition from school boards and administrators who said they didn’t want the curriculum micromanaged.
Labor unions supported the bill. 

The effect of 'political correctness' and the '501c3 exemption' on America's churches


By Chuck Baldwin
March 10, 2011

.....while America's churches have experienced unprecedented growth in membership and wealth during the last half-century, the country as a whole has simultaneously nose-dived into corruption, deception, socialism, and even an increasing federal despotism. How can this be? Where is the influence for God, for good, and for liberty from these hundreds of thousands of churches and multiplied millions of professing Christians--not to mention billions of dollars raised and spent by these religious institutions?
For all intents and purposes, the modern American Church is pathetically impotent! Not only has the American Church failed to influence the nation to any significant degree, it has proven itself to be ineffective in influencing its own membership!

Professing Christians today can be some of the most hateful, spiteful, mean-spirited, slanderous, and vindictive people on the planet. And I could give personal testimony as to just how treacherous, disloyal, and cowardly these people can be. I can truly understand why so many unsaved people never darken the door of a church. After all I have seen and experienced inside the Church, I don't blame them.

How did this happen? It wasn't always like this. In Colonial America, churches were, without a doubt, the most influential, powerful institution in the country. The Great Awakenings of the 18th and 19th centuries were certainly among the most significant events in early American history--literally changing the course of the nation for decades. But not only has there been no "awakening" in the 20th (and now 21st) century, the Church seems to be totally ineffectual--and content to be so.

Think of the power and influence of the prophets of old. Shoot! I can even remember hearing powerful hell-fire-damnation preaching when I was a youngster. I'm old enough to remember the brush arbor meetings, the citywide revival crusades (when real revival broke out), and the "saw dust trails." Yes, I even remember attending revival meetings in the very last Billy Sunday Tabernacle in Winona Lake, Indiana.

Those days are gone!

Today's churches are much about political correctness, preachers stroking their congregations with sugar and honey, building financial empires, prosperity theology, entertainment, social networking, and fun and recreation. Some of the best politicians that money can buy are not in State capitols; they are in church pulpits!

Again, how did this happen? Quickly, I believe there are two main culprits: 1) the 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt corporation status taken by most churches, and 2) the erroneous Obey-The-Government-No-Matter-What interpretation of Romans chapter 13. These two monsters have all but destroyed real Holy Spirit-controlled, fearless, history-changing revolution-Christianity and turned it into this milquetoast religion we see today.

Morning Bell: Obama Dithers While American Credibility Burns

President Barack Obama invited ESPN into the White House yesterday so that The Worldwide Leader In Sports could tape his picks for the 2011 NCAA basketball tournament. The President picked all frontrunners. Good for him. Meanwhile, 5,000 miles away, a Libyan rebel defending the town of Ajdabiya from Muammar Qadhafi loyalists told The Washington Post: “These politicians are liars. They just talk and talk, but they do nothing.” One hundred miles north, in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, rebel spokeswoman Iman Bugaighis told The New York Times that Western nations had “lost any credibility.” 

EU: Will America learn from Europe’s mistakes?

Or, will America continue to be enamored with the European Union, despite its failed policies and unsound philosophical grounding?

Practical problems of governance abound in the EU. Great Britain, Germany, Spain, France all agree: multiculturalism has failed completely

Look no further than Greece for proof that the cradle-to-grave welfare state is financially unsustainable.

the European Union’s philosophical grounding is diametrically opposed to America’s principles. The EU model assumes the perfectibility of mankind....

To embrace the European Union’s premises about human nature, the purpose of government, and the status of rights, America must shed its own.

America’s way of life is premised on a permanent human nature—not one progressing towards perfection. It is a mix of base and lofty.

With the aid of institutional arrangements, a vigilant and manly spirit, and virtue, men are capable of self-government. The purpose of government is not to create “rights” to various welfare programs:  limited government is necessary to secure natural rights. A self-governing people rejects administrative elites’ advances on their liberty. Its citizens refuse to become “a herd of timid and industrious animals of which the government is the shepherd.”

It is time to abandon our delusions about the European model.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Islam Rising: Dhimmitude: What Is It?

