There is so much more that needs to be said about this election. Where is God in all this? Did God not hear our prayers or realize that tens of thousands fasted and prayed over the last 40 days? Or is this somehow God’s judgment against America?
As Christians we have our work cut out for us. The demographics are shifting. Those who believe biblical principles are becoming the minority. We are in a democracy where the majority rules. Those who favor gambling, abortion, any sort of sexual practice, debauchery of every type actually see us as extremists to be feared are gaining every day.
Meanwhile, there is a remnant in America who love Jesus. But they seem more interested in jumping and shouting and “having church” than being salt and light.
But it isn’t just the charismatics who are complacent. I attended a “God and country” rally last Sunday at a large Baptist church. A lot of money was spent to put on the rally and others like it around Florida. It was supposedly an area-wide rally, but there were just a couple of hundred people.
That Baptist church could have filled the building just with its own congregation. And it was just preaching to those already committed to the conservative cause. I doubt any votes were changed by the rally. Not many in Orlando even knew the rally happened.
Maybe things will get so bad in America that the body of Christ will finally wake up. But will it be too late by then? Is it too late now? I feel as if we’re at a point it will take a miracle of God to turn things around.
Meanwhile, we must still be salt and light. God’s Word is still true no matter who is in the White House or who has control of Congress. People still need the Savior. We need a radical revival in this nation.
And it’s not just so one political party can be in power. It is so hearts will be changed; lives changed and a majority of our fellow countryman are energized to get this country back on the right track.
After Election, Church Has Work To Do
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