"We have heard everyone - from Obama's own debt commission to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - call the looming debt a mortal threat to the nation. We have watched Greece self-immolate. We can see the future. The only question has been: When will the country finally rouse itself?
Amazingly, the answer is: now. Led by famously progressive Wisconsin - Scott Walker at the state level and Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan at the congressional level - a new generation of Republicans has looked at the debt and is crossing the Rubicon. Recklessly principled, they are putting the question to the nation: Are we a serious people?" (for the full article, click the link above)
The Rubicon is a short river in Italy, and the phrase, "crossing the Rubicon" in today's usage means: crossing the point of no return.
This river became famous when Julius Caesar and his legion crossed it in 49BC on his march to Rome to overthrow Pompey. This he did and he became Emperor of Rome.
A quote from Wikipedia:
The phrase "crossing the Rubicon" has survived to refer to any individual or group committing itself irrevocably to a risky or revolutionary course of action, similar to the modern phrase "passing the point of no return".
Krauthammer is likening what is happening in Wisconsin to a 'point of no return' event, a course of action is being taken by a people which will result in a 'precedent setting' event in our nation.
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