Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Mark Biltz, pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonney Lake, Washington, and author of “Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs,” spoke to George Noory on his popular late-night radio show “Coast to Coast.”
When Noory asked what Biltz specifically expects in the near future, the pastor said he sees the possibility of a major war involving Israel and an economic collapse.
Biltz explained he is not looking to prophesy or say exactly what’s going to happen but is simply examining previous blood moon events.
“Look at the patterns; it’s always meant war involving Israel,” he said.
Biltz previously explained that in the two previous instances in which there were four blood moons in a row on Jewish holy days, Israel became a nation, in 1948, and retook Jerusalem, in 1967.”
This time, he said, the final blood moon is lining up closely with the end of the seven-year Shemitah cycle.
“It’s a sign based on the Shemitah cycle, which is that every seven years the land was to rest and there was to be an economic reset. And the last two times [this cycle ended], there was economic collapse.
“I think we could very well could see the collapse of the dollar. You read about it in newspapers all over the world. People are talking about the Chinese, the Russians, everyone else wanting to get off of the U.S. dollar. And once they get rid of the dollar and all these countries that are holding the dollar start dumping it, the dollar collapses.”
Biltz told Noory’s listeners people must pay attention to the blood moons and other astronomical events.


Temple Mt clashes/US requests ban on Jews

Illustrative: A masked Palestinian youth flashes the "V" for victory sign near the Dome of the Rock during clashes with Israeli riot police. (Photo: Sliman Khader/Flash 90) 

For the third straight day on Tuesday, Israeli Police and Palestinians clashed on the Temple Mount, drawing sharp criticism from the UN, the US and the Muslim world.
As police escorted Jews going up to the site on the second day of the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hasana, they were met by dozens of Palestinians who attacked them with rocks, iron bars and firecrackers. A firebomb was also thrown at police, setting wooden beams on fire. The rioters attempted to barricade themselves inside the al Aqsa Mosque but police forced their way in, using tear gas and stun grenades.
Five policemen were lightly injured and an unspecified number of Palestinians were arrested. The director of the Palestinian Red Crescent emergency unit, Amin Abu Ghazaleh, reported that 26 Arabs were injured.
United States State Department spokesman John Kirby condemned the clashes on Monday, stating, “The United States is deeply concerned by the increase in violence and escalating tensions surrounding the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount. We strongly condemn all acts of violence.”
“It is absolutely critical that all sides exercise restraint, refrain from provocative actions and rhetoric and preserve unchanged the historic status quo on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount,” he added.  The “historical status quo” Kirby is referring to is a ban on Jews on the Temple Mount.
In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Tuesday evening in a special security meeting that “rioters would not be allowed to prevent Jews from visiting the Mount,” a Foreign Ministry statement said.
Condemnation against Israel has also poured in from across the Middle East. Jordan’s King Abdullah addressed the Temple Mount violence in a press conference in Amman on Monday, AFP reported. “Any more provocation in Jerusalem will affect the relationship between Jordan and Israel,” Abdullah said. “Jordan will not have a choice but to take actions, unfortunately.”


Temple Mount clashes/Netanyahu/Policy change

 Here, in the heart of Jerusalem on a traffic island on a central road, a criminal stood and threw one rock after another into the windshield of Jerusalem residents, until he he succeeded in causing death – it is murder,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu said that the rock that caused Levlovitz's death was “one rock too many, and we are declaring war on rioters and those who throw rocks and firebombs.”

The prime minister then went to another site that has recently been plagued by hurled rocks and petrol bombs – Road 443 to that leads from Modi'in to Jerusalem.

“We are changing the policy,” he said. “The current situation is unacceptable to us. We intend to give tools to the police and soldiers to act very aggressively against those who throw rocks and petrol-bombs.”

Netanyahu said that the open-fire regulations will be changed, minimum sentences will be set for those who throw rocks and firebombs, and that “I intend to massively increase fines again minors and their families to deter them.”

