A little song for your spirit.... 'The Word of the Living God'
Word of the living God song - YouTube
New items and written articles about today's events that are relevant to Bible Prophecy
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Dr. Ilona Kickbusch: A Global System in the Making -- Six Mind-Changes
(The next step in Millennium Development Goals 2000)
Mindful of the UN Declaration which starts with "We the people," people from all around the world, supported by social media, are contributing to the conversation which has been termed the Post2015 process. It follows on from the Millennium Development Goals adopted in 2000, which have their deadline in 2015. What are some key mind-changes emerging from this conversation?
Dr. Ilona Kickbusch: A Global System in the Making -- Six Mind-Changes
Mindful of the UN Declaration which starts with "We the people," people from all around the world, supported by social media, are contributing to the conversation which has been termed the Post2015 process. It follows on from the Millennium Development Goals adopted in 2000, which have their deadline in 2015. What are some key mind-changes emerging from this conversation?
Dr. Ilona Kickbusch: A Global System in the Making -- Six Mind-Changes
Christians Called To Fight Evil! | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com
Need clarity of purpose? Here is a good word to stay focused on our purpose while we are still in this world:
Christians Called To Fight Evil! | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com
Christians Called To Fight Evil! | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com
Christianity Is Militant | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com
Christianity makes war: on the Devil and his works.
"The Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force"
"For this purpose was the Son of God manifest: to destroy the works of the wicked one."
Listen in, to hear more:
Christianity Is Militant | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com
"The Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force"
"For this purpose was the Son of God manifest: to destroy the works of the wicked one."
Listen in, to hear more:
Christianity Is Militant | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com
Mass Anarchy About To Takeover Syria | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com
(If you are a Christian still in Syria, please listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in your heart, take any chance you can get to escape the country....He is able to make a way where there seems to be none.)

Anarchy is coming, and its only going to be replaced by the Muslim Brotherhood; Syria will then soon go right into the hands of Turkey whose past Ottoman empire the Turks are striving to revive.
Christians will soon be a most conspicuous target: a horrid holocaust of the Christians will take place in the near future. Weapons are being sent to the rebels, Mccain has paid a visit to them, and there are training sessions being conducted for the jihadists.
Why is this happening? I suspect that Obama does not want to appear as another Bush, and so wants to arm the rebels so that they can be strong enough to oust out Assad. But, as of yet, Assad is still in power.
The US, Britain, NATO, Turkey, and France, want Assad gone and are supporting the rebellion for this to happen. But, if the rebellion is unable to accomplish this in its current state, I fear that the Western allies, alongside Turkey, will utilize NATO (as they did with Gaddafi) to execute a vicious strike on Syria, and once Assad is helpless, the rebels will be permitted to execute Assad.
Mass Anarchy About To Takeover Syria | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com
Anarchy is coming, and its only going to be replaced by the Muslim Brotherhood; Syria will then soon go right into the hands of Turkey whose past Ottoman empire the Turks are striving to revive.
Christians will soon be a most conspicuous target: a horrid holocaust of the Christians will take place in the near future. Weapons are being sent to the rebels, Mccain has paid a visit to them, and there are training sessions being conducted for the jihadists.
Why is this happening? I suspect that Obama does not want to appear as another Bush, and so wants to arm the rebels so that they can be strong enough to oust out Assad. But, as of yet, Assad is still in power.
The US, Britain, NATO, Turkey, and France, want Assad gone and are supporting the rebellion for this to happen. But, if the rebellion is unable to accomplish this in its current state, I fear that the Western allies, alongside Turkey, will utilize NATO (as they did with Gaddafi) to execute a vicious strike on Syria, and once Assad is helpless, the rebels will be permitted to execute Assad.
Mass Anarchy About To Takeover Syria | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Livni: Delaying 'Two-State Solution' a Mistake - Middle East - News - Israel National News
(This woman is definitely not knowledgeable about God's Promises to her ancestor, Abraham, or if she is, she doesn't put much faith in the consequences of violating them.)
Delaying the so-called “two-state solution” is an historical mistake, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni claimed on Monday.
Livni, who is in charge of the peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, spoke at the American Jewish Committee 2013 Global Forum in Washington, D.C. .
She warned in her speech of “devastating consequences” for Israel in case U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s latest attempt to renew peace talks fails.
"Time is working against those who believe that two states is the only Zionist way to maintain our identity," Livni said. "There are those who want to postpone this decision, but it would be an historic mistake of anyone who calls himself a Zionist."
The “two-state solution”, claimed Livni, “is a pure Israeli interest. It’s something we need for ourselves, not a favor to the Palestinians or to the President of the United States."
