Saturday, August 25, 2012

10 Body Hacks That Will Be Available By 2025 | AMOG

In the year 2000, conceiving of a device that worked simultaneously as a handheld computer, portable MP3 player, satellite radio, GPS, and phone seemed like science fiction against the then-current backdrop of shiny new, brick-like flip phones. As witnessed with today’s success of the iPhone, technology advances quickly and without much advance notice if driven by market demand and commercial backing.
The next wave of the future could go beyond the technology we’re holding in our hands and extend to what’s embedded inside our hands. There is experimentation with bio-technological hacks going on today both in the lab and in an unsanctioned underground of fanatics that could result in body implant “upgrades” being as ubiquitous in 2025 as smartphones are now.

10 Body Hacks That Will Be Available By 2025 | AMOG

Friday, August 24, 2012

Egypt: August 24-25 Uprising against Muslim Brotherhood: Will this be the start of Civil War

by ASHRAF RAMELAH August 24, 2012
Egyptian revolutionaries of the youth uprising of January 2011 who succeeded in ousting Hosni Mubarak are once again organizing through social media and traditional media outlets (where allowed) to protest against the Morsi presidency and the Muslim Brotherhood. This time with the benefit of political leaders and a coalition of pro-democratic parties they plan peaceful protest rallies for Friday and Saturday (August 24th and 25th) throughout the country. The initiative is being led by Mohammed Abu Hamed, the secretary and founder of a party yet unlicensed called Egyptian Life (Hyat Al-Masreen). He is a former member of the Egyptian Parliament.
After more than a year and a half of living with degraded conditions and chaos under SCAF (Mubarak's military) leadership actively scheming behind the scenes with the Muslim Brotherhood to wrest power, Egyptians now have even much more reason to distrust the new government headed by President Morsi. Just 50 days into the new presidency, President Morsi not only appears hopeless to deliver on any of his promises to improve the lives of Egyptians but is making matters worse.

Family Security Matters

The Imploding and Very Liberal United Church of Canada. « Juicy Ecumenism


The Imploding and Very Liberal United Church of Canada. « Juicy Ecumenism

August 24-25 Uprising against Muslim Brotherhood: Will this be the start Civil War?

 Egyptian revolutionaries of the youth uprising of January 2011 who succeeded in ousting Hosni Mubarak are once again organizing through social media and traditional media outlets (where allowed) to protest against the Morsi presidency and the Muslim Brotherhood.

August 24-25 Uprising against Muslim Brotherhood: Will this be the start Civil War?

The History of the “Money Changers”

Economists continually try and sell the public the idea that recessions or depressions are a natural part of what they call the “business cycle”.
This timeline below will prove that is simply not the case.  Recessions and depressions only occur because the Central Bankers manipulate the money supply, to ensure more and more is in their hands and less and less is in the hands of the people.
Central Bankers developed out of money changers and it is with these people we pick the story up in 48 B.C. below.

The History of the “Money Changers”

UAE national ID card number lasts a lifetime |

A typing centre at Mazaya Centre

UAE national ID card number lasts a lifetime |

Psychiatry as a weapon to silence religious and political opposition

Since reporting on the account of Jason Egroff,  a 28-year-old Scranton, Pennsylvania web designer and Blog Talk Radio host of the weekly Revelation News Christian broadcast, I have received documentation of numerous cases where outspoken critics specific to the anti-Christian agenda of Barack Hussein Obama experienced similar encounters with “mental health professionals.”
In the event you are unfamiliar with the full account of Mr. Egroff, it is documented here.

 In short, Mr. Egroff was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility for evaluation due to his pro-Christian yet non-threatening religious views opposing those of the Obama regime. Of course, that’s not the official psychiatric diagnosis given to him, but after an extensive investigation into the events leading up to and following his evaluation, it might as well be. What was uncovered in subsequent investigations involving other “patients,” I am convinced that the common element in all similar cases is one’s Christian beliefs when combined with a vocal opposition to the Obama agenda.

Psychiatry as a weapon to silence religious and political opposition

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 24-25 Uprising against Muslim Brotherhood: Will this be the start Civil War?

After more than a year and a half of living with degraded conditions and chaos under SCAF (Mubarak’s military) leadership actively scheming behind the scenes with the Muslim Brotherhood to wrest power, Egyptians now have even much more reason to distrust the new government headed by President Morsi. Just 50 days into the new presidency, President Morsi not only appears hopeless to deliver on any of his promises to improve the lives of Egyptians but is making matters worse.

August 24-25 Uprising against Muslim Brotherhood: Will this be the start Civil War?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Louisiana sinkhole 40 days 40 nights salt dome drilling begins - National Human Rights |

Louisiana sinkhole 40 days 40 nights salt dome drilling begins - National Human Rights |

Bayou bubbles continue spreading near sinkhole

 Grand Bayou and Bayou Corne percolating with more gas bubbles

Bayou bubbles continue spreading near sinkhole - National Human Rights |

TruNews - For 8.22.12


Josef Stalin would be proud....Federal agents take U.S. Marine to psychiatric hospital after posting criticism of government on FaceBook

A 26 year old former Marine has been ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation after being detained for alleged threats he made on Facebook. Brandon Raub, who lives in Chesterfield, Virginia, was detained last Thursday after being questioned by law enforcement about his postings. “Sharpen up my axe; I’m here to sever heads.” Raub posted to Facebook on August 13, 2012. The post appears to be a lyric from the band Swollen Members and its song “Bring Me Down.” The case has pitted First Amendment freedoms against potential security concerns. Raub, who served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, was questioned by the FBI, U.S. Secret Service and Chesterfield County Police last Thursday and was then taken into custody by the Chesterfield County Police Department. At a court hearing on Monday Raub was...

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TruNews - Christian news network

ThirdFactor | Government national ID card industry trends outlined by HID Global

HID Global has detailed some key trends that are sure to impact government identity programs in the coming years.

With counterfeiting and tampering proving to be an ever-present threat to security, privacy and authentication efficiency, HID Global believes that the next five years will be crucial.

In a report released by Acuity Market Intelligence, it was found that by the 2015, 85% of all issued IDs will be eIDs and the number of countries issuing eIDs will outnumber those issuing conventional IDs by four to one. The jump to eIDs is a major trend in the global market and one that, according to HID Global, is already reflected in customer demands.

HID has seen an increase in demand for multi-layered, highly secure credential solutions with multi-function capabilities. While increased security is a constant demand, the need for multiple functions – access control, proof of identity, health care and tax ID and government fee payments – is quickly becoming the norm.

ThirdFactor | Government national ID card industry trends outlined by HID Global

The $6 quadrillion cost of the climate scam

 ERICE, Sicily – The capture of the once-pure environmental movement by the hard left is far from cheap for the rest of us. I have just told the annual planetary-emergencies conference of the World Federation of Scientists that on the basis of the lunatic anti-CO2 policies now fashionable among scientifically illiterate governments, it would cost $6 quadrillion to prevent the 6 degrees Fahrenheit of predicted “global warming” that will not happen anyway.

The $6 quadrillion cost of the climate scam