New items and written articles about today's events that are relevant to Bible Prophecy
Saturday, December 29, 2012
It's Official: Muslim Population of Britain Doubles :: Gatestone Institute
The national census for England and Wales has come out, and, as usual, this once-a-decade event has had all of its most significant points overlooked.
By any measure, what it reveals is a country undergoing seismic change. Over the course of a decade up to four million more people have entered the country to live. In the capital, London, people identifying themselves as "white British" have for the first time become a minority. Perhaps most strikingly, the national Muslim population has doubled.
This last fact is perhaps one of the least considered of the census so far. Doubled? Surely not. This has to be the claim of Mark Steyn or some other demographics-obsessed nut. Well no, it isn't, and it is now official: between 2001 and 2011 the Muslim population of the UK rose from 1.5 million to 2.7 million. Otherwise put, that is an increase from 3 percent to 4.8 percent of the overall population.
It's Official: Muslim Population of Britain Doubles :: Gatestone Institute
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Alabama Protects Citizens From Agenda 21 Implementation
Lisa Jackson, enviro-governor? AP View Enlarged Image
After Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's stunning triumph over the excesses and abuses of public-sector unions, the London Telegraph's James Delingpole, an indefatigable opponent of global warming fraud, opined in a piece titled, "How Wisconsin And Alabama Helped Save The World," that we should take note of "an equally important but perhaps less well-publicized victory won in the Alabama House and Senate over the U.N.'s malign and insidious Agenda 21."
Read More At IBD:
Alabama Protects Citizens From Agenda 21 Implementation -
Friday, December 21, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Texas curriculum: "Allah is the Almighty God" - Atlas Shrugs
Texas curriculum: "Allah is the Almighty God" Jihadwatch
Arabic-speaking Christians generally use the word "Allah" for the God of the Bible, but this curriculum doesn't seem to be talking about Arabic-speaking Christians: it seems fairly clear that it is trying to portray Islam in a benign and positive light, without any reference to the violent texts and teachings that jihadis and Islamic supremacists point to in order to justify their actions. What a coincidence that this curriculum would be in use in Texas, where Governor Rick Perry partnered with the Aga Khan Foundation to develop a severely whitewashed, Islam-friendly curriculum. When Pamela Geller and I broke the story of that curriculum in 2011, the reaction was furious: one blogger demanded I stop linking him; another claimed that the curriculum material we had uncovered was not really the curriculum at all, and tried to pass off one teacher's private notes as the real curriculum; and former friends and associates denounced us with a cult-like fervor that I still find hard to believe that a compromised nonentity like Rick Perry could have inspired.
Now, lo and behold, we find that Texas has a severely whitewashed Islam curriculum, just as we said. Today one of the bloggers who was most furiously and frenziedly denouncing us last year for daring to suggest that Perry was opening Texas schools to a biased and whitewashed presentation of Islam posted this WND story without the slightest reference to the Perry controversy, about which he was so spectacularly wrong. That's chutzpah.
Texas curriculum: "Allah is the Almighty God" - Atlas Shrugs
Arabic-speaking Christians generally use the word "Allah" for the God of the Bible, but this curriculum doesn't seem to be talking about Arabic-speaking Christians: it seems fairly clear that it is trying to portray Islam in a benign and positive light, without any reference to the violent texts and teachings that jihadis and Islamic supremacists point to in order to justify their actions. What a coincidence that this curriculum would be in use in Texas, where Governor Rick Perry partnered with the Aga Khan Foundation to develop a severely whitewashed, Islam-friendly curriculum. When Pamela Geller and I broke the story of that curriculum in 2011, the reaction was furious: one blogger demanded I stop linking him; another claimed that the curriculum material we had uncovered was not really the curriculum at all, and tried to pass off one teacher's private notes as the real curriculum; and former friends and associates denounced us with a cult-like fervor that I still find hard to believe that a compromised nonentity like Rick Perry could have inspired.
Now, lo and behold, we find that Texas has a severely whitewashed Islam curriculum, just as we said. Today one of the bloggers who was most furiously and frenziedly denouncing us last year for daring to suggest that Perry was opening Texas schools to a biased and whitewashed presentation of Islam posted this WND story without the slightest reference to the Perry controversy, about which he was so spectacularly wrong. That's chutzpah.
Texas curriculum: "Allah is the Almighty God" - Atlas Shrugs
News | Tennessee's Troubling Islamist Network | FreedomConnector
Governor Haslam’s promotion of the Islamist agenda in his state progressed from having his Commissioner of Safety and Homeland Security work behind the scenes to support and partner with the American Muslim Advisory Council to having the Muslim Council train state law enforcement and Department of Children’s Services staff. Meanwhile, he appointed shariah compliant finance specialist, Samar Ali as International Director for the TN Department of Economic and Community Development.
News | Tennessee's Troubling Islamist Network | FreedomConnector
News | Tennessee's Troubling Islamist Network | FreedomConnector
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
"Christmas according to Marx & Lenin by R. Reagan
The former Soviet Union eventually began banning Christmas
commemorations. St. Nicholas was replaced with “Did Moroz,” or
Grandfather Frost. This Stalinist creation wears a red cap and long white beard of Santa Claus, but he delivers gifts to children on New Year’s Eve. Christmas trees
were also banned, but people continued to trim their New Year’s trees.
Communism folded all Christmas celebrations into a New Year celebration.
Christians in the former Soviet Union exhibited bravery and courage in confronting Communism’s anti-Christmas campaign. One person recalled how the young people would go out in the streets and sing Christmas carols, knowing that if police heard them, they would be arrested. In Communist Romania, Rev. Geza Palffy, a Roman Catholic priest, delivered a sermon in 1983, protesting against the fact that December 25th had been declared a work day instead of a holiday. The next day he was arrested by secret police, beaten, imprisoned and died. Inside and outside the Iron Curtain, Ukrainians never stopped singing: “We beg you our Lord, we pray to you today. Grant us freedom, return glory to our Mother Ukraine.” Mr. Reagan ended his broadcast: “I guess we all hope their prayer is answered.” Indeed it was.
To read entire article:
Christmas according to Marx & Lenin
Christians in the former Soviet Union exhibited bravery and courage in confronting Communism’s anti-Christmas campaign. One person recalled how the young people would go out in the streets and sing Christmas carols, knowing that if police heard them, they would be arrested. In Communist Romania, Rev. Geza Palffy, a Roman Catholic priest, delivered a sermon in 1983, protesting against the fact that December 25th had been declared a work day instead of a holiday. The next day he was arrested by secret police, beaten, imprisoned and died. Inside and outside the Iron Curtain, Ukrainians never stopped singing: “We beg you our Lord, we pray to you today. Grant us freedom, return glory to our Mother Ukraine.” Mr. Reagan ended his broadcast: “I guess we all hope their prayer is answered.” Indeed it was.
To read entire article:
Christmas according to Marx & Lenin
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
For His Glory: Demographic Winter – Review
Demographic Winter – Review

For His Glory: Demographic Winter – Review
Winning the Demographic War and the Culture War
Demographics is a serious issue, but it’s not a done deal either. Countries are not static. America was created because a large number of Europeans moved to a place that had formerly been populated by the descendants of Siberian refugees crossing over the Bering Strait. I have often said that demographics kind is destiny, but it’s a mathematical destiny. Change the numbers and you change the destiny.
