Monday, April 4, 2011

Socialism/Marxism/Fabianism/Communism: "THE WAR WITHIN"

There are three factions that exist in the United States today.

There are the communists. This group, like "also known as" (AKA) Obama (for who really knows which is his real name and which are his aliases), is largely comprised of people who believe in the fundamental principles of communism as it differs from fascism: ownership of everything held by the government in the common interest. In the United States, this group largely comprises those calling themselves Democrats. Their modus operandi, in achieving the ultimate communist state in this country, is to use the public coffers to perpetuate the "general welfare" of the people; their focus is social programs such as welfare, socialized medicine – in general, taking from those who work and providing social programs for those who don't, thus buying their vote.

There are the fascists. This group, like Bush, is largely comprised of people who believe in the fundamental principles of fascism as it differs from communism: wealth is held by large (mega) corporations and banks who influence how the government is run, in the common good. In the United States, this group largely comprises those calling themselves Republicans. Their modus operandi, in achieving the ultimate fascist state in this country, is to ensure the wealth, continued growth, and influence of big business, such that those businesses have the means necessary to influence government policy in the common good.

Communists and fascists are two heads of a three-headed Marxist snake, advocating "democracy" – rule by the majority with the rights of the minority at the whim of the majority; in other words, rule according to the passions, opinions and prejudices of those in power. 

As Americans are learning the hard way, and in the words of James Madison, in Federalist Paper #10,
"such Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives, as they have been violent in their deaths."
Both communists and fascists adhere to the basic principles of Marxism, each merely a sect of the philosophy. Nazism, or national socialism, is but another sect of the same philosophy, the third head of the three-headed Marxist snake.

The third group are freedom-loving Americans who understand the foundations, the history, and the purpose of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, establishing a limited form of government, based on the Biblical principles of self-governance; where all men are created equal in the eyes of God; where all rights are God-given; where man's right to freedom is in exact proportion to his willingness to put chains upon those human proclivities – defined in the Ten Commandments – that are detrimental to the establishment and maintenance of a cohesive civilized society. This group understands that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights established rule of law and what that means in the larger context.

For complete article: 

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