Jordan/Israel/Temple Mount Clashes

Abdullah II
(Please note at the end of the article that the Muslims initiated the rock throwing, etc.  Of course, from their point of view, it is the Israeli's causing the problem by coming up to the temple mount during Rosh Hashonnah celebrations.  This is all part of the lead up to the #Armageddon conflict)

Jordan's King Abdullah II warned Israel Monday following arrests of rioters on the Temple Mount, saying he was "very concerned and angered with the recent escalation's in Jerusalem, specifically in Al Aqsa Mosque.”
He issued the statement ahead of a meeting with visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron.
"We have gotten reassurances from the Israelis government that this would not happen. Unfortunately, these are reassurances we have heard in the past," Abdullah said. "Any more provocations in Jerusalem, will affect the relationship between Jordan and Israel; and Jordan will have no choice, but to take action, unfortunately."

"The Jordanian government condemns the assault carried out by special forces of the Israeli occupation army against the Al-Aqsa mosque compound," Information Minister Mohammed Momani said Sunday. Jordan accused Israel of "provocations" and "attempts to change the status quo" at Judaism's holiest site.

Earlier Sunday, masked Muslim rioters hurled rocks and fireworks at police on the Temple Mount, as well as firebombs near two entrances to the site. Jerusalem District Police and Border Police were forced to respond with riot dispersal measures.

Security forces have also issued distancing orders against members of the Islamist groups that routinely riot on the Mount.

Israel -heat lightning, dust storm, Shemittah year

Heat lightning at the Dead Sea

"We've never experienced a night like this, and I've never seen a thunder storm like this," she added. "In the night hours the heavens opened and the desert darkness was lit up by hundreds of hypnotizing lines - we've never seen a sight like that."

The rare heat lightning would seem to back meteorological predictions that Jerusalem is due to receive a thunderstorm later on Wednesday, with building pressure expected to bring rain that would likely clear whatever remaining dust is still in the air.

It has been estimated that the large amount of dust and sand brought into Israel from Syria and Iraq during the sandstorm may bring a boon to the local agriculture if it would fall on the ground in Israel.
The timing has not been lost on some, who point out that the potential benefit to the crops comes right at the Jewish new year at the end of the shemittah year, which is the agricultural sabbatical year in Jewish law. The Torah teaches that if Jews observe the shemittah year, as many farmers did this past year for the first time, Israel will be blessed with agricultural bounty. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Dr. Michael Brown: What Really Happened in Ireland

Ireland gay marriage

Ireland redefined their constitution to include marriage between same-sex partners. (Cathal McNaughton/Reuters)
I almost never do this, but I felt it was very important to share a letter with you so that the whole world could understand what really happened in Ireland as this predominantly Catholic nation voted decisively to redefine marriage.

After the vote, I posted this on Facebook:
"What can we learn from the vote to redefine marriage in Ireland, a traditionally Catholic country?
"1) Traditional 'Christian' religion cannot stop the juggernaut of gay activism. Only a living, vibrant faith will have the energy and commitment and depth to stand firm.

"2) Sex-scandals in the Catholic Church in the 1990s robbed the Church of its moral authority. How can the Church speak to the society about sexual morality when it has largely disqualified itself? Scandals like this take a long time to get over, and here in America, we have been plagued by evangelical scandals as well, involving some of our well-known leaders. To the extent we are deemed hypocritical, to that extent we lack moral authority.

"3) Ireland was not ready for the massive influx of gay activist funding from America. Sadly, from President Obama down, America has been an aggressive force for normalizing homosexuality, and without American funding and vision, it is doubtful that Ireland would have voted so strongly for such radical change.

"What happened in Ireland should be a wake-up call for the church worldwide."

Read on:

Turkish President: "We will gather Moslem world and invade Jerusalem"

PRESIDENT Erdogan and PM Dovutoglu of Turkey have declared: “We will gather the Muslim world, invade Jerusalem and create a one world Islamic Empire.”
By Allah’s will, Jerusalem belongs to the Kurds, the Turks, the Arabs, and to all Muslims. And as our forefathers fought side by side at Gallipoli, and just as our forefathers went together to liberate Jerusalem with Saladin, we will march together on the same path [to liberate Jerusalem].
These are the words just declared by Dovutoglu, the Prime Minister of Turkey. You would think its coming straight from the mouth of the Antichrist.