Winning the Demographic War and the Culture War
Winning the Demographic War and the Culture War
Sunday, December 9, 2012
The Scot destined to lead Germany - Telegraph
Just who is this sophisticated European statesman? Meet David McAllister. He was last week mooted as Merkel’s heir apparent at Germany’s ruling conservative Christian Democratic Union party conference in Hanover. Bizarrely, however, his supporters at the congress waved banners proclaiming “I’m a Mac!” – for this leader-in-waiting is a not-so-secret Scot. The son of a wartime British Army captain, McAllister is the first dual German-British citizen to hold prominent public office.
Until last week, he stood out in Germany’s political scene mainly for his strange name, which the Germans struggle to pronounce. Last week, his reputation vaulted far beyond his unusual heritage. With the nation watching, McAllister, 41, played host to Merkel and the Christian Democratic Union as the party gathered at his northern Germany power base in Lower Saxony. It was a triumph for both politicians. Mrs Merkel was re-elected party leader, while McAllister was effectively anointed as her political son and likely successor.
The Scot destined to lead Germany - Telegraph
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Muslim Brotherhood Puts Jordan in the Crosshairs
In March, the Dubai police chief warned that the Muslim Brotherhood had a plan for the Gulf monarchies. Instead of regime change, it would make them “figurehead bodies without actual ruling.” That’s exactly what the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to make happen in Jordan by demanding “democratic” reforms. And King Abdullah II appears to be wobbling under the stress.
King Abdullah II, the second most influential non-Islamist in the Muslim world, is hinting that he may bow to the Muslim Brotherhood’s demand that he delay the parliamentary elections scheduled for January 23. He is even considering appointing Brotherhood members to the upper house of parliament and amending the electoral law to their liking.
The Muslim Brotherhood says it will boycott the elections because the parliament doesn’t have enough power and the contests are unfair. They are biased towards tribes and against the majority Palestinian population. King Abdullah II appoints the entire upper house and has the power to hire and fire prime ministers at will. The new electoral law also permits the security services to vote, bumping him up about 10% in any contest.
Muslim Brotherhood Puts Jordan in the Crosshairs
Atheists Trying to Shut Down Congressional Prayer Caucus | CNS News
In what one Republican calls an "unprecedented" move, an atheist group is advising all newcomers to the U.S. House of Representatives to stay away from the Congressional Prayer Caucus.
Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.), who founded the caucus in 2005, said the American Humanist Association is among the "extremist groups" that "want to make sure they've censored and shut down anything related to faith."
Forbes, speaking Tuesday on "Fox and Friends," said the prayer caucus's 105 members "stand up and fight for religious freedom and religious liberty."
Atheists Trying to Shut Down Congressional Prayer Caucus | CNS News
Michael Coffman -- Goodbye Property Rights
Since the early 1970s there has been a systematic and deliberate effort to destroy private property rights in America through the warm and fuzzy goal of sustainable development.
Michael Coffman -- Goodbye Property Rights
Michael Coffman -- Goodbye Property Rights
Church Cancels ‘Charlie Brown’ Over Atheist Outrage | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
Agape Church, Little Rock, AR performs the Charlie Brown Christmas play each year. The local elementary school was going to take children on a field trip to see it, parents had been notified of the plan. One parent complained to the Freethinkers (atheists, agnostics) and the church cancelled the play for the children to protects teachers and all concerned from dealing with a lawsuit.
Church Cancels ‘Charlie Brown’ Over Atheist Outrage | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
Church Cancels ‘Charlie Brown’ Over Atheist Outrage | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower — RT
Here is a question & response from the interview in the link below, I have put it in particularly because he is stating that YOU do not define 'wrong', the government does, such as: "I am not doing anything wrong, why should I care if the government tracks all my online activities". Well, this will tell you.
RT: It seems that the public is divided between those, who think that the government surveillance program violates their civil liberties, and those who say, 'I’ve nothing to hide. So, why should I care?' What do you say to those who think that it shouldnt concern them.
WB: The problem is if they think they are not doing anything that’s wrong, they don’t get to define that. The central government does, the central government defines what is right and wrong and whether or not they target you. So, it’s not up to the individuals. Even if they think they aren't doing something wrong, if their position on something is against what the administration has, then they could easily become a target.
RT: You have received the Callaway award for civic courage. Congratulations! On the website and in the press release it says: “It is awarded to those, who stand out for constitutional rights and American values at great risk to their personal or professional lives.” Under the code of spy ethics – I don’t know if there is such a thing – your former colleagues, they probably look upon you as a traitor. How do you look back at them?
WB: That’s pretty easy. They are violating the foundation of this entire country. Why this entire government was formed? It’s founded with the Constitution and the rights were given to the people in the country under that Constitution. They are in violation of that. And under executive order 13526, section 1.7 – you can not classify information to just cover up a crime, which this is, and that was signed by President Obama. Also President Bush signed it earlier as an executive order, a very similar one. If any of this comes into Supreme Court and they rule it unconstitutional, then the entire house of cards of the government falls.
RT: What are the chances of that? What are the odds?
WB: The government is doing the best they can to try to keep it out of court. And, of course, we are trying to do the best we can to get into court. So, we decided it deserves a ruling from the Supreme Court. Ultimately the court is supposed to protect the Constitution. All these people in the government take an oath to defend the Constitution. And they are not living up to the oath of office.
'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower — RT
RT: It seems that the public is divided between those, who think that the government surveillance program violates their civil liberties, and those who say, 'I’ve nothing to hide. So, why should I care?' What do you say to those who think that it shouldnt concern them.
WB: The problem is if they think they are not doing anything that’s wrong, they don’t get to define that. The central government does, the central government defines what is right and wrong and whether or not they target you. So, it’s not up to the individuals. Even if they think they aren't doing something wrong, if their position on something is against what the administration has, then they could easily become a target.
RT: You have received the Callaway award for civic courage. Congratulations! On the website and in the press release it says: “It is awarded to those, who stand out for constitutional rights and American values at great risk to their personal or professional lives.” Under the code of spy ethics – I don’t know if there is such a thing – your former colleagues, they probably look upon you as a traitor. How do you look back at them?
WB: That’s pretty easy. They are violating the foundation of this entire country. Why this entire government was formed? It’s founded with the Constitution and the rights were given to the people in the country under that Constitution. They are in violation of that. And under executive order 13526, section 1.7 – you can not classify information to just cover up a crime, which this is, and that was signed by President Obama. Also President Bush signed it earlier as an executive order, a very similar one. If any of this comes into Supreme Court and they rule it unconstitutional, then the entire house of cards of the government falls.
RT: What are the chances of that? What are the odds?
WB: The government is doing the best they can to try to keep it out of court. And, of course, we are trying to do the best we can to get into court. So, we decided it deserves a ruling from the Supreme Court. Ultimately the court is supposed to protect the Constitution. All these people in the government take an oath to defend the Constitution. And they are not living up to the oath of office.
'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower — RT
'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower — RT
The FBI records the emails of nearly all US citizens, including members of congress, according to NSA whistleblower William Binney. In an interview with RT, he warned that the government can use this information against anyone.
Binney, one of the best mathematicians and code breakers in the history of the National Security Agency, resigned in 2001. He claimed he no longer wanted to be associated with alleged violations of the Constitution, such as how the FBI engages in widespread and pervasive surveillance through powerful devices called 'Naris.'
Click to see article and watch embedded video:
'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower — RT
Binney, one of the best mathematicians and code breakers in the history of the National Security Agency, resigned in 2001. He claimed he no longer wanted to be associated with alleged violations of the Constitution, such as how the FBI engages in widespread and pervasive surveillance through powerful devices called 'Naris.'
