Two significant bodies of evidence have emerged within the last 24 hours that appear to corroborate, at least on the surface, some of the charges made by Obama opponents who question his qualifications for the presidential office.
Monday a former Obama classmate at Columbia University in the early 1980s wrote an expose at The Blaze which sheds significant light on the questions surrounding the president's years as a student at Columbia.
Wayne Allyn Root serves as the chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee and is a former vice presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party. Root was a student at Columbia during the same time period that Obama attended the university.
Root does not allege that Obama was never a student at Columbia. In fact, he is quite certain that Obama was there. But Root says that in spite of the fact that Obama was a classmate attending Columbia during the same years, with the same major -- Pre-Law and Political Science -- and graduating the same year, 1983, he never heard of nor saw Obama, who at the time went under the name "Barry Soetoro."
In addition, none of his fellow Political Science majors had heard of him.
Obama classmate blows lid off of scandalous secrets - National Conservative |
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