Read on: 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Jade Helm 15 cancelled in two Texas counties......

Jade Helm 15 Cancelled in Two Texas Counties; Remaining Texans Wary

Military exercises in local communities and counties.  Indications of One World Government to come?

(statements at bottom of article, click link below to read entire article)
The astute reader will note that the residents quoted above were not identified — by their own insistence. Perhaps their positions can best be summarized by the thoughts of a Bastrop County resident who once lived in South America and other environs abroad, and who also asked to remain anonymous. The resident declared,
What bothered me most [about Jade Helm] was that people didn’t know about it. This is how it started in my country [before its takeover]. The military became a presence more powerful than government instead of the other way around.
And the first thing that raises my hackles now is that Jade Helm forces will be in plain clothes. In my country, that was a way to ease residents’ fears and become friendly with them. [Military personnel] would then expect assistance from locals, and determine their level of loyalty by getting close to them — but people didn’t have a way to know who they were! The military was learning whom they could trust.
And people were encouraged to report anything that could be construed as subversive. It planted the idea that to be against the government was to be a conspirator. The result was that people learned not to dissent. [They] would not speak the truth, even if they disagreed with what they saw.
Eventually, when the middle class disappeared, the only ones left were those who would comply. They thought they had too much to lose, but the only thing they lost was the only thing that mattered: freedom, which they thought they were defending. No one wanted to be seen as opposing the military, or having a differing opinion. 
I don’t know if that’s what’s happening here, but this is how it starts.

Friday, April 24, 2015

China genetically engineers human genes

Chinese scientists have reported that they have carried out the world's first experiments to genetically engineer a human embryo

China has been ordered to ‘rein in’ scientists who have edited the DNA of human embryos for the first time, a practice banned in Europe.
In a world’s first, researchers at the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou confirmed they had engineered embryos to modify the gene responsible for the fatal blood disorder thalassaemia.
The team, led by Junjiu Huang attempted to head off fears of eugenics by claiming the embyos were ‘non-viable’ and could never had become babies.
But critics warned that China was becoming the ‘Wild West’ of genetic research saying it was the first step towards designer children and called for a worldwide ban on the practice.

Read more:

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Egypt-US-Saudi Actions in Yemen

I n a surprise step, Egyptian marine naval and marine forces Thursday morning, March 26, seized control of the strategic Bab El-Mandeb Straits to foil Tehran’s plans to grab this important energy shipping gateway between the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Suez Canal, debkafile’s military sources report from the Gulf. Egypt disguised the raid as a counter-piracy operation. It rounded off the Saudi-led air strikes launched the same morning against Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. These operations signaled the start of a major Sunni Arab revolt against Iran’s approaching takeover of Yemen, through its Houthi proxy, and advances in other strategic positions in the Middle East, with Washington’s support.

Thursday morning too, the US launched its first air strikes against Islamic State positions in the Iraqi city of Tikrit, rallying to the aid of the Iranian-commanded Iraqi operation, which had failed to dislodge the jihadis in two weeks of fighting. The separate operations in Yemen and Iraq attested to the widening breach between the Sunni Arab camp and the Obama administration and the former’s resolve to thwart US strategy for buying a nuclear deal with Tehran by empowering Iran to attain the rank of leading Middle East power.

Read more: 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sacrificial altar for 3rd Temple ready......


End-times prophecy watchers are marveling over a news report out of Jerusalem this week that the Altar of the Lord has been reconstructed by the Temple Institute.

The Institute, based in the Old City of Jerusalem, announced it has finished building an altar that is essentially “ready for use” in sacrificial services.

The altar is the most ambitious project to date toward the goal of rebuilding the Jewish Temple. The massive outdoor altar, which took several years to build, can be operational at little more than a moment’s notice, reported the Israeli magazine Matzav Haruach.