Click to see article and watch embedded video:
'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower — RT
Chicago Teachers Union VP Busted Participating in Midwest Marxism Conference
While a guest on a local Chicago radio show, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) VP Jesse Sharkey was questioned over his recent participation in the Midwest Marxism Conference and refused to answer why he was there and what relationship the Chicago Teachers Union has with the conference and sponsoring organization, the International Socialists Organization. Sharkey, who was documented by Breitbart News attending the Marxist conference at Northwestern University last month, appeared caught off-guard and struggled to respond to the question.
WLS radio’s Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft had Sharkey on their show to discuss the ongoing school closing battle between the CTU and the Chicago Public Schools. Sharkey had been discussing the Chicago Teachers Union’s network of coalitions that supported the recent teachers strike, when Proft asked him to address the union’s relationship with “revolutionary movements.”Chicago Teachers Union VP Busted Participating in Midwest Marxism Conference
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
GOP Steering Committee Shuffles Conservatives : Roll Call News
Speaker John A. Boehner initiated today a small purge of rebellious Republicans — mostly conservatives — from prominent committees; it’s the latest instance of the Ohio Republican’s clamping down on his fractious conference.
The decisions were made by the GOP Steering Committee at a Monday meeting, which reviewed a spreadsheet listing each GOP lawmaker and how often he or she had voted with leadership, three sources said.
Reps. David Schweikert of Arizona and Walter Jones of North Carolina were booted from the Financial Services Committee. Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan and Tim Huelskamp of Kansas were removed from the Budget Committee.
According to a source, Schweikert was told that he was ousted in part because his “votes were not in lockstep with leadership.”
Michael Steel, a spokesman for Boehner, said, “The Steering Committee makes decisions based on a range of factors.”
GOP Steering Committee Shuffles Conservatives : Roll Call News
The Cashless Society is Almost Here – And With Some Very Sinister Implications | Global Research
In this sterile and controlled Orwellian hi-tech society, the idea of cash being passed from hand to hand would be as archaic as the thought of carrying around a rucksack of tally sticks today.
Still, despite the incredible penetration of credit and debit card transactions into economic aggregate, and the boom in internet shopping, few will comfortably admit that a cashless society is nearly upon us. In part, it’s a natural denial by many fueled by the idea of our society is indeed on a collision course with the sort of dystopic impersonal future like that depicted in the 1970′s sci-fi film classic, ‘Logan’s Run’.
The Cashless Society is Almost Here – And With Some Very Sinister Implications | Global Research
Monday, December 3, 2012
Attorney Jonathan Emord -- Mediocre Medicine
Beginning January 1, 2014, the currently beleaguered system for the provision of medical care in America will become much worse. Within a decade we will witness the destruction of quality in every area of medical practice. Obamacare will kill medical innovation and exceptionalism, providing everyone with a one-size-fits-all set of options and leaving many to wait long periods or be denied access to needed care.
Medical practice depends on innovation, at the physician level and above. Disease has a peculiar way of morphing and new diseases have a peculiar way of cropping up year after year. To perform well in this changing landscape requires instantaneous adaptation and the tailoring of care. To the extent that care becomes more routine, void of exceptionalism and innovation by physicians, disease prevails and the quality of care diminishes.
Attorney Jonathan Emord -- Mediocre Medicine
MasterCard seeks new ways to trump cash - The Globe and Mail
Ajay Banga has a cash problem.
At a recent dinner, the chief executive officer of MasterCard Inc. found he had no change to tip the coat check person. His wife was eventually able to produce some money from her purse, but he called the episode “very embarrassing.”
As head of the world’s second-largest payment processor, Mr. Banga can be excused for having an affinity for plastic over cash. But for his company, it’s not a lack of cash that’s the problem – the challenge is that there’s still a huge amount of it being used.
MasterCard seeks new ways to trump cash - The Globe and Mail
Former spy chief says U.S. has had its cyber '9/11 warning' | Security & Privacy - CNET News
The United States faces "the cyber equivalent of the World Trade Center attack" unless urgent action is taken, a former U.S. intelligence chief warns.
John "Mike" McConnell, who served as director of the National Security Agency under President Clinton and then as director of national intelligence under George W. Bush and President Obama, told the Financial Times (subscription required) that such an attack would cripple the nation's banking system, power grid, and other essential infrastructure.
Former spy chief says U.S. has had its cyber '9/11 warning' | Security & Privacy - CNET News
Storm over German plan to supply Saudi Arabia with armoured vehicles
Chancellor Angela Merkel's government is reported to be considering a request from Saudi Arabia for the supply of several hundred German-made "Boxer" armoured patrol vehicles which are purpose built to help the military combat rebel forces and could be used to crush popular dissent.
Storm over German plan to supply Saudi Arabia with armoured vehicles - Europe - World - The Independent
Storm over German plan to supply Saudi Arabia with armoured vehicles - Europe - World - The Independent
Palm Scanners Get Thumbs Up in Schools, Hospitals
With applications that range from school cafeteria payments to secure identifiers for cloud computing, palm-scanning technology uses unique vein patterns as a handy ID system. The device takes a super high-resolution infrared photograph of the vein pattern just below a person's skin. That image, between 1.5 and 2.5 inches, is recorded and digitized.
Palm Scanners Get Thumbs Up in Schools, Hospitals | Sci-Tech Today
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The Obama's: Never let a "Fiscal Cliff" get in the way of your Hawaii vacation (cost included)! | FreedomConnector
The First Family will be heading off to Hawaii for their annual vacation, the people's business be damned!
With the "Fiscal Cliff" looming on the horizon, President Obama and the rest of the First Family will be jetting off to Hawaii to inconvenience an island and at the same time waste more than $4 million of American's hard-earned tax dollars he claims to be so interested in protecting!
From the Washington Times comes this accounting of the trips cost:
The biggest expense is Mr. Obama's roundtrip flight to Hawaii on Air Force One, which costs taxpayers $3,271,622.
The cost of flying the U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo plane that carries the presidential limos, helicopters and other support equipment to Hawaii and back is $258,000.
The houses the Obamas rent are fronted by the ocean and backed by a canal so taxpayers have to cover the costs of housing the Secret Service, Coast Guard and Navy Seals in beachfront and canal homes for an estimated total cost of $176,400.
Local taxpayers pick up the tab for local police overtime and the use of the city ambulance that accompanies the president 24 hours a day, for a total of $250,000.
The Political Commentator (
With the "Fiscal Cliff" looming on the horizon, President Obama and the rest of the First Family will be jetting off to Hawaii to inconvenience an island and at the same time waste more than $4 million of American's hard-earned tax dollars he claims to be so interested in protecting!
![]() |
Replica White House gate flown to Hawii for the First Family vacation |
The biggest expense is Mr. Obama's roundtrip flight to Hawaii on Air Force One, which costs taxpayers $3,271,622.
The cost of flying the U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo plane that carries the presidential limos, helicopters and other support equipment to Hawaii and back is $258,000.
The houses the Obamas rent are fronted by the ocean and backed by a canal so taxpayers have to cover the costs of housing the Secret Service, Coast Guard and Navy Seals in beachfront and canal homes for an estimated total cost of $176,400.
Local taxpayers pick up the tab for local police overtime and the use of the city ambulance that accompanies the president 24 hours a day, for a total of $250,000.
