Sunday, February 1, 2015

Reviving the Ottoman Walid Shoebat

Understanding how the world ticks today, alongside reading your Bible is the key to unraveling the future. And while we try to understand what is holy, we must also point what is evil. When it comes to the world, Machiavelli once said “even evil acts may be put to good use if they are handled properly”. And today our preoccupation to the point of obsession with ISIS is not only terrifying since the world is standing still in a panic over terror of which is rivaled by no other. But if one thinks about ISIS, there is much use for it by expansionists who are taking advantage of the situation and is why major political players, particularly Iran, Turkey and even Japan see ISIS as the tool for a grand agenda.

(This is an excellent article about Bible prophecy and the future of the Middle East, it is quite extensive)

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