The altar is the last major component needed for the long-obstructed sacrifices to resume in a future Jewish temple.

Read more (this is an excellent article giving back ground history and current events:

If Damascus falls, Europe won't be far behind......

Militant Islamist fighters in military vehicles parade along the streets of Syria's northern Raqqa province June 30, 2014. (Reuters)
 "The burden of Damascus.  Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap."  Isaiah 19:1

As a new report details the devastation wrought upon Syria by four years of rebellion, a Virginia state senator who once thanked the Syrian government for defending Christians is worried about the fate of Damascus, the Middle East and Europe.

“If Damascus falls, the dreaded black and white flag of ISIS will fly” over Syria, Virginia state Senator Richard Black told RT. “Within a period of months after the fall of Damascus, Jordan will fall and Lebanon will fall,” he said, adding that the self-proclaimed Islamic State would then target Europe next.

Black is no stranger to the Syrian crisis. Last year, he wrote a letter thanking the government in Damascus for a “gallant and effective campaign” to liberate Christian villages on the border with Lebanon. Most Americans are not aware that Christianity started in present-day Syria, he pointed out.

Read more and watch video clip: 

"Iran/ISIS carving up Iraq", NYT - its all in Bible Prophecy

The New York Times Says “We’re letting Iran and ISIS carve up Iraq”. But The Question Is: Why Doesn’t The Media Acknowledge This Was All Predicted In The Bible?

 ta copy

By Walid Shoebat
I wonder at times, will the media ever admit that when it comes to the Middle East, will they ever acknowledge that their headlines many times has already been etched in the Bible? “We’re letting Iran and ISIS carve up Iraq” is a New York Times piece written by Amir Taheri, a capable writer I once spoke to by phone during a shared interview while the Turkish elections was happening in which he was hopeful predicting that Erdogan’s opposition in Turkey would win, in which I said “in your wildest dreams”.

Erdogan won and not the opposition.

But the reason I was correct had nothing to do with my study of the news and had more to do with my study of the Bible, which it was easy to deduce that Islamists will control Turkey and that Iran will gulp up Iraq. Now Taheri, who is an Iranian hopeful, hopes to see Iran come out of Islamism, he correctly deduced that Iran is carving up Iraq: “The bad news” Taheri says is that “Iran is the biggest winner in the Tikrit fight — and IS is gaining elsewhere. The two are dancing toward a de facto partition of Iraq between them.” I would adjust Taheri’s remarks that Iran will gulp up the whole of Iraq while Turkey will gulp up the whole of ISIS, to later carve up Syria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan and Somalia (read Daniel 11) into the fold of the Ottomans.

Years ago we gave this biblically prophetic analysis and stated that Iraq will be devoured by Iran:

Iran's 'bridge' to Central Asia?

 President Hassan Rouhani’s recent trip to Turkmenistan cannot be dismissed as a one-off. Since coming to office in August 2013, the Rouhani administration has prioritized relations with the Muslim states of the former Soviet Union. Given the potential for economic ties and trade, Tehran’s aspirations are fully understandable.

 Meanwhile, the Central Asian states are largely receptive. But for this latest momentum to gain enduring traction, Tehran has to be smart about its appeal to the Central Asians. For them, Iran is a very familiar civilization and a much-needed bridge to world markets. On the other hand, any attempt by Tehran to interject its Islamist ideology into relations will very likely give the famously cautious secular Central Asian governments reasons to once again pull away.

 The five Central Asian states are all Muslim-majority countries but ruled by staunchly secular governments. To be fair to Tehran, the Islamic Republic has since 1991 never sought to forcefully push an Islamist agenda in its dealings with its northern neighbors. From a Central Asian perspective, for relations to become closer, it is imperative that Iran keeps it that way.