News | The Obama's: Never let a "Fiscal Cliff" get in the way of your Hawaii vacation (cost included)! | FreedomConnector
MARYLAND Catholic School to be replaced with the largest Islamofascist Indoctrination Center in America
With Allah’s permission, the Dar-us-Salaam community is embarking on a new, bold and exciting phase of its development — to acquire a 66-acre property in Howard County, Maryland which would serve as its new Islamic education and community campus. The campus will serve in shaa Allah as a hub for education, community service, and da’wa for Muslims in the region as well as Muslims across the nation. Join us as we build for the future, trusting in Allah and seeking acceptance from Him alone.
The 66-acre former home of the Woodmont Academy, a Catholic school in Cooksville, looks just right to the Muslim community leadership, with buildings already in place and plenty of undeveloped land for parking and a new mosque to accommodate thousands of worshippers in the decades to come. To many of the people who live nearby, however, it seems all wrong, a poor fit for a rural community weary of battling what they consider encroachments on the quiet way of life they’ve chosen.
MARYLAND Catholic School to be replaced with the largest Islamofascist Indoctrination Center in AmericaBRUSSELS: That was then (Christmas tree), this is now (Politically Correct avant garde tree)
“A tree is for Christmas and Christians but now there are a lot of Muslims here in Brussels. So to avoid discussions they have just replaced a tree with a couple of cubes! I am more traditional, I prefer the usual tree. That’s better for the Belgian people.” A recent estimate in the Belgian newspaper Le Soir suggested Muslims made up 22% of the population of Brussels and its region as of 2010.
Parts of the Belgian press have been keen to suggest that the tree is an example of “political correctness”, designed to be more appealing to non-Christian religious groups than a traditional fir tree, our correspondent says. However it seems likely that the media storm is influencing public opinion rather than reflecting it.
BRUSSELS: That was then (Christmas tree), this is now (Politically Correct avant garde tree)
Islamist Group Founded By Muslim Brotherhood Followers To Host Convention At California Church « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
“The Muslim Public Affairs Council’s choice of location for its 12th Annual Convention on December 15 is telling: The All Saints Episcopal Church of Pasadena, California. The group, founded by Muslim Brotherhood followers, says this is the ‘next step in its mission by crossing the interfaith line.’ Yet again, the Islamists are taking advantage of naïve Christians with a desire to show off their tolerance.
Islamist Group Founded By Muslim Brotherhood Followers To Host Convention At California Church « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
Islamist Group Founded By Muslim Brotherhood Followers To Host Convention At California Church « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
GOP Rep. Gohmert: Obama Admin Has 'A Bunch of Muslim Brotherhood Members Giving Them Advice' | Mediaite | FreedomConnector
Speaking with Secure Freedom Radio host Frank Gaffney this week, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) alleged that the Obama administration has actively aided al Qaeda and follows the advice of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Gohmert told Gaffney that anti-Muslim investigations are necessary because President Barack Obama made “horrendous decisions” in backing the “revolutions in Northern Africa and across the Middle East and to the Far East.” He chalked such decisions up to the administration listening closely to the advice of Muslim Brotherhood members. Transcript below (emphasis added in bold):
GAFFNEY: Congressman Gohmert, let me just ask you quickly because you were one of five members of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich called you all the National Security Five, who back in June of this year wrote letters to Inspectors General of five different departments raising the question that some of these dismal policies that have resulted in the Obama administration embracing Islamists at home as well as abroad and finding itself I would argue squarely on the wrong side of history as far as freedom is concerned, may be a function of these Muslim Brotherhood associated individuals who are serving in or advising the Obama administration. Looking at what’s happening now, looking at what has developed since you wrote those letters, do you feel that that issue should be raised anew and much more aggressively as Congress looks into the fiasco in Benghazi and now more recently in Egypt?
GOHMERT: Absolutely. I think it almost makes a prima facie case when you look at the decisions made by this administration over the last couple of years, or actually all four years. You look at the decisions it made especially in the last two years in going through the revolutions in Northern Africa and across the Middle East and to the Far East, and the only way you can explain the horrendous decisions that were so completely wrongheaded would be if this administration had a bunch of Muslim Brotherhood members giving them advice.
News | GOP Rep. Gohmert: Obama Admin Has 'A Bunch of Muslim Brotherhood Members Giving Them Advice' | Mediaite | FreedomConnector
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
| What's Next for the Grassroots? | FreedomConnector
Since 2009, America’s grassroots activists dedicated millions of hours to taking the country back from a central government leading us down the debt-laden path to European-style socialism.
In the months and years leading up to November’s elections, engaged conservative activists warned that President Obama’s reelection and continued Senate control by the left would signal the end of our Constitutional Republic and confirm establishment of a permanent winning Democrat electorate. 127,683,108 voters decided the outcome on November 6, but apathy may be the big winner in 2012 with 2.76% fewer voters making the effort when compared to 2012 – disheartening to activists who put aside family and friends to knock doors, place signs and make calls. Anecdotal evidence suggests a cowardly Congress and pandering President have played the key role in driving citizens away from the polls. Efforts by grassroots activists, endless candidate appearances by both political parties, supplemented by hundreds of millions in PAC ads only increased turnout by a meager .08% in those hotly contested swing states this year. A sad commentary. The time and money spent only shifted voter choices, but didn’t spur more people to shoulder their civic duty.
So the question must be addressed - If conservative success is judged by Election Day 2012, has the message of fiscal responsibility, limited government and expanding freedom been rejected by Americans? The answer to that question will either lead to our demise or point the way to our restoration as a free people. Those activists who did the heavy lifting may not grab the reins for future campaigns unless they believe the country may still reject the soft tyranny of the current majority.
News | What's Next for the Grassroots? | FreedomConnector
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Anger as Hungary far-right leader demands lists of Jews | Reuters
(Reuters) - A Hungarian far-right politician urged the government to draw up lists of Jews who pose a "national security risk", stirring outrage among Jewish leaders who saw echoes of fascist policies that led to the Holocaust.
Marton Gyongyosi, a leader of Hungary's third-strongest political party Jobbik, said the list was necessary because of heightened tensions following the brief conflict in Gaza and should include members of parliament.
Opponents have condemned frequent anti-Semitic slurs and tough rhetoric against the Roma minority by Gyongyosi's party as populist point scoring ahead of elections in 2014.
Jobbik has never called publicly for lists of Jews.
"I am a Holocaust survivor," said Gusztav Zoltai, executive director of the Hungarian Jewish Congregations' Association. "For people like me this generates raw fear, even though it is clear that this only serves political ends. This is the shame of Europe, the shame of the world."
Anger as Hungary far-right leader demands lists of Jews | Reuters
Monday, November 26, 2012
AOC: Saudi- NGO experts train charity staff in human development - MENAFN
The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations was created in 2005 following a proposal from the government of Spain and Turkey and with the support of the UN. This initiative seeks to create an alliance between Western and Arab Muslim World to improve the understanding and cooperation among nations and people from different cultures and civilizations.
In this framework of alliance and dialogue, the EAF for higher studies is considered one of the main development instruments within the national plan for the alliance of civilization.
Saudi- NGO experts train charity staff in human development - MENAFN
In this framework of alliance and dialogue, the EAF for higher studies is considered one of the main development instruments within the national plan for the alliance of civilization.
