Friday, December 14, 2012

Texas curriculum: "Allah is the Almighty God" - Atlas Shrugs

Texas curriculum: "Allah is the Almighty God" Jihadwatch
Arabic-speaking Christians generally use the word "Allah" for the God of the Bible, but this curriculum doesn't seem to be talking about Arabic-speaking Christians: it seems fairly clear that it is trying to portray Islam in a benign and positive light, without any reference to the violent texts and teachings that jihadis and Islamic supremacists point to in order to justify their actions. What a coincidence that this curriculum would be in use in Texas, where Governor Rick Perry partnered with the Aga Khan Foundation to develop a severely whitewashed, Islam-friendly curriculum. When Pamela Geller and I broke the story of that curriculum in 2011, the reaction was furious: one blogger demanded I stop linking him; another claimed that the curriculum material we had uncovered was not really the curriculum at all, and tried to pass off one teacher's private notes as the real curriculum; and former friends and associates denounced us with a cult-like fervor that I still find hard to believe that a compromised nonentity like Rick Perry could have inspired.
Now, lo and behold, we find that Texas has a severely whitewashed Islam curriculum, just as we said. Today one of the bloggers who was most furiously and frenziedly denouncing us last year for daring to suggest that Perry was opening Texas schools to a biased and whitewashed presentation of Islam posted this WND story without the slightest reference to the Perry controversy, about which he was so spectacularly wrong. That's chutzpah.

Texas curriculum: "Allah is the Almighty God" - Atlas Shrugs

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