For a recent item on Iran in Bible Prophecy, see:

End Times Prophecies Point to Threat from Iran, Christian Apologist Tells Greg Laurie

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Joel Rosenberg coins new term: "Apocalyptic Islam"

Addressing the National Religious Broadcasters Convention (photo credit: NRB)

The threat we face is not simply from Radical Islam. Indeed, it not even primarily from Radical Islamic groups like Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and al Qaeda at this hour, as serious as these threats are.
The most serious threat we face in the Middle East and North Africa is what I call “Apocalyptic Islam.”
This term — “Apocalyptic Islam” — is one that each of needs to become familiar with and begin to teach others. Why? Because for the first time in all of human history, we have not just one but two nation states whose rulers are driven not by political ideology — or even mere religious theology — but by apocalyptic, genocidal End Times eschatology.
The Islamic Republic of Iran today is ruled by an apocalyptic, genocidal death cult.

Click to read more: 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Reviving the Ottoman Walid Shoebat

Understanding how the world ticks today, alongside reading your Bible is the key to unraveling the future. And while we try to understand what is holy, we must also point what is evil. When it comes to the world, Machiavelli once said “even evil acts may be put to good use if they are handled properly”. And today our preoccupation to the point of obsession with ISIS is not only terrifying since the world is standing still in a panic over terror of which is rivaled by no other. But if one thinks about ISIS, there is much use for it by expansionists who are taking advantage of the situation and is why major political players, particularly Iran, Turkey and even Japan see ISIS as the tool for a grand agenda.

(This is an excellent article about Bible prophecy and the future of the Middle East, it is quite extensive)

Click to read more:

Saturday, January 24, 2015

How the European dream is dying.....

(Bible prophecy teachers have long thought that the 10-toes of Daniel's image, was forming from European nations.  This is an interesting item in that context.  New teachings have arisen regarding the 10 toes in the last few years suggesting that they will be made up of Islamic nations.  We shall see.  We shall see.) 


As Greece prepares for an election which could decide the fate of Europe, find out how the EU project is slowly falling apart in the ten major member states and two cities which form its heart 



Europe is being swept by a wave of popular disenchantment and revolt against mainstream political parties and the European Union.
In 2007, a majority of Europeans - 52 per cent - trusted the EU. That trust has now fallen to 35 per cent.
Once, Britain's Euroscpeticism was the exception, and seen as the biggest threat to the future of the EU.
But now other countries pose a far bigger danger thanks to the political discontents unleashed by the euro,
In Greece, a far-Left Socialist party, Syriza, is poised to win elections with a political programme that would overturn eurozone policies. Many believe the Greek revolt against the loss of their economic sovereignty by eurozone diktat from Brussels or Frankfurt is only the beginning.

Read more:

Saudi Arabia builds 600 mile fence to keep out ISIS

Saudis Showing signs of both Islamophobia and Xenophobia.

 Whenever westerners warn of the threat of mass Islamic immigration, they are accused of being Islamophobes and Xenophobes. In the case of the U.S., any time someone suggests that America should construct a wall on its southern border to prevent illegal aliens from traversing that border, they’re labeled as intolerant bigots who lack compassion. The same was said about Israel when it constructed a wall on the West Bank to keep terrorists out; it’s been extremely effective. Now, Saudi Arabia has decided to construct a wall along its border with both Iraq and Yemen to keep members of the Islamic State out.

Read more: 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

800,000 Muslims rally in Chechnya

chechnya protest

There are only 1.3 million people in all of Chechnya.
Voice of America reported:
Hundreds of thousands of people in the Russian Muslim region of Chechnya gathered in the regional capital Grozny on Monday to protest against caricatures of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.
Chechnya’s Interior Ministry said more than a million people attended the demonstration. Earlier Monday, the Russian Interior Ministry had estimated the number of attendees at more than 800,000. 

Shemitah events since Oct. 2014 to now by Jonathan Cahn

"I’ve warned in ‘The Harbinger’ and as I’ve spoken across the country that if this nation doesn’t return to God, its crown as head of nations will be removed,” he said.

Two weeks into the Shemitah year, which began in Sept. 25, 2014, Cahn said the first sign of America’s removal as the pinnacle of economic power was already apparent to those who were paying attention.