Saudi- NGO experts train charity staff in human development - MENAFN
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report » BREAKING NEWS: “The Truth About Mohammed Morsi”
An organization known as Secure America Now has released an information packet titled “The truth about Mohammed Morsi” which presents a fully sourced compendium of statements as well as other information about the Egyptian president. The report begins with an introduction characterizing Dr. Morsi’s statements and other facts covered in further detail later on in the publication:
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report » BREAKING NEWS: “The Truth About Mohammed Morsi”
- “Resistance is the correct and only way to free the land from the filth of the Jews”
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report » BREAKING NEWS: “The Truth About Mohammed Morsi”
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report » Egypt President Appoints Mostly Islamists To Adviser Team; Breaks Campaign Promise On Women And Christians
U.S. media is reporting that Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has named a team of advisers that includes a large number of Islamists and breaks his campaign promise to appoint a Christian and a woman as vice presidents. According to an AP report:
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The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report » Egypt President Appoints Mostly Islamists To Adviser Team; Breaks Campaign Promise On Women And Christians
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The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report » Egypt President Appoints Mostly Islamists To Adviser Team; Breaks Campaign Promise On Women And Christians
Friday, November 23, 2012
EU calls on Egypt to respect democratic process | Reuters
It is of utmost importance that (the) democratic process be completed in accordance with the commitments undertaken by the Egyptian leadership," a spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton said in a statement.
These commitments included "the separation of powers, the independence of justice, the protection of fundamental freedoms and the holding of democratic parliamentary elections as soon as possible", he said.
Mursi's decree on Thursday also shielded from legal challenge an Islamist-dominated assembly writing Egypt's new constitution, as well as the upper house of parliament, which is dominated by Islamists allied to Mursi.
Mursi's aides said the move, which also gave the president new powers that allowed him to sack the Mubarak-era prosecutor general and appoint a new one, was to speed up the country's protracted transition that has been hindered by legal obstacles.
But the declaration raised fears among secular-minded Egyptians that the Muslim Brotherhood, where Mursi has his roots, and the group's allies aim to dominate the new Egypt.
EU calls on Egypt to respect democratic process | Reuters
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Is Obama Selling Out the King of Jordan to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Jordan is one of the remaining “moderate” states in the region, not because it’s an especially wonderful place, but because after the Arab Spring, much of the region has gone Islamist. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is reasonably moderate and friendly to America mainly because it has no other options, with no oil and surrounded by larger countries that would love to gobble it up, it had no choice but to swap out its dependency on the UK for a dependency on the US.
The Muslim Brotherhood would love to take over Jordan, as they have taken over Egypt, with Obama’s assistance, and as they are trying to take over Syria. But the United States appeared to have exempted Jordan from the Jihad of the Arab Spring. Until now...
Is Obama Selling Out the King of Jordan to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Revolution Brings Hard Times for Egypt's Treasures -
Zahi Hawass, who was promoted to become minister of antiquities in a cabinet shake-up as the revolution got underway, was among the first people to make his way to the Egyptian museum as protests broke out in Tahrir Square.
But fast forward almost two years, and Mr. Hawass, who has been replaced as minister, has spent months as the target of an investigation into corruption allegations that he has denied.
“The most important thing Egypt doesn’t have is a strategy,” Mr. Hawass said in an interview in his Cairo office, lined with glossy Egyptology books, several of which he has written himself.
Mr. Hawass, whose normally bright white hair was dyed with a purple tinge, appeared emotional at times, with his voice breaking and eyes tearing up.
“I’m not a politician, I’m an archaeologist for everyone. What is more important, above anything else, is not me or the people, it’s the monuments,” he said.
Mr. Hawass, who often likens himself to Indiana Jones, was one of Egypt’s top archaeologists while also earning himself a celebrity reputation through his often flamboyant behavior. Since the revolution, he has come under attack because of his closeness to the former regime and allegations that he profited from deals relating to his archaeological work.
Dismissing those attacks, he said Egypt’s heritage was better protected under his watch than now.
“I had the passion and the determination,” he said. “ I’m not sure the people who are doing the job now have it.”
Revolution Brings Hard Times for Egypt's Treasures -
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Netanyahu: Our Hand Grasps the Sword of David - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu invoked King David in a statement Tuesday evening – signaling that he is serious about ordering an intensification of the attack on the terrorists of Gaza.
"Our hand is outstretched in peace to those of our neighbors who want to make peace with us," Netanyahu said in a statement issued by his office, "and the other hand is firmly grasping the sword of David against those who wish to uproot us from this country."
Netanyahu: Our Hand Grasps the Sword of David - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
Religious Liberty Dies at Hobby Lobby | Denny Burk
When the controversy over the abortion mandate erupted earlier this year, the American public by and large got the impression that this was about conservatives who wanted to ban contraception. Nothing could be further from the truth. No one wants to outlaw contraception. This controversy is about the fact that the government is forcing pro-life business owners to pay for chemical abortions.
Religious Liberty Dies at Hobby Lobby | Denny Burk
Bionic Mannequins Spy on Shoppers to Boost Luxury Sales - Bloomberg
Store mannequins are meant to catch your eye. Soon you may catch theirs.
Benetton Group SpA is among fashion brands deploying mannequins equipped with technology used to identify criminals at airports to watch over shoppers in their stores.
Retailers are introducing the EyeSee, sold by Italian mannequin maker Almax SpA, to glean data on customers much as online merchants are able to do. The 4,000-euro ($5,072) device has spurred shops to adjust window displays, store layouts and promotions to keep consumers walking in the door and spending.
“It’s spooky,” said Luca Solca, head of luxury goods research at Exane BNP Paribas in London. “You wouldn’t expect a mannequin to be observing you.”
Bionic Mannequins Spy on Shoppers to Boost Luxury Sales - Bloomberg
Benetton Group SpA is among fashion brands deploying mannequins equipped with technology used to identify criminals at airports to watch over shoppers in their stores.
Retailers are introducing the EyeSee, sold by Italian mannequin maker Almax SpA, to glean data on customers much as online merchants are able to do. The 4,000-euro ($5,072) device has spurred shops to adjust window displays, store layouts and promotions to keep consumers walking in the door and spending.
“It’s spooky,” said Luca Solca, head of luxury goods research at Exane BNP Paribas in London. “You wouldn’t expect a mannequin to be observing you.”
Bionic Mannequins Spy on Shoppers to Boost Luxury Sales - Bloomberg
Monday, November 19, 2012
Maintaining Clarity Over Gaza Tactics | Israel, A Crosspost from National Review Online
If the past is any guide, increased conflict in Gaza will be accompanied by international demands for Israeli restraint, frivolous accusations of Israeli war crimes, and perhaps even complaints to the International Criminal Court. Before the outcry even has a chance to build, it’s important to remember how the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) actually applies to Gaza.
Maintaining Clarity Over Gaza Tactics | Israel, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ
Sunday, November 18, 2012
12th-century rabbi predicted Israel’s future
- The Two WitnessesWho Are They? Where Will They Come From? Watch this Eye-Opening Video!
Judah Ben Samuel, also known as Judah he-Hasid (Judah the Pious), lived and worked from the end of the 12th century until the beginning of the 13th century in Regensburg, authoring a number of books in the German language.
12th-century rabbi predicted Israel’s future
Alliance of Civilizations: VIVENDI : and UNAOC strenghten the intercultural dialogue
On November 19, Vivendi will for the third time receive the youth from the MENA Fellowship Program of the United Nations' Alliance of civilizations. The Fellowship Program aims to enable young leaders of the Arab world and the Muslim world to know and understand better the reality of Europe and the United States, and vice versa for young European and American leaders in the Arab and Muslim world.