Dhimmitude: the Islamic system of governing populations conquered by jihad wars, encompassing all of the demographic, ethnic, and religious aspects of the political system. The word "dhimmitude" as a historical concept, was coined by Bat Ye'or in 1983 to describe the legal and social conditions of Jews and Christians subjected to Islamic rule. The word "dhimmitude" comes from dhimmi, an Arabic word meaning "protected". Dhimmi was the name applied by the Arab-Muslim conquerors to indigenous non-Muslim populations who surrendered by a treaty (dhimma) to Muslim domination. Islamic conquests expanded over vast territories in Africa, Europe and Asia, for over a millennium (638-1683). The Muslim empire incorporated numerous varied peoples which had their own religion, culture, language and civilization. For centuries, these indigenous, pre-Islamic peoples constituted the great majority of the population of the Islamic lands. Although these populations differed, they were ruled by the same type of laws, based on the shari'a.

For rest of article:

Islam Rising: Islam...seducing the world through it's membership in the UN's "Alliance of Civilizations"

"ISTANBUL - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogansaid Monday that the world had to determine a common attitude for the societies wishing for change"

....of course, he meant by this that the common attitude would be the acceptance of Shariah and a second class citizens status of dhimmitude.

2 Corinthians 11:14:  "Satan transforms himself into an angel of light."

In the name of 'common attitude', the goal is world domination.
Remember:  Revelation says there will be a political, economic & religion system in place throughout the world when Christ returns. 

If Islam isn't it, it is certainly helping to set the scenario for the fulfillment .....

4 very important words:
manipulation leads to
intimidation  leads to
domination results in

Anything that follows this flow, has its origins in the Satanic.

From the Turkish Press:

"The world has to determine a common attitude for societies wishing for change" 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Identification & tracking: "DAILY’s UHF RFID Bracelet Offers You Superior Quality Life "

What is meant for good, will one day be co-opted by evil.....

Islam Rising: "Obama administration prepares for possibility of new post-revolt Islamist regimes"

President Obama favors Islam and what is connected to it......whatever problems comes up, it isn't "Islam" that is the you know that one of the Horses from Revelation 6 is a "pale" or "green" horse....interesting that Islam is connected with green many times or Islamic groups have this in their flags, etc.

"The Obama administration is preparing for the prospect that Islamist governments will take hold in North Africa and the Middle East, acknowledging that the popular revolutions there will bring a more religious cast to the region's politics.

The administration is already taking steps to distinguish between various movements in the region that promote Islamic law in government. An internal assessment, ordered by the White House last month, identified large ideological differences between such movements as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and al-Qaeda that will guide the U.S. approach to the region.

"We shouldn't be afraid of Islam in the politics of these countries," said a senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe internal policy deliberations. "It's the behavior of political parties and governments that we will judge them on, not their relationship with Islam."

Numbering & Tracking: "In Haiti, RFID Tracks Drinking Water"

One World Culture.....".Alliance of Civilizations school curricula"

ISESCO Director General at UN Headquarters, New York: Enshrining AoC principles in school curricula, media outlets, cultural forums and religious discourse is indispensable..... 

"House Republicans Win Early Battle Over Net-Neutrality Rules"

"Chicago Politics Targets High Court" by David Limbaugh Alinskyite left is not content with cramming its legislative agenda down the American people's throats. Next stop, the Supreme Court, where it is seeking to attack and discredit justices who will pass upon the constitutionality of its overreaching legislation.

666's are in the Seed......"Canada fights GMO alfalfa"

New Democrat Agriculture Critic, Alex Atamanenko (British Columbia Southern Interior), believes stopping Monsanto from registering its GMO alfalfa, already approved by Canada’s Health and Environment agencies, a top priority.
“The government needs to put a moratorium in place immediately while there is still a chance to protect what is a vitally important crop to farmers from genetic contamination.”

Jewish Issues: "‘Israel Apartheid Week’ programs on many of America’s campuses, a veritable orgy of Jew hatred."

Think about it – right now, as ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ goes into full gear on campuses across the country. Just how do you think Black students would react to an on-Campus, university sanctioned event by the Aryan nation or the Klu Klux Klan? Black students have earned respect and ultra-sensitivity to their concerns because they are more than willing to go to the barricades and make your average university rue the day they ever thought about sponsoring that kind of racism. 

One World Economy: "GE’s Immelt sees 'new economic era' for globe"

GE changed its approach to management since the crisis, moving more top brass out of the United States — most notably transferring Vice-Chairman John Rice to Hong Kong, a move intended to allow him to make big decisions about GE’s Asian businesses more quickly.