Livni: Delaying 'Two-State Solution' a Mistake - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Kerry to U.S. Jews: Next few days will determine Middle East fate for decades - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
In a speech to the American Jewish Committee, Kerry stressed to a strongly pro-Israel crowd the need for urgent progress on a peace deal ending more than six decades of conflict, providing Israel with regional security and the Palestinians with their long-sought independent state.
"If we do not succeed now, we may not get another chance," Kerry said about the peace process, describing it as "hardly a process at all" right now. "I have heard all of the arguments for why it is too difficult to end this conflict," he added. "Cynicism has never solved anything. It has never given birth to a state, and it won't."
Kerry warned that without a two-state solution, Israel will have to choose between its Jewish and democratic nature. He also stressed the need to recognize the fundamental aspirations of the Palestinian people.
Those who believe the Israeli-Palestinian status quo is sustainable and that the separation fence will bring security to Israel are "lulling themselves into a delusion," the U.S. secretary of state said.
Kerry to U.S. Jews: Next few days will determine Middle East fate for decades - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
US, Israeli, EU lawmakers to call for united J'lem | JPost | Israel News
(Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem...may she never be divided. God will deal with this world if they do.)
Lawmakers from Israel, the US and Europe will come together on Tuesday in a rare joint event to declare their support for keeping Jerusalem united as Israel’s capital.
The legislators will be connected via a video conference from Jerusalem, Washington and Brussels. The politicians will speak about Jerusalem in honor of Friday’s 46th anniversary of the city’s reunification in 1967.
US, Israeli, EU lawmakers to call for united J'lem | JPost | Israel News
PJ Media » Revealed: Weiner’s In-Laws’ Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections
(Did you know Anthony Weiner's wife was Muslim? And he is running for mayor of New York? Her mother was/is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB is infiltrating every where on the East Coast into positions of power. This is an old article but bears looking at again in light of the current situations.)
Was Huma Abedin — wife of Anthony Weiner and deputy chief of staff to Hillary Clinton — unaware that her mother was reported as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Did Western media miss what has been revealed in several Arab newspapers and left secret in American government circles?
Al-Liwa Al-Arabi (translated here) claims to have leaked an extensive list, partially published by Al-Jazeera and several other major Arab newspapers, that includes Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, in the Brotherhood’s secret women’s division — known as the Muslim Sisterhood or International Women’s Organization (IWO).
Information about the IWO can readily be found at the Muslim Brotherhood’s official website. An excerpt from its goal, translated from the Arabic, states:
PJ Media » Revealed: Weiner’s In-Laws’ Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections
Was Huma Abedin — wife of Anthony Weiner and deputy chief of staff to Hillary Clinton — unaware that her mother was reported as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Did Western media miss what has been revealed in several Arab newspapers and left secret in American government circles?
Al-Liwa Al-Arabi (translated here) claims to have leaked an extensive list, partially published by Al-Jazeera and several other major Arab newspapers, that includes Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, in the Brotherhood’s secret women’s division — known as the Muslim Sisterhood or International Women’s Organization (IWO).
Information about the IWO can readily be found at the Muslim Brotherhood’s official website. An excerpt from its goal, translated from the Arabic, states:
The Women Organization’s goal, in accordance with the Muslim Brotherhood rules, is to gain and acquire a unified global perception in every nation in the world regarding the position of women, and the necessity of advocacy work at all levels in accordance with the message of the Brotherhood, as written in Women in Muslim Society, and the rearing of women throughout the different stages of life [emphasis added].
PJ Media » Revealed: Weiner’s In-Laws’ Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections
Obama's FBI Pick No Friend of the Constitution
(Can't have a one world government and national sovereignty at the same time, now can we? Curious to me that Obama keeps appointing people who served in the Bush administration after he blames Bush for all his current problems!)
On the whole, Comey's record does not inspire confidence that he would be a respecter of the Constitution and rights of the accused if, as expected, he is nominated and confirmed as the next director of the FBI.
When he was named deputy attorney general in late 2003, Christopher Dunn, associate legal director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said, "Nothing about Mr. Comey's tenure in New York suggests he will be a friend of the Constitution when he joins John Ashcroft in Washington." Dunn sounded a bit more optimistic on May 31, telling the New York Times that Comey's confirmation hearing "will provide an important opportunity to assure that the F.B.I. fully understands its role in protecting civil liberties."
Obama's FBI Pick No Friend of the Constitution
Monday, June 3, 2013
Defiant Erdogan denounces riots in Turkish cities | Reuters
Hundreds of police and protesters have been injured since Friday, when a demonstration to halt construction in a park in an Istanbul square grew into mass protests against a heavy-handed police crackdown and what opponents call Erdogan's authoritarian policies.