Vivendi who shares with the UN's Alliance of civilizations the ambition to include the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in the global agenda for sustainable development, has already hosted the delegation of young leaders from the Middle East and Maghreb in September 2011 and May 2012. These meetings are an opportunity to present Vivendi's strategic orientations in terms of sustainable development and share with these young leaders the key role played by the media in building bridges between cultures while respecting human rights.
Vivendi who shares with the UN's Alliance of civilizations the ambition to include the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in the global agenda for sustainable development, has already hosted the delegation of young leaders from the Middle East and Maghreb in September 2011 and May 2012. These meetings are an opportunity to present Vivendi's strategic orientations in terms of sustainable development and share with these young leaders the key role played by the media in building bridges between cultures while respecting human rights.
VIVENDI : and UNAOC strenghten the intercultural dialogue | 4-Traders
Alliance of Civilizations: HE Nasser bin Abdulaziz Al-Nasser receives UPF leadership and Good Governance Award
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U.K. Guardian Reports: Obama has spoken to Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, it emerged on Saturday, along with Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. Both men have the “ability to play a constructive role in engaging Hamas and encouraging a process of de-escalation”, Rhodes said.
HE Nasser bin Abdulaziz Al-Nasser receives UPF leadership and Good Governance Award
However, on Saturday, Erdogan appeared to take a different side in the conflict, despite the call from Obama. The Turkish leader on Saturday vowed support for Gaza’s Palestinians in a speech at Cairo University in Egypt. He also met Morsi for the first time since the Egyptian Islamist leader was elected in late June, with Erdogan saying that that win at the polls offered hope to Palestinians.
HE Nasser bin Abdulaziz Al-Nasser receives UPF leadership and Good Governance Award
Turkish, Egyptian Leaders Publicly Rebuff Obama Over Gaza Issue | Gestetner Updates
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U.K. Guardian Reports: Obama has spoken to Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, it emerged on Saturday, along with Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. Both men have the “ability to play a constructive role in engaging Hamas and encouraging a process of de-escalation”, Rhodes said.
Turkish, Egyptian Leaders Publicly Rebuff Obama Over Gaza Issue | Gestetner Updates
However, on Saturday, Erdogan appeared to take a different side in the conflict, despite the call from Obama. The Turkish leader on Saturday vowed support for Gaza’s Palestinians in a speech at Cairo University in Egypt. He also met Morsi for the first time since the Egyptian Islamist leader was elected in late June, with Erdogan saying that that win at the polls offered hope to Palestinians.
Turkish, Egyptian Leaders Publicly Rebuff Obama Over Gaza Issue | Gestetner Updates
Muslim Brotherhood now targeting Jordan
“The king has given police uniforms to 10,000 soldiers to try to maintain order,” he said.
Those soldiers-turned-police are not the only ones guarding the king. Terrorism analyst and Act for America President Brigitte Gabriel said there are U.S. troops on the ground in Jordan.
“We have actually positioned troops in Jordan to protect King Abdullah,” she said. “We’ve said that the Americans in Jordan are just there in case something happens in Syria so we can be close.”
Gabriel also said the situation has grown more intense: “The reality is, we have placed troops in Jordan so we can protect the royal family in case of an uprising which we are now witnessing before our own eyes.”
Muslim Brotherhood now targeting Jordan
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Cap-and-Trade implemented in California: another step toward endtimes socialism
Beginning Wednesday, the state of California will implement a “cap and trade” system
What is Cap and trade?
The government sets a cap on pollution, limiting the amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful output that companies, or other groups, are allowed to release. The government then issues credits which allow companies to pollute a certain amount, as long as the aggregate pollution equals less than the set cap.
Link to video explanation: 5 min. in length
Cap-and-Trade | Prophecy in the News
Russian dissident on Obama 'flexibility' remark [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
In a recent interview, he also gave his interpretation of Obama’s remark to then-President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia that he would have more “flexibility” after the election to negotiate a new missile defense treaty.
“This means, ‘I can’t do it now, because American voters do not want it. But I don’t care what American voters want, I care what my friend Vladimir wants. I will do it. Just give me some time to fool the American voters, to pretend I am tougher than I really am, and then we will fix it, don’t worry,’” Stroilov said.
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“This means, ‘I can’t do it now, because American voters do not want it. But I don’t care what American voters want, I care what my friend Vladimir wants. I will do it. Just give me some time to fool the American voters, to pretend I am tougher than I really am, and then we will fix it, don’t worry,’” Stroilov said.
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In a recent interview, he also gave his interpretation of Obama’s remark to then-President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia that he would have more “flexibility” after the election to negotiate a new missile defense treaty.
“This means, ‘I can’t do it now, because American voters do not want it. But I don’t care what American voters want, I care what my friend Vladimir wants. I will do it. Just give me some time to fool the American voters, to pretend I am tougher than I really am, and then we will fix it, don’t worry,’” Stroilov said.
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“This means, ‘I can’t do it now, because American voters do not want it. But I don’t care what American voters want, I care what my friend Vladimir wants. I will do it. Just give me some time to fool the American voters, to pretend I am tougher than I really am, and then we will fix it, don’t worry,’” Stroilov said.
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In a recent interview, he also gave his interpretation of Obama’s remark to then-President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia that he would have more “flexibility” after the election to negotiate a new missile defense treaty.
“This means, ‘I can’t do it now, because American voters do not want it. But I don’t care what American voters want, I care what my friend Vladimir wants. I will do it. Just give me some time to fool the American voters, to pretend I am tougher than I really am, and then we will fix it, don’t worry,’” Stroilov said.
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“This means, ‘I can’t do it now, because American voters do not want it. But I don’t care what American voters want, I care what my friend Vladimir wants. I will do it. Just give me some time to fool the American voters, to pretend I am tougher than I really am, and then we will fix it, don’t worry,’” Stroilov said.
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Russian dissident on Obama 'flexibility' remark [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
‘No meteoritic or alien connection with Red rain’ falling in Sri Lanka | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond
November 17, 2012 – SRI LANKA – Rare showers of red rain fell for over 15 minutes in Sewanagala, Monaragala and Manampitiya, Polonnaruwa yesterday morning hours of yesterday and day before yesterday. According to Meteorology Department sources red rain fell heavily in these areas and the reason has not been found yet. Red rain in Sewanagala and Manampitiya left red frost on the ground. This is the first time red rain was witnessed in Sri Lanka. The Health Ministry Secretary informed Medical Research Institute (MRI) Director Dr Anil Samaranayake to conduct a study to ascertain the reasons for red rain by taking water samples from Monaragala and Polonnaruwa. Increase in the acidity of the air and sand storms are the usual reasons for red rain. However, there are no sand storms in Sri Lanka. India had red rain last year and Indian scientists discovered a variety of micro organisms as a reason for the rains. Since the micro organisms had no DNA, they guessed it had to be a strange phenomenon. The MRI is carrying out research to find the exact reason for red rain in Sri Lanka. –Daily News
‘No meteoritic or alien connection with Red rain’ falling in Sri Lanka | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond
Friday, November 16, 2012
Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement System
A recent hearing sponsored by the Treasury and Labor Departments marked the beginning of the Obama Administration’s effort to nationalize the nation’s pension system and to eliminate private retirement accounts including IRA’s and 401k plans, NSC is warning.
