Friday, April 1, 2011

Islam Rising: "Don’t forget your hijab, soldier! American servicewomen encouraged to wear headscarves in Afghanistan "

In an effort to get closer to the local population, American female soldiers stationed in Afghanistan are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf when interacting with civilians. But some question whether the practice constitutes cultural sensitivity or a form of appeasement that is degrading to U.S. soldiers.

The North American Union - "Google to build high-speed network in Kansas City"

This item is related to the Trans-Texas Corridor article.  This transportation corridor which starts in Mexico, is intended to run through Texas, up through the Central US and into Canada.  There will be a major hub in Kansas City with a Mexican Customs Office there.

Interesting to read now that Google has 'chosen' KC to be the first place they are putting in their high=speed network.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.

(Reuters) - Google Inc will build a high-speed Internet network in Kansas City, Kansas, the first site selected by the company's project to spur development of a new generation of Web applications.

The network, which is expected to go into service next year, will provide Internet access speeds that are 100 times faster than what most Americans currently have, Google said in a post on its company blog on Wednesday.

The North American Union - "Trans Texas Corridor: Here We Go Again"

Battle-weary Texans who spent much of the last decade working to defeat the proposed — and hugely unpopular — gigantic north-south highway through Texas up to Canada, known as the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC), are being called to take a deep breath and gather forces once again. New bills have been introduced in the biennial Texas Legislature that would revive the old conflicts for sovereignty. A June 2007 article in The New American dubbed the Corridor the modern El Camino Real, or King’s Highway, an ancient network of trails used by 17th-century Spanish explorers to transport goods and missionaries from Mexico to the new colony. Many Texans believe such an appellation doesn’t seem too far off at all.

The TTC was proclaimed dead two years ago by nearly every public official; however, Texas Governor Rick Perry declared at the time, "We'll build it, but we'll just change the name." Now the Corridor, which has always been the cynosure of Perry's transportation policy, is getting a new push.

State Representative Larry Phillips has introduced H.B. 3789, one of several related bills affecting infrastructure — a reincarnation of the old legislation that enabled the Corridor projects, but without the old name.

"King James Bible: How it changed the way we speak"

The impact of the King James Bible, which was published 400 years ago, is still being felt in the way we speak and write, says Stephen Tomkins.

No other book, or indeed any piece of culture, seems to have influenced the English language as much as the King James Bible. Its turns of phrase have permeated the everyday language of English speakers, whether or not they've ever opened a copy.
The Sun says Aston Villa "refused to give up the ghost". Wendy Richard calls her EastEnders character Pauline Fowler "the salt of the earth". The England cricket coach tells reporters, "You can't put words in my mouth." Daily Mirror fashion pages call Tilda Swinton "a law unto herself".

Though each of those phrases was begotten of the loins of the English Bible, it's safe to say that none of those speakers was deliberately quoting the Bible to people they expected to be familiar with its contents.

Plagues & Pestilence: "Disease clusters found in 13 states"

There are 42 so-called disease clusters in 13 U.S. states, showing incidence of numerous types of cancer, birth defects and other chronic illnesses, the Natural Resources Defense Council reported on Monday.

A study by NRDC and the National Disease Clusters Alliance, drawn from research by federal, state and local officials and peer-reviewed academic studies, urges federal coordination and support to help confirm these clusters and determine their causes.
"The faster we can identify such clusters, and the sooner we can figure out the causes, the better we can protect residents living in the affected communities," NRDC's Dr. Gina Solomon, co-author of the study, said in a statement. 

Plagues & Pestilence: "Superbugs Abounding"

A once-rare superbug has sneaked through hospitals in southern California in defiance of antibiotics, and in Great Britain, 59 surgery patients are at risk of having contracted an incurable human form of Mad Cow disease. As far as medical science has come in the past century, new infectious challenges can be found around each new bend, some of which are boosted along by the very science meant to wipe them out. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"God-Events": 400 yr. old King James Bible found in church

When I read of an event like this and know that this year the KJ Bible is celebrating its 400th anniversary, I can't believe this is a coincidence.

Is God putting His 'stamp of approval' on the King James Version of the Bible?
Well, I can say that, but don't you think it rather 'interesting' that this Bible would show up at this time?

I think if God is doing anything, He is showing how NEAR He is to us on earth, how He knows everything that is going on, and that He is INVOLVED in the events of our day.

Read the article and be blessed:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Israel: "MOST PRO-ISRAEL GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD FALLS: Canada’s PM Harper loses no-confidence vote

Posted: March 25, 2011 by joelcrosenberg in Uncategorized
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, as I’ve written before, is the most pro-Israel leader on the planet. So today’s events are troubling. “Canada’s minority Conservative government was defeated in a non-confidence vote on Friday, setting the scene for a federal election in early May,” reports Reuters. “Legislators in the House of Commons voted by 156-145 to back the motion, which was presented by the main opposition Liberal Party.” That said, it may be too early to count Harper out. The New York Times is reporting that today’s no-confidence vote may end up “triggering an election that polls show the Conservatives will win.” Harper could put together a new coalition government and reemerge as Prime Minister. Let’s be praying for our friends up north.

Monday, March 28, 2011

NWO: "....the Revolution No One Noticed…in North America"

TORONTO (AP) — Canadian opposition parties toppled Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government in a no confidence vote Friday, triggering the country’s fourth election in seven years.

Harper, 51, is a career politician who has spent the last five years emphasizing a more conservative Canadian identity and moving Canada incrementally to the right. He has gradually lowered sales and corporate taxes, increased spending on the military and made Arctic sovereignty a priority.
He has called Canada an emerging “energy super power” in reference to Alberta’s oil sands deposits, the second largest oil reserves in the world, and has avoided enacting environmental legislation that would hurt the sector.
In foreign policy, he‘s extended Canada’s role in Afghanistan and he‘s been a staunch ally of Israel’s right wing government.