Biometrics4ALL’s “LiveScan” booking solution includes 30 fingerprint and palm print scanners that will be used for various criminal-booking applications and for data submission to the Los Angeles County Fingerprint Identification System or LAFIS, along with data transfers to the California Department of Justice (Cal-DOJ), and the FBI.
The contract was awarded to Biometrics4ALL after it presented an extensive demonstration to the LASD evaluation team and after going through a rigorous weeklong analysis with Los Angeles County. The evaluation found that Biometric4ALL’s software had one of the smoothest booking workflows, which would benefit the County’s regional identification system upon implementation.
The software also has several other features such as an intuitive user interface, “face find” mug shot capture and rapid data capture capabilities. The software is backed up by equally impressive hardware such as the portable casing for the unit, fingerprint and palm print scanner, a photo camera, an electronic signature pad, a magnetic stripe reader, a driver license 2-D bar code reader and military-class batteries which have an eight hour life span.
LA to use new fingerprint and palm print scanners |
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