The hearing, held in the Labor Department’s main auditorium, was monitored by NSC staff and featured a line up of left-wing activists including one representative of the AFL-CIO who advocated for more government regulation over private retirement accounts and even the establishment of government-sponsored annuities that would take the place of 401k plans.
"This hearing was set up to explore why Americans are not saving as much for their retirement as they could," explains National Seniors Council National Director Robert Crone, "However, it is clear that this is the first step towards a government takeover. It feels just like the beginning of the debate over health care and we all know how that ended up."
Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement System
Silent Night: Christmas Lights Go Out In Europe, ‘If It Doesn’t Stop, It’s Clear As Day Where It Will All End’ « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

“The lights are going out all over Europe. The Christmas tree lights, that is. Not all of them all at once, mind you, but one at a time – one here, one there, one Christmas season after another.
Just the other day, for example, came the news about a co-op apartment building in Kokkedal, Denmark.
Not long ago, the co-op, which has a considerable number of Muslim residents, spent 60,000 kroner (about $10,000) to celebrate the holiday of Eid. Three days afterwards, however, when the co-op board, consisting of five Muslims and four unbelievers, got together to decide whether to spend approximately 5000 kroner on a Christmas tree – a tradition in the building – they voted the proposition down. Although a ‘private donor’ later stepped in to pay for a tree, the news of the co-op board’s decision had meantime made the national news, drawing two journalists from Denmark’s TV2 who, after making their way to Kokkedal last weekend to investigate the story, found themselves under attack by a couple of dozen masked individuals who threw bricks and cobblestones at their van and called them ‘neo-Nazis.’
The tidings from Kokkedal were unpleasant enough. But then came the news that the traditional Christmas tree in the Grote Markt (Market Square) in Brussels has now also become a thing of the past. In interviews with the media, Brussels councilwoman Bianca Debaets expressed her suspicions that municipal authorities had put the kibosh on the tree for religious reasons. (Brussels, it should be noted, is at present 25% Muslim. And climbing.)
Silent Night: Christmas Lights Go Out In Europe, ‘If It Doesn’t Stop, It’s Clear As Day Where It Will All End’ « MidnightWatcher's Blogspot
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Teachers Flock to Northwestern University for 'Marxist Conference'
This Saturday, the Midwest Marxist Conference was held at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. The event was teeming with teachers who spoke about the new found bond between the radical socialists and their Teachers Union. The all-day event, which collected money to support Chicago Socialists and featured a communist bookstore, provided students on-campus along with the radical left community to plan the next phase in their activism.
Becca Barnes, a Chicago Teachers Union teacher and organizer with Chicago Socialists, proclaimed at the beginning of the conference that “the struggle here in the United States has entered a new phase. Nowhere have we pointed the way forward more clearly than here in Chicago with the teachers union strike.”
After the opening plenary, breakout sessions addressed more specific topics like the history of the Democratic party, education, and case studies in Russia. In these sessions, speakers continued to celebrate the use of education as a mechanism to insert Marxism into public institutions. In one session, the idea of targeting their message to students, even over “the working class,” was debated.
Teachers Flock to Northwestern University for 'Marxist Conference'
Morning Bell: Do You Trust the Government with Your Computer?
Do you trust the federal government to keep your personal data safe? What about your business’s records and trade secrets?
If you answered “no,” you have good reason—the federal government has had 13 breaches and failures of its own cybersecurity just in the last six months.
Yet the President and his allies in the Senate are pushing forward to regulate America’s cyber-doings, without any clues about how much this will cost us or how it will work.
It’s become the norm with this President—if Congress fails to accomplish his objectives, he goes around it with executive orders and federal regulations. He’s doing it again. Congress did not pass the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 before the election, so the President has issued a draft of an executive order to put much of that legislation in place without lawmakers voting.
Morning Bell: Do You Trust the Government with Your Computer?
If you answered “no,” you have good reason—the federal government has had 13 breaches and failures of its own cybersecurity just in the last six months.
Yet the President and his allies in the Senate are pushing forward to regulate America’s cyber-doings, without any clues about how much this will cost us or how it will work.
It’s become the norm with this President—if Congress fails to accomplish his objectives, he goes around it with executive orders and federal regulations. He’s doing it again. Congress did not pass the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 before the election, so the President has issued a draft of an executive order to put much of that legislation in place without lawmakers voting.
Morning Bell: Do You Trust the Government with Your Computer?
Rush: What to expect from Obamacare - YouTube
RUSH LIMBAUGH: The Obamacare Nightmare Comes True -We're not talking about the abstract any longer. It's the law of the land.
November 13, 2012 "Even if you have a private plan from Cigna or Aetna and you paid for it yourself, the federal government will have some say over your doctors’ decisions, with an eye toward reducing health-care consumption."Rush: What to expect from Obamacare - YouTube
A lot of energy' in Obama's meeting at White House with liberal groups -
President Obama and the heads of several labor unions and prominent liberal groups met at the White House on Tuesday at an event that was more pep rally than negotiating session.
Obama and the participants largely focused on areas on which they agree: in particular, the need to extend low tax rates for the middle class while letting them expire for wealthier households, according to people who attended the 45-minute meeting.
There was much less talk about possible areas of disagreement between Obama and his progressive partners, such as on cuts to entitlement spending.
“The president has been very clear for quite a while now on the tax cuts on the wealthiest 2 percent — that they need to be eliminated,” said Dennis Van Roekel, the head of the National Education Association (NEA). “Of course, there was no disagreement in that room.”
The meeting was billed as a chance to discuss the best ways to move the economy forward while finding a balanced approach to reduce the deficit, and it took place as lawmakers and the White House wrangle over how to handle tax hikes and spending cuts that take effect in January.
The heads of four of the nation’s largest unions —the Service Employees International Union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the NEA and the AFL-CIO — were all in attendance. So were representatives from prominent progressive groups, including the Center for American Progress and MoveOn.
Obama will host a second White House meeting on Wednesday with business leaders including the CEOs of Ford, General Electric and Wal-Mart.
News | 'A lot of energy' in Obama's meeting at White House with liberal groups - The Hill | FreedomConnector
Obama and the participants largely focused on areas on which they agree: in particular, the need to extend low tax rates for the middle class while letting them expire for wealthier households, according to people who attended the 45-minute meeting.
“The president has been very clear for quite a while now on the tax cuts on the wealthiest 2 percent — that they need to be eliminated,” said Dennis Van Roekel, the head of the National Education Association (NEA). “Of course, there was no disagreement in that room.”
The meeting was billed as a chance to discuss the best ways to move the economy forward while finding a balanced approach to reduce the deficit, and it took place as lawmakers and the White House wrangle over how to handle tax hikes and spending cuts that take effect in January.
The heads of four of the nation’s largest unions —the Service Employees International Union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the NEA and the AFL-CIO — were all in attendance. So were representatives from prominent progressive groups, including the Center for American Progress and MoveOn.
Obama will host a second White House meeting on Wednesday with business leaders including the CEOs of Ford, General Electric and Wal-Mart.
News | 'A lot of energy' in Obama's meeting at White House with liberal groups - The Hill | FreedomConnector
US military looks to social nets for intelligence strategy | TechHive
Students at a U.S. military graduate school in California are mining social media with new methods that may change the way the armed forces collect intelligence overseas.
Students and researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School have tackled two projects that could begin the shift in the way intelligence is gathered. The first is a piece of software they wrote that harnesses the Twitter API (application programming interface) and the second is a project focusing on Syria that uses many social networks to look at U.S. policy options there, though civil liberties experts say the technology concerns them.
The software pulls in data from the public Twitter feed, then sorts it, live, by phrases, keywords or hashtags. The program is continuously updated, integrating a mapping feature and geo-tagged information. Intelligence officers could use DTNA to understand people's moods about a topic, or hopefully prevent or simply respond faster in any future U.S. embassy attacks.
The group's second project incorporates the DTNA software but also pulls in public information from Facebook, YouTube, Google and other sources to protect potential weapon-of-mass-destruction sites in Syria while the conflict there continues.
US military looks to social nets for intelligence strategy | TechHive
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Syrian JIhadists seize land in Golan Heights - Atlas Shrugs
At least two hundred rebel soldiers had taken over Beerajam and Bariqa, two isolated villages nestled in the buffer zone established between the two countries following the Yom Kippur war in 1973.
"The rebels are employing a clear tactic of drawing the regime forces to fight in these demilitarised areas because of the limitations on the Syrian armed forces," a military intelligence source from Israel's northern command said yesterday. "Rebels have seized control of the area north of Quneitra and the area to its south. If they are brave they will try to make a swift move to cut off Quenetra city and cut off the road to Damascus. We cannot rule that out as a next step."
The armistice agreed in 1974 prohibits the Syrian government from engaging in military activity within a buffer zone that runs along the length of the Israeli border, with a width just under six miles.
Israel has not formally taken sides in the Syrian conflict and in some quarters there are fears that a more hostile Islamist government may succeed the Assad regime.
The military officials said the rebels in control of Quneitra are members of a radical Salafist faction calling itself "Eagles of the Golan".
Syrian JIhadists seize land in Golan Heights - Atlas Shrugs
British MP Kris Hopkins ignites furor in the Commons by finally addressing the gangs of Muslim men are raping non-Muslim kids
Once again the BBC and UK politicians refer to Muslims in racial terms which is just plain wrong. Islam is not a race. As for a politician finally bringing this up, it is long overdue. Scores and scores of Muslim men have been indicted and convicted of child rape and trafficking on non-Muslim girls in the UK. And these convcitions are just the tip of the iceberg. And those convictions were also long overdue. The victims had been ignored by law enforcement for years despite repeated calls for help. Law enforcement was more concerned with not appearing "racist."
British MP Kris Hopkins ignites furor in the Commons by finally addressing the gangs of Muslim men are raping non-Muslim kids - Atlas Shrugs
After Election, Church Has Work To Do
There is so much more that needs to be said about this election. Where is God in all this? Did God not hear our prayers or realize that tens of thousands fasted and prayed over the last 40 days? Or is this somehow God’s judgment against America?
As Christians we have our work cut out for us. The demographics are shifting. Those who believe biblical principles are becoming the minority. We are in a democracy where the majority rules. Those who favor gambling, abortion, any sort of sexual practice, debauchery of every type actually see us as extremists to be feared are gaining every day.
Meanwhile, there is a remnant in America who love Jesus. But they seem more interested in jumping and shouting and “having church” than being salt and light.
But it isn’t just the charismatics who are complacent. I attended a “God and country” rally last Sunday at a large Baptist church. A lot of money was spent to put on the rally and others like it around Florida. It was supposedly an area-wide rally, but there were just a couple of hundred people.
That Baptist church could have filled the building just with its own congregation. And it was just preaching to those already committed to the conservative cause. I doubt any votes were changed by the rally. Not many in Orlando even knew the rally happened.
Maybe things will get so bad in America that the body of Christ will finally wake up. But will it be too late by then? Is it too late now? I feel as if we’re at a point it will take a miracle of God to turn things around.
Meanwhile, we must still be salt and light. God’s Word is still true no matter who is in the White House or who has control of Congress. People still need the Savior. We need a radical revival in this nation.
And it’s not just so one political party can be in power. It is so hearts will be changed; lives changed and a majority of our fellow countryman are energized to get this country back on the right track.
After Election, Church Has Work To Do
Texas Petition to Secede Reaches Threshold for Obama Comment - ABC News
A petition for Texas to secede from the union, submitted to the White House, reached the number of signatures needed to draw comment from the Obama administration today.
The petition appeared on a section of the White House website called "We the People" that invites users with a U.S. zip code to submit or sign petitions about policy changes they would like to see. A petition must reach 25,000 signatures within 30 days for the administration to comment on it.
The petition to "Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government," was submitted on Friday of last week. Just three days later, it zoomed past the 25,000 mark at 3:22 p.m. today and kept going.
In order to sign a petition, users must register with the site using a valid email address and entering their zip code. The site's terms of participation indicates it has mechanisms in place to block spam, but it does not say anything about verifying zip codes or state residency.
Texas Petition to Secede Reaches Threshold for Obama Comment - ABC News
The petition appeared on a section of the White House website called "We the People" that invites users with a U.S. zip code to submit or sign petitions about policy changes they would like to see. A petition must reach 25,000 signatures within 30 days for the administration to comment on it.
The petition to "Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government," was submitted on Friday of last week. Just three days later, it zoomed past the 25,000 mark at 3:22 p.m. today and kept going.
In order to sign a petition, users must register with the site using a valid email address and entering their zip code. The site's terms of participation indicates it has mechanisms in place to block spam, but it does not say anything about verifying zip codes or state residency.
Texas Petition to Secede Reaches Threshold for Obama Comment - ABC News
Biometric Data-Gathering Sets Off a Privacy Debate
“PLEASE put your hand on the scanner,” a receptionist at a doctor’s office at New York University Langone Medical Center said to me recently, pointing to a small plastic device on the counter between us. “I need to take a palm scan for your file.”
Biometric Data-Gathering Sets Off a Privacy Debate -
Helena hospital installing hand scanner ID device
HELENA - Patients at St. Peter's Hospital and clinics will soon have the option of enrolling in a new identification system which eliminates the need to provide photo ID at each appointment or hospital visit.
Patient Secure is currently used by 200 hospitals across the nation. The system scans the patient's vein pattern of their right hand which is then fed into a computer.
St. Peter's Hospital is hoping to secure the identity of its patients by implementing a new hand-scanning system.
Patient Access director Kolene Gardner explained, "What this is, it's a biometric scan of your palm. Your palm is the same from the time you are born until you pass."
Helena hospital installing hand scanner ID device | | Missoula, Montana
Patient Secure is currently used by 200 hospitals across the nation. The system scans the patient's vein pattern of their right hand which is then fed into a computer.
St. Peter's Hospital is hoping to secure the identity of its patients by implementing a new hand-scanning system.
Patient Access director Kolene Gardner explained, "What this is, it's a biometric scan of your palm. Your palm is the same from the time you are born until you pass."
Helena hospital installing hand scanner ID device | | Missoula, Montana
Here come the humanoids. There go U.S. jobs
TUCSON, Ariz.--Rethink Robotics founder Rodney Brooks took to the stage at the Techonomy conference here to talk about the wonders of his new robot, Baxter, which is designed to work on factory floors doing dull and necessary tasks. He costs just $25,000 and works for what amounts to $4 an hour.
Baxter is a step forward in robotics with mass potential. It has a face and sensors to tell it when people are near. It's about as close to a humanoid robot as we can get, and Brooks said it's just the beginning.
"Within 10 years, we're going to see humanoid robots," said Brooks, who was a co-founder of iRobot, maker of iRoomba, the vacuum cleaner robot.
Here come the humanoids. There go U.S. jobs | Internet & Media - CNET News
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