The demonstrations showed no sign of abating on Monday with protesters returning to Taksim Square. Barricades of rubble hindered traffic alongside the Bosphorus waterway and blocked entry into the area. Leftist groups hung out red and black flags and banners calling on Erdogan to resign and declaring: "Whatever happens, there is no going back."
Defiant Erdogan denounces riots in Turkish cities | Reuters
Russia Warns Obama: Monsanto | The Top Information Post
The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting this past week with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most certainly” lead to world war.
According to these minutes, released in the Kremlin today by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE), Putin was so incensed over the Obama regimes refusal to discuss this grave matter that he refused for three hours to even meet with Kerry, who had traveled to Moscow on a scheduled diplomatic mission, but then relented so as to not cause an even greater rift between these two nations.
At the center of this dispute between Russia and the US, this MNRE report says, is the “undisputed evidence” that a class of neuro-active insecticides chemically related to nicotine, known as neonicotinoids, are destroying our planets bee population, and which if left unchecked could destroy our world’s ability to grow enough food to feed its population.
So grave has this situation become, the MNRE reports, the full European Commission (EC) this past week instituted a two-year precautionary ban (set to begin on 1 December 2013) on these “bee killing” pesticides following the lead of Switzerland, France, Italy, Russia, Slovenia and Ukraine, all of whom had previously banned these most dangerous of genetically altered organisms from being used on the continent.
Russia Warns Obama: Monsanto | The Top Information Post
Federal court blocks Oklahoma ban on Sharia - CNN.com
(some who see this article may be happy about it....but I personally don't post this as a form of rejoicing, but as a warning. Years ago I heard one of the prior Supreme Court justices warn of kritarcy, which is rule by judges. The Oklahoma legislature legally passed a ban on Sharia in their state. Judges ruling state legislatures? Not good.)
Federal court blocks Oklahoma ban on Sharia - CNN.com
Israel prepares as war clouds gather
(The march toward Armageddon)
Prime Minister Netanyahu said before cabinet [last week] that Israel will act to prevent the S300 missiles becoming operational, so if they arrive in Syria, Israel must act,” says Jonathan Spyer, a senior research fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs Centre in Herzilya.
“Otherwise, it will find that the statement is hollow and devoid of content – that’s where logic takes us. At the same time, Assad cannot carry on not acting if Israel attacks again.”
Israel prepares as war clouds gather: Russia's determination to supply S-300 missiles to Assad's Syrian regime raises fears of arming Hezbollah - Middle East - World - The Independent
Prime Minister Netanyahu said before cabinet [last week] that Israel will act to prevent the S300 missiles becoming operational, so if they arrive in Syria, Israel must act,” says Jonathan Spyer, a senior research fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs Centre in Herzilya.
“Otherwise, it will find that the statement is hollow and devoid of content – that’s where logic takes us. At the same time, Assad cannot carry on not acting if Israel attacks again.”
Israel prepares as war clouds gather: Russia's determination to supply S-300 missiles to Assad's Syrian regime raises fears of arming Hezbollah - Middle East - World - The Independent
Sunday, June 2, 2013
A Kingdom Divided: World’s Most Influential Sunni Cleric Calls For Global Jihad Against Non-Sunni Muslims In Syria | MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
By Richard Spencer, The Telegraph – “Yusef al-Qaradawi, who is based in Qatar and has been a leading voice supporting the Arab Spring, warned that Iranian Shia were trying to ‘eat’ Sunni Muslims, who are a majority in the Muslim world.
He referred to Alawites, the followers of the Muslim sect to which President Bashar al-Assad of Syria belongs, as being ‘worse infidels than Christians or Jews’. He also used the deliberately contemptuous term ‘Nusayris’ when talking about them.
A Kingdom Divided: World’s Most Influential Sunni Cleric Calls For Global Jihad Against Non-Sunni Muslims In Syria | MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
Saudis, Gulf states 'unnerved by US pivot away from Middle East' | The Times of Israel
WASHINGTON – In a bid to calm regional concern that the United States is withdrawing from a troubled Middle East, the Obama administration is working to strengthen ties with several Persian Gulf states, according to experts.
Many of America’s staunchest regional allies believe the Obama administration is seeking to focus less on the Middle East and its troubles and more on other regions with greater geopolitical clout, like East Asia. Several Middle Eastern countries have read American behavior — the so-called strategic “pivot” to Asia, cuts in the defense budget, and the unwillingness to intervene in Syria — as signs of growing American reluctance to shoulder the burden of regional security.Saudis, Gulf states 'unnerved by US pivot away from Middle East' | The Times of Israel
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