The American age that began more than 140 years ago, quietly came to an end.

According to a report by the International Monetary Fund, China’s economy had for the first time surpassed that of the United States and now claims the distinction of being the world’s largest economy, according to an October report by Business Insider.

“America’s crown as the strongest economic power on earth was removed. It passed to China,” Cahn said. “The word Shemitah can mean ‘the fall.’ That alone would constitute one of the greatest falls in modern history – the end of the American age.”

The IMF measures both GDP in market-exchange terms and in terms of purchasing power, reported Business Insider.

“On the purchasing-power basis, China is overtaking the US right about now and becoming the world’s biggest economy,” BI reported on Oct. 8, 2014. “By the end of 2014, China will make up 16.48 percent of the world’s purchasing-power adjusted GDP (or $17.632 trillion), and the U.S. will make up just 16.28 percent (or $17.416 trillion).”

Marriage case on docket, terrorists lying in wait

As the year of the Shemitah grinds toward its climax on Sept. 13, 2015, Cahn is also watching the Supreme Court.

Islamic scholar urge UN to adopt 'contempt of religions'


 They say "religions," but of course they mean only Islam. No one cares when Christianity or Judaism are insulted or criticized or mocked, and Christians and Jews don't riot and kill over insults. This is just another salvo in the Islamic war against free speech. The International Union of Muslim Scholars is trying to force the West to adopt Sharia blasphemy laws.

Read more:

Islamists lobbying Congress for funds: Lybia, Palestinians, Qatar

 The new contracts are among several recent changes to Middle Eastern nations’ efforts to influence the US government, according to an Al-Monitor review of lobbying disclosure reports available as of mid-January. Taken together, they indicate a stepped up desire to get through to key decision makers struggling to make sense of an increasingly fractured region.

 Many more Islamic countries/regions/groups are also lobbying Congress.  Click link to see list.

Read entire article: 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Auschwitz II - video tour (very good)

Vic Stefanu is your tour guide.....he is a very compassionate person, respectful in every way and gives a thorough tour including areas that most don't see.

Auschwitz survivors - 70 years later

 Originally from Myszkow, Marian Majerowicz, 88, was 17 when he was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. At the camp he was briefly reunited with his father, who told him that his mother and younger brother were both killed in the gas chambers. Majerowicz's father didn't survive the war.

To read more stories, click: 

China, the Uighurs and Islam

Not only the West fears the return of their citizens after they have joined the jihadists in Syria and Iraq. We sometimes read about Russian concerns over the significant role Chechens play in the Islamic State (IS) and Jabhat al-Nusra. But because of restrictions by the Chinese government on the media, we rarely hear about the turmoil closely linked to the jihadist war in Iraq and Syria that takes place in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region in northwest China.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

ISIS controlled land doubles inspite of coalition strikes

The map, created by the Coalition for a Democratic Syria, shows how much land ISIS have gained since August when the airstrikes bagen

ISIS has almost doubled the land it controls in Syria since the US-led coalition began airstrikes against the extremist group in the summer, a new map has revealed. 
The extremist group has continued to expand its 'caliphate', despite more than 800 airstrikes hitting targets in ISIS-controlled areas since last summer. 
The map, created by the Coalition for a Democratic Syria (CDS), shows just how much land has fallen to ISIS - which now has a third of the country under its control. 

Before the summer, the militants controlled just half that.

(this is a good comprehensive article, click link to read more)

Read more:

Saudis build 600 miles fence to keep ISIS out....

Work on the wall, a combined fence and six mile (9.6 km) ditch with watchtowers, radar and night-vision cameras, began last September but the kingdom was gripped by a new sense of urgency following an IS raid on a Saudi post earlier this month, the Telegraph reported.
The jihadist group, whose goal is to build a caliphate in the region and beyond, has set its eyes on Mecca and Medina, the two holiest sites in Islam.

Read more:
The Saudi-Iraqi border near the location of a recent attack by suspected Islamic State fighters. (screen capture